Rick Scott: "Why do we have the Department of Education? Why? Our states should be doing that. Our federal government should not be involved in the education system."
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They want Ryan Walters. The 50th in education Superintendent from OK. I've been trying to tell ya why and who and how in my post. Welcome to Oklahoma, America. Yall voted to be us.
The FAFO part: States neglecting their educational systems will lose factories and other economic opportunities to the states that have robust STEM and other educational foundations.
Says the guy apart of a news network who's apart of a party that's more concerned with trying to rule everything with a iron fist and only obey their word/give them all cash to them than actually doing anything positive cause that means *GASP* NOT LOOKING/ACTING POWERFUL AND HAVING TO SPEND MONEY!!
Clearly he’s against a shared reality and shared set of facts. The poorer states would just fail at educating their children setting them up for systemic poverty.
What's fascinating to me is that sure, they can run amok in red states by doing this - but then they lose the ability to interfere in what the largest population centers are doing as far as education goes. Bless their kids when it comes time to apply to colleges from red states.
The Department of Education was started because we had a country of morons. They couldn't read, write or do math. There is no way a country can build a military without those basic skills. Turned out, private companies liked people who could read, write and do math.
Rick Scott should know this.
Heaven forbid that we have a uniform level of education across the US. I mean, talk about making it hard to compete. We already have a hard time competing against other industrialized nations, and now we're going to do it with our states. 🤦🏻♀️
Because States can't fund all of these things alone. He's putting everything to the states.
They're cutting funding for all social funding as well.
Yes, housing, ssi, snap, etc.
Because the states cut corners where special needs children are concerned, for one. Guess we could also mention the states that insisted on segregation of white & black students. Knowledge is power.
And here we go, speaking as a resident in a blood-red state. Education will be decimated, religion injected, and programs for special education will be chopped. Private and charter schools take over.
And this how the red states continue to downplay the Civil War, Slavery, Jim Crow, the Southern Strategy, etc.
I didn't even realize until I was an adult that slavery was a huge component of the Texas Revoltion. Stephen F Austin wasn't imprisoned over "taxes" it was because he advocated for slaves.
"The government shouldn't tell us how to teach our kids! A slightly smaller government should!" Stupid af. This is how you get places like OK spreading PragerU propaganda and FL banning every book under the sun, a sickness that is spreading to other states with districts too spineless to stop it.
I would like to know if this plan means states will keep that tax money & invest in their own schools. Red states will fall further behind, businesses won’t move/expand there & that will impact healthcare, infrastructure, real estate, etc and to barely fund education will require higher state taxes
Let them shut it down, trying to figure out how to fix the resulting mess and dealing with the political fallout from enraged MAGA parents will suck up a lot of their time.
States have state's boards already. Our education system is in dire need of comprehensive reform and leaving it just up to states is a mistake. Just look at Florida.
Um, perhaps because that's the only way special needs students get the same quality education across the country?? Something, something, equality, something?🙄
Yep. This seems completely straight forward & won’t lead to the nightmare scenario of certain state schools not be recognized by other state schools & children having to retake classes & falling behind all b/c their parents got a job in a new state
We have federal educational oversight because we have supreme court rulings about who and how education is provided to protected groups, like special education, GT, bilingual and ell, Title 9 and originally, Brown vs Board. Some states can't be trusted to deliver and manage Ed. funds. #vouchers
I agree! I'm thankful that at least I can turn off the auto-movement, so I'm only looking at the pic. But maybe an add'l option to only show a block box unless I click on it for further details.
This walking-talking night of the living dead zombie needs to STHU! He stole $1.7 billion from Medicare! But hey, the Maga Republicans want to take everyone’s benefits away?!
Imagine thinking states alone can manage and fund the entirety of their public school system. State budgets will explode, property taxes will go through the roof and we will have education deserts in the most likely spots(red states). Which is the point.
I live in a country without comprehensive special/exceptional education and https://let.me.tell.you. The federal government should ABSOLUTELY be involved in the education system
Under this plan, does this mean that blue state tax dollars will no longer go to red states through the DoE? As a teacher in SC I imagine this will be bad for public schools. But SC did this to themselves FAFO🤷🏻♂️
Yeah. Great idea. Make sure that the kids are all learning something different. That should really propel 'Murican advances, particularly in medicine and science. These greedy people are just trying to privatize everything.
Because some states won’t/can’t do an adequate job, if they aren’t managed. Then the rest of us have to deal with the eventual product- uneducated people who can’t do anything.
Oh joy I think @gavinnewsom.bsky.social should take all our federal taxes and keep them for our state and should definitely not be funding those socialist states like Kentucky etc Please make this happen
It seems odd a sitting US senator doesn’t know what the Dept of Education does to support the states. Rick Scott should do his due diligence to learn about the functions and responsibilities for special education, Pell grants, etc. Geez.
You know those taxes everyone complains about? The feds won’t reduce any & states will increase them with this model.
No doubt some states will be much better prepared which will make for an unbalanced education for all. I’m guessing some southern states may do away with separation of church/state
Future workforce will be comprised of low wage uneducated workers, entitled mediocre white men in positions of authority and immigrants brought in with work visas.
Because if the Trump administration genuinely cared about the working class, they would know that to have an operational and competitive working class at the federal level, you'd have federal teaching standards and educational frameworks for *everyone*. Take all of that away, and...
An education is not an inalienable right like life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, and healthcare? And like Reagan was once told: an educated proletariat is dangerous, shut down free public college in CA.
Welcome to The Idiocracy.
They want a more illiterate, ignorant electorate.
They believe everything they are told. They are more pliable. Well, dumbass, here is why we need a DOE.
It ensures equal access to education, sets standards and accountability, supports special education and vulnerable students, encourages educational Innovation and Improvement, provides data and research, and it strengthens national competitiveness.
Overall, the DOE is vital in creating an equitable, effective, and forward-thinking education system, helping to ensure that all Americans have the opportunity to succeed through learning. Of course the key word is "equitable" - a bad word in the GOP vocabulary.
Off topic. I love The Dreameaters.
Also basic k-12 should be provided no matter what. Having nothing but 100% unskilled labor is not what we need happening.
Unless you want to replicate a lords vs serfs society, which I think is part of their agenda. The rich can’t stay rich unless the poor stay poor. Slave owners didn’t want their slaves knowing how to read bc knowledge is power. We have 13yr olds working in meat processing plants in Arkansas.
The services were a program in HHS (then HEW). With the passing of 94-142 (now IDEA, the SpEd law) in 1975, it was just too much to be handled within HEW, & education needed its own department.
Haha honestly I’d love for my state of Massachusetts to just run our education system. The blue states should form alliances on these issues that are important to us but apparently not to the red states
We need the DOE. In fact9, it should be strenghtened and expanded. Having a fully educated population is vital to the health of our country. Its ridiculous that thete are different edu outcomes by state. Kids going to any pub school should meet the same standards as every other school.
All he wants to do is override the States Rights to use the 1700s timeline as a proper restoral of our country, this is how Trump gets his way and to supposedly cut costs.
That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
The same party that’s been whining since Reagan about how we’ve fallen behind China in STEM now saying it’s cool that there are no standards unless some local board of education lunatics create their own curriculums.
Just priming the dumb pump for takeover.
Here’s why… On average, 79% of U.S. adults nationwide are literate in 2024. 21% of adults in the US are illiterate in 2024. 54% of adults have a literacy below a 6th-grade level (20% are below 5th-grade level). Low levels of literacy costs the US up to 2.2 trillion per year.
When I was a writer, I had to use software that kept me writing at a 6th or 7th grade reading level. That way, I wasn't writing over the heads of the average reader. It's sickening.
Nope. That number is from a specific study with this constraint: "have English literacy skills sufficient to complete tasks that require comparing and contrasting information, paraphrasing, or making low-level inferences—literacy skills at level 2 or above in PIAAC (OECD 2013)."
Except you left out: Four in five U.S. adults (79 percent) ... In contrast, one in five U.S. adults (21 percent) has difficulty completing these tasks (figure 1).
That does NOT mean that the 21% cannot read. They can, they do, and they get along in the world. The standard they used is a higher bar than just basic literacy.
People actually reading and enjoying books is not the reason why we have low literacy levels. Young adult fiction is still fiction and requires reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.
Idk what you got from my comment but I'm saying had people been reading more that general literacy would've jumped up to the adult fiction status quo instead of going backwards in comprehension requirements.
There was a regression, and I saw it happen. We all did.
I think your comment is unfairly dismissive of YA books. They can be thoughtful and challenging, even for adults. And the topics can be clever and diverse, it’s not all Twilight. Technically, To Kill a Mockingbird is a YA book lol. I just think people reading books they enjoy is not a bad thing.
One of my favorite series is the His Dark Materials series. It's considered young adult. I have reread it multiple times as an adult. I'm literate. I have no idea what point you're trying to make.
Or, y'know, maybe it's because young adult fiction has themes which are underrepresented in adult fiction, which has increasingly turned to ever grimmer and darker genres - dystopian science fiction, gritty "realism," bleak horror, etc.
Maybe I just want a spot of optimism in my shitty life.
Not every adult who reads YA literature has reading comprehension issues, but every adult who has reading comprehension issues will probably be reading YA fiction.
Not saying ppl shouldn't read, be ashamed of what they read, or that the lit is bad.
I'm saying it's a barometer of general reading comprehension among adults. You can not like it all you want to, but nothing else explains YA tier fiction ending up in ADULT novels.
So the blue states will continue educating and feeding our kids and the red states are just going to watch their children struggle and suffer?? There will no longer be money from the blue states to red states because we will not have the surplus money to share.
The Department of Education also funds special education through the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). OSEP helps implement Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) which provides services for children with disabilities.
They also provide the federal law that compels states to provide a free and appropriate public education to special needs children in the least restrictive setting. This will be horrific for them! No IDEA funding will mean no special education programs. God help parents.
Follow the $$$ - who gets DOE's funding (currently $238.04 billion)? You know all these greedy bastards are foaming at the mouth to get their hands on that pile.
We also get 13% of funds from the federal government. That's what head count is for in the fall. People w/students in Republican states have an eye opening coming.
Most don't. I tried over & over to explain this fact. Even told some MAGA to Google what happened to Kalkaska schools in '93. They closed in March, out of funds. When they opened the next year, no bussing. Taxes there continue to go up & still no bussing, all these decades later. 🤦♀️✌️
Sure-so graduates in New York will be better equipped to compete for jobs (against international or domestic students) than, say, graduates from Oklahoma?
Not all states are going to have the resources to “do that.” Let alone the funds or desire. The poor will be disproportionately impacted. But, apparently we are going to need an entire generation of complete illiterates to figure out why we made the DOE in the first place. 😑🙄
This shit is infuriating
Rick Scott should know this.
That ignoramus?
Only the ones who immediately miss it will notice and the rest will never know they had it.
They're cutting funding for all social funding as well.
Yes, housing, ssi, snap, etc.
You know, they made it illegal to pay for public transportation in the Alabama constitution? Can’t let there be a new Rosa Parks…
I didn't even realize until I was an adult that slavery was a huge component of the Texas Revoltion. Stephen F Austin wasn't imprisoned over "taxes" it was because he advocated for slaves.
Side note: keep an eye on your local school board meetings, folks. If they’re not there yet, they’re coming.
Well, at least when Medicare and Medicade are gone he won't have anything to loot.
Make Florida Dumber Than Dumb.
Make Florida Dumbest Dumb <- that's the one they'll go with.
Yet here we are. Thanks FL
Weird move
The rest of the quote.
All these goons perfectly understand that states rely on federal dollars
That idiot should be in Federal prison FOREVER for ripping off Medicare as he did.
Ruled by wealthy grifter elites with access to the best education best living in glided capitals of the world .... got it 🙄
Do you get it now? What u just voted for willingly
No doubt some states will be much better prepared which will make for an unbalanced education for all. I’m guessing some southern states may do away with separation of church/state
That’s because an educated electorate is a foundation of citizenship. It’s also a foundation for moving the economy forward.
Welcome to The Idiocracy.
They believe everything they are told. They are more pliable. Well, dumbass, here is why we need a DOE.
Also basic k-12 should be provided no matter what. Having nothing but 100% unskilled labor is not what we need happening.
It looks a lot like cherry-picking to me.
The same party that’s been whining since Reagan about how we’ve fallen behind China in STEM now saying it’s cool that there are no standards unless some local board of education lunatics create their own curriculums.
Just priming the dumb pump for takeover.
Here’s why… On average, 79% of U.S. adults nationwide are literate in 2024. 21% of adults in the US are illiterate in 2024. 54% of adults have a literacy below a 6th-grade level (20% are below 5th-grade level). Low levels of literacy costs the US up to 2.2 trillion per year.
Idk what you got from my comment but I'm saying had people been reading more that general literacy would've jumped up to the adult fiction status quo instead of going backwards in comprehension requirements.
There was a regression, and I saw it happen. We all did.
As a reminder, correlation is not causation.
Didn’t quite extend to Mad Mag though
Most people do not read Pride and Prejudice and Ivanhoe, etc.
Maybe I just want a spot of optimism in my shitty life.
Not every adult who reads YA literature has reading comprehension issues, but every adult who has reading comprehension issues will probably be reading YA fiction.
Not saying ppl shouldn't read, be ashamed of what they read, or that the lit is bad.
Meals for starving kids
Grants for college & job training
Not only do Rick Scott and Trump want to take it all away
They want to shift the burden to the states
Which will have to raise taxes to pay for it
The rest of that P2025 chapter involves ending public education thru the use of universal school vouchers.