Josh Shapiro: "In America, we do not kill people in cold blood to resolve policy differences or express a viewpoint ... I have no tolerance, nor should anyone, for one man using an illegal ghost gun to murder someone because he thinks his opinion matters most ... he is no hero."
Until we meet again. 🍻
F**k the room.
The wealthy and powerful should be able to wreck the rest of our lives with impunity!
Also, violence is absolutely how we resolve policy disputes and has been the American Way since before its founding.
This was murder. Cough.
Is killing a mass murderer a crime or justice?
Shooting a man in the head for killing thousands is a crime, but killing thousands by denying coverage is POLICY.
Shapiro, you have the moral spine of a jellyfