Tariff Canada: Smart!
Tariff Mexico: Super smart!
Smaller tariffs on China: Super-duper smart!
Pause Canadian & Mexican tariffs: Smarter!
Tariffs back on Canada: Smartest!
Tariffs back on Mexico: Smartester!
Pause Mexican but not Canadian tariffs: Smartest-er-est!
Pause Canadian tariffs: F**g smart!
Tariff Mexico: Super smart!
Smaller tariffs on China: Super-duper smart!
Pause Canadian & Mexican tariffs: Smarter!
Tariffs back on Canada: Smartest!
Tariffs back on Mexico: Smartester!
Pause Mexican but not Canadian tariffs: Smartest-er-est!
Pause Canadian tariffs: F**g smart!
Canada and Mexico should just carry on, advise the US they will not negotiate unless there is a leadership change in the US.
As with most things, America First is turning out to be America Last or America Left Behind.
Ohmyguacamole I'm crying, that was so funny because it's true.
Certainty can promote economic stability and growth by reducing uncertainty and encouraging investment
Pretty sure I learned this in a freshmen economics class
Wish President Trump took the same class
MAGA TV - lie, deny, and blame someone else. Rinse and repeat. It is going to go on and on.
Typical trump chaos to distract the masses. What is he doing behind the scenes?
The difference in today's reality, U.S. trading partners are growing weary of Trump's blather. They will find new sources.
Trump will break the U.S. & will have no way to fix things.
The biggest mistake I ever made in my life was ever thinking the liberals are good people working in good faith. Dem decent with the republican party or trump should be treated as performance&fake and part of the efforts to invent reality. By manufacturing concent
It would be like Ford putting a tariff on car parts … not going to happen because it would affect his main industry
Canada is Strong
He can’t help but use the presidency to line his own pockets.
Elon, eloff
Elon, eloff
Elon, eloff
The items with tariffs have nonUS options for Canadians to choose
Most made in US products remain on shelves with deep discounts
Trump tried to reassure the markets around 2:40, a dead kitten bounced, then more losing.
Because he's fired anybody smarter than he is.
It's not over yet. He's has to fire another hundred thousand to get there.
#trump #tariffs
Chek list
1. Anounce tariffs
2. Buy cheap stock
3. Cancel annoucement
4. Sell stock
5. Repeat
But to be honest , I don't understand trump could do the same if he does things good and stock market rises and he buys it on leverage.
Is he just stupid?
Tesla lost a lot of its value (30%) , which was the bread and butter of elon musk.
Its not that the guy would want his own networth to go down.
He just had to sit and not pull in the doge shenanigan.
Just like amazon , meta etc.
Seriously Elon musk is a baffoon , there is no smart strategy here.
His mind is like a CATHEDRAL, incomprahensible to lib's, Canadian's and other ppl who hate America and our FREEDOM.
MALIGNANT NARCISSISTS try to make people think they're "THE SMARTEST".
It's all smoke-and-mirrors-baffle-and-bullshit.
Trump is just an ordinary creep.
Republicans wouldn't have stood for .01% of this from Biden. I'm a little concerned. Have they ALL died? Did Musk implant brain control devices in them? And THEN they died, and now they're replaced with animatronics?
This is nothing like 4-dimensional chess.
This is not a well thought out plan. Moment by moment is what’s happening. How does Trump feel today? Good or bad?
He'll do it again next month...
We’re granny guerrilla/ With a lot of ‘tude! Granny guerrillas/ And we’re in the mood/ So we’ve taken our stand/ At the head of the line/ Doing it for our grandkids/ Yours and mine/ You’re gonna mess with our kids/ You’re gonna mess with us…”
Have a nice day!
Last time we removed Erica alcohols from shelves and put them back, I don't think we're doing this for this time.
two smart fellows and the both felt smart
three fart smellows and the all smelt farts.
The article, along with extra links, is in this Bluesky thread. Tap above the 'article pic' and scroll ⏬
He’s following the robber baron playbook
Art of the deal baby.
The Tariffs Edition.
Zero understanding of what he is doing and has no guardrails in his second term.
Our tariffs are still on - He just hasn’t figured that out yet.
Hey wait. I am trapped on that island with a mini-trump as governor. LET ME OFF FIRST 🙏🙏🙏
Bing Bing bong