Former spokesperson for Hakeem Jeffries says Chuck Schumer "has to show that, notwithstanding being in his mid 70s, he can lead the party in the Senate. What he's done this week has not shown that. In fact, he's done the opposite."
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Can we start calling this what it is for a change? The only strategy for Schumer here is that a deal was made, and Schumer is now fulfilling his role for the President.
NO ONE is giving Schumer a congrats for voting yes on this. Except Trump.
We gave the Democrats almost $1 billion in grass roots donations between July and Nov. 2024 for the express purpose of having them fight to save us from Project 2025.
They’re voting YES on Project 2025? And actually still asking us for money??
Schumer needs to go! Let him sell books on his own time
Yup. You don’t hand over your lunch money to a bully. You STAND UP AND PUNCH HIM IN THE NOSE.🤬 Schumer and his 9 complicit losers literally just gave away our lunch money. The time for new Democratic leadership in the Senate is right now.
Maybe trump’s praise of Schumer is a way to rile up Democrats into voting for a shutdown. Then trump gets what he wants- a shutdown so he can really axe the federal govt.
Heres the text for the last chapter of Schumer’s book:
He will be forever remembered as the coward that ignited the US civil war and dragged a once thriving nation into 3rd world status led by endless dictators wielding murderous power. No nation ever fell so far, so fast as the one he betrayed.
Okay... So... How exactly did Schumer come up with this strategy? Totally fair if he's just listening to lobbyists or whatever but it's hard to believe he went rogue to such a degree that Pelosi and this guy are hanging him out to dry.
He didn’t want to disappoint his Republican friends. They worked together for so long. This isn’t about us, to him. He’s just playing games with his buds.
IMO that man makes a VERY comfortable living, as most politicians do. Any of this tearing down of democracy doesn't do much to him personally and he could retire at any time at this point. He is disconnected and rather be comfortable in rolling over than stand up and fight.
I honestly think he didn't start giving it much thought until last weekend and was overtaken by both events and the handicap of being a member of the New York Democratic Party.
Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
The battle outside ragin'
Will soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'
I can't even fathom the fascism that trump/GOP will insert in the debt ceiling Bill down the road after this Dem Senate cave. Maybe trump will demand an amendment demanding Democratic leadership dissolve itself ? I would actually support that part of the Bill.
Speaking a post WW2 American I can say he no longer speaks articulately and seems to have had a stroke or has been threatened with some kind of blackmail.
WTF Chuck do not help the mAgA GOP. This is not normal. The Dems have helped them out so many times in both tRump administrations. Let the fail and shut it down! They are destroying America and now you are going to help by looking at this like it s a fair fight. DO NOT HELP mAgA GOP!
So glad that I cut the cord and no longer have to watch this sort of tepid tv opinion crap. This is not fighting back, this is cashing in on the death of democracy. FUCK MSNBC
Focus group: Trump swing voters in Michigan have buyers' remorse.
✅ 10 of 13: isn't what they thought they were voting for.
✅ Words used to describe their concerns: "Erratic," "frightening," "disruptive" & "dictator"
Between Newsom's podcast bombing and Schumer drooling his way into making AOC the de facto voice of the party, today has not been a great day for the quisling neoliberals.
Amazing how many lies you can fit in a short Chyron. This is not a vote to "avert a government shutdown" (which is already happening on a daily basis BTW). It's a vote to halt a hostile authoritarian takeover.
Yes. His current turn is not unprecedented given instances in the past wherein he also undertook dubious actions that seemed inconsistent with the desires of his party and the well-being of the country.
I'm not saying Schumer's for sure senile but we need to stop extending the benefit of the doubt to all these 70- and 80-something leaders when they start messing up
They should never have been allowed to assume their positions at that age. Congress and the White House need age caps set at 60. If they turn 60 during their term they may complete it but that’s it, no more leadership positions for them. Advisory positions only.
NO ONE is giving Schumer a congrats for voting yes on this. Except Trump.
Prove me wrong.
They’re voting YES on Project 2025? And actually still asking us for money??
Schumer needs to go! Let him sell books on his own time
He will be forever remembered as the coward that ignited the US civil war and dragged a once thriving nation into 3rd world status led by endless dictators wielding murderous power. No nation ever fell so far, so fast as the one he betrayed.
This was the argument a few weeks ago when AOC was passed over for a leadership position and Democrats had a different take.
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
The battle outside ragin'
Will soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'
Schumer: Hold my beer. you made the right call this time, but you need to listen to your constituents & DO MORE TO FIGHT BACK please work with senate to primary
Says a lot.
Focus group: Trump swing voters in Michigan have buyers' remorse.
✅ 10 of 13: isn't what they thought they were voting for.
✅ Words used to describe their concerns: "Erratic," "frightening," "disruptive" & "dictator"
Right now, today, he is the wrong leader, with the wrong message.
We don't want slow decay or fast decay, we want the Shut them Down message delivered.
We already had enough of the circus thank you
people are getting disappeared now
Schumer has always been this worthless and shitty, Liberals are just now waking up to it.