"It is good news" -- now that Trump won, Fox Business is no longer trying to spin the latest good jobs report as bad to hurt Biden. Truly the end of an era.
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“Why do Republicans feel the economy is worse whenever Dems are in charge, even if the data show the economy performs far better under Democratic administrations?”
because they’re scam-bait and blame everyone else for their problems other than themselves and think conservatives will make them rich - like they are.
we have MAGA trolls who think social security and medicare is welfare so they should get rid of the liberal socialist commies hand-outs. 🗑️🔥🎪🤡🙄
Besides, the garbage is your legal framework that allows centralized control over media without any responsibility for fairness or truth and without an effective legal mechanism to regulate it.
From this side of the Atlantic it seems ALL your media let you down. Even the anti-trump wing sometimes normalised his behaviour. CNN, NYT and Washington Post failed totally. MSNBC had a few warriors, but too many who were not.
So many jobs reports have been fudged though haven’t they?
And by the way, how many of those jobs created went to the private sector or full-time high paying and or manufacturing jobs? Or are they government created positions funded by us taxpayers?
These maggots only worry about it if it's not in their interests. Oh by the way, the economy was good all along maggots. You can't have this credit cause, what y'all want to do, is to tank this economy in the poor house
Completely transparent to people in the know, but for MAGAts not so much.
In their eyes Trump is a miracle worker and he's not even President yet.
They are looking forward to greater things to come such as cheaper eggs and gas.
Small things please small minds I suppose.
As predicted, the Biden economy is now being claimed credit by the incoming Trumpers. Typical. Republicans always come in to an economy left in good shape by Democrats … and then they crash it. Prepare yourself for when it crashes. They’ll blame Biden for it.
This is just irritating. I hope somewhere in the hearts of the people at Fox that they hear a small voice that says, “ you are killing your democracy.” And that small whisper wakes them up at night. Lord knows it still wakes me up and it’s been a month since the election.
And it works. That's the lesson of the election. You are watching in real time as the American population gets convinced of the reality that billionaires paint for them.
Once convinced, this *is* reality, and you will not be able to convince them otherwise.
I watch CNBC every morning. The past year any good economic data, especially jobs reports were always downplayed and criticized by Joe Kernan and Santelli (yea party starter). Since the election their stances are optimistic. Weird since the economy has been on a tear the whole Biden administration
Recently I again posted the question: What will it take to shut down The Fox News show? Crowdsourcing a buyout? Tapping some FCC ownership reg they are breaking? I asked for any ideas, any feedback. I got -
So, I guess their lies are here to stay. I won't watch, but really, who cares.
I agree. There has to be a way to remove them from broadcasting. A difference of opinion is one thing, lying and making 💩 up and passing it as truth is another.
Millions who said their personal finances are in bad shape
will say they're in good shape,
and will continue to say that even if new tariffs raise prices a lot.
Political pundits will still say these Americans voted based on the economy.
When the damaging Trump policies enter into play and inflation cascades into our daily lives, Fixed News will once again tell us about the Biden failed economy that drove it. Fox will never be held accountable by its own viewers. The dumbing down of America at it's best
So blatant. Do you suppose once they're off the air they all break into hysterical laughter & calculate the ad $$ profits they just made on serving up garbage?
That's the Trump and Fox aka Republican garbage way to take credit for the work Democratic presidents accomplish. Because Republicanshave no accomplishments to show: just lies , deficits, and taking our freedoms.
25% tariff goes to 35% or 40% to offset the lack of sales! Cars up $25k or more! Layoffs and Economic collapse! 1/20/2025 his Speech will tell us how bad it will be! He wants Revenge! He wants obedience and Constant praise!?
Still Biden’s economy, but he will take credit for it and the cult will follow along like trained seals exactly like he did with the solid Obama economy he inherited (and left in a shambles with fewer Americans employed than when he entered office). And we signed up for round 2, WTAF
I've lost my parents to Fox "news." They were always conservative, but they used to actually have some critical thinking skills before they became brainwashed, cult members.
I sadly realized recently that I'm glad my folks are gone so they can't become part of the MAGA cult. I like the think they were smart enough to know better, but I'm happier not to find out.
The fact they can say these things with a straight face... This economy is the result of strategic moves and well planned compromises by the Biden/Harris admin. Nothing to do with Trump winning as the economy was already booming prior to the election. Just crazy.
Absolutely hilarious they are taking credit for this. And when he tanks the economy it will somehow be Biden and the Democrats fault. These people should not be taken seriously.
“It is good news”—Fox Business finally calls a good jobs report what it is, now that Trump won. Amazing how fast the spin cycle stops when the boss changes. SAD!
Yeah, so good to have a businessman back at the wheel. Without any guardrails this time, it won't be long before he lands us in the ditch or over a cliff.
She's so ridiculous..funny how we have continuely for 3 yrs have had fanastic numbers it's all been doom and gloom out of her mouth, but now that her lord and savior is elected ..it's the best.
I hate that she consistently treats her audience as if they are stupid.
My guess is it'll be "good news because Trump is trimming the fat of government" or "Dems caused it by not fully embracing Trump agenda." Maybe both, actually.
1.When does the BLS stop counting a person as Unemployed-
a. When they get a job.
b. When they give up trying to find a job.
c. When they quit their job to take care of a loved one.
d.When they are forced into early retirement.
e. All of the above.
