The absolute DC chaos we're living through today reminds me of pretty much every day between 2017 and January 6. I thought Americans were ready to move past this circus era of politics but I guess we prefer clowns to competence. It's definitely good for clicks and scoops though!
It's always a good time to read Neil Postman, but especially now
It's so embarrassing 😳
Luckily, I have far less hair to be on fire now.
nothing else. I don't care what fancies and whims and farts emanate from this administration. I won't give the media attention for covering it
Some sucking up to him so they can get in on the action this term
It’s going to be a shit show for the next four years…Trump is so narcissistic, there’s no way he allows Congress to delay his agenda. He’ll bloviate until they submit!
Elect a monster, expect a horror show.
Experts are calling on Harris to ask for recounts in all swing states based on ample evidence:
That was pretty stressful. I expect him to nuke another country or a hurricane or a blue city, this time around.
The Real World: DC Edition
Why today's politics are so addictive.
Why #MAGA is addicted to trump.
real activity by federal agencies, votes in Congress and Senate, executive actions and court reporting are the only shit I care about now.
I wish you guys had put an end to the nonsense on the 5th of this month.
Do we really believe that this guy who’s cheated on everything his entire life - DIDN’T cheat this, the most important day of the rest of his miserable cheating life?
We need confirmation.
Cancel Obamacare but don’t touch the ACA!
(After they voted) “Are tariffs bad?”
Eight years.
Eight years.
For them to learn what we kept trying to tell them.
They never learned.
And because it has been
eight years,
that's proof.
That they never will.
The Gaetz thing is laughable though.