The thing is, today's jobs report is OK news, but not *great* news. A lot of the gains were just bounceback from the hurricanes last month, and if you dig into the report there are some crosscurrents that suggest a softening of the job market.
I haven’t heard much mention of inflation since the day after the election, either. Or the age issue. And it’s not just Fox, all the national and local media outlets have done a 180. It’s truly disgusting how worthless our media has become.
because that’s what Trump literally told them. he deserves credit for everything that happened starting November 7th unfortunately when shit hits the fan he’ll blame Biden and MAGA followers will blame Biden too (that’s called “thinking for yourself”) - because why would Trump lie. 🙄
And yet they seem to gloss over them the fact that Joe Biden is STILL the president and the economy is performing well. I’m just waiting, literally waiting, for when that fool takes office, he implements his “policies”, and the economy bottoms out. These ignorant people are gonna learn the hard way.
I have no faith in the idiot fringe. Sure, they’ll blame Biden like they’ve been doing for the past four years, but when it’s their guy in office and it bottoms out there’s gonna be nothing but excuses instead of accountability. That’s why I feel the msm has failed America by enabling this mess.
Trump admin and Fox are going to erase all of Biden wins and say it was all trump doing. And the level of stupid people in the country will believe it.
They have to be the most simple minded people ever lived on this planet to think of this as something to do with Trump. I mean, have they ever filled up a cooking pot with water? It takes a few minutes. If you punch a hole on it it also takes to be empty again.
Who doesn't think the U.S. Oily-garchs, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Banks, Corporists, Plutocratic Billionaires, & Republicans colluded to sabotage the United States & the Biden/Harris Administration?
The second Biden & Harris lost, "America Wunderbar"!
It's still Biden's economy until next year's budget gets approved. And approval is actually a hopeful thought given the threats of another shutdown by Republicans...while in power.
They were always so surprised and suspicious about the jobs report under Biden, but now that trump is ABOUT to start, suddenly the jobs report is all because of him. 🙄
I thought Biden and the Dems lied about the jobs reports, right?
But now - biz is hiring bigly with Donny onboard.
The dumb kids from school.
Our MSM is garbage.
after election: "Thanksgiving will be cheaper in years! Americans spending record amounts on Black Friday!"
—asked no MSM reporter ever
we have MAGA trolls who think social security and medicare is welfare so they should get rid of the liberal socialist commies hand-outs. 🗑️🔥🎪🤡🙄
Besides, the garbage is your legal framework that allows centralized control over media without any responsibility for fairness or truth and without an effective legal mechanism to regulate it.
You got what your media allowed to happen.
Same paint for all
And by the way, how many of those jobs created went to the private sector or full-time high paying and or manufacturing jobs? Or are they government created positions funded by us taxpayers?
In their eyes Trump is a miracle worker and he's not even President yet.
They are looking forward to greater things to come such as cheaper eggs and gas.
Small things please small minds I suppose.
Jobs are up.
Inflation is down.
Amazing how things have turned around just weeks after he is elected.
He fixed it all and hasn’t even started yet. Just amazing. A miracle. He really is my savior.
Has anyone seen my KoolAid?
He said that about Trump with a straight face. America already produces the most oil in the world. Oil production is up under Biden.
Trump had nothing to do with the rise of U.S. oil production. Fracking did that starting several years earlier.
Once convinced, this *is* reality, and you will not be able to convince them otherwise.
It wasn't a good jobs report
The continuing jobless claims rose, participation rate fell, average weekly hours were flat and hourly rate went up
That's stagflation
I’m sure he has. But I try to see and hear him as little as humanly possible
So, I guess their lies are here to stay. I won't watch, but really, who cares.
Millions who said their personal finances are in bad shape
will say they're in good shape,
and will continue to say that even if new tariffs raise prices a lot.
Political pundits will still say these Americans voted based on the economy.
Within three months (of the election),
perceptions of the US economy will go from bad to good,
and consumer confidence will soar,
despite no significant changes to the economy. 1/2
"There are some wonderful people over at Fox News."
-Morning Joe
Oh fuck off already....
Trump and his gang are all about downsizing. So sit the fuck down, Fox Biz.
share this new song sensation with your family and friends.
Click below to play #TheSantaClauseRock
In the meantime, some highlights from Nov. 2024 report, with historical context:
11/6/2024: Happy Days are Here Again!
You need to pick on somebody with ongoing Klout. Not say the Klout site.
Someone needs to tell him.
Yet he’ll still make bank selling them Trump Glasses that allow them to see the world thru his prescribed lens.
That may be because they truly are dumber than a sack of rocks.
I hate that she consistently treats her audience as if they are stupid.
1.When does the BLS stop counting a person as Unemployed-
a. When they get a job.
b. When they give up trying to find a job.
c. When they quit their job to take care of a loved one.
d.When they are forced into early retirement.
e. All of the above.
Hint- The answer is e
Imagine if Fox wasn't a shitshow of misinformation and right wing nonsense
President XiBiden of Chinukraine.
That's rich...
Weren't they sued for nearly a billion $ for the fattest lies of all time?
Fox and trump are a diseased couple that aren't taking their meds.
The second Biden & Harris lost, "America Wunderbar"!
But now - biz is hiring bigly with Donny onboard.
The dumb kids from school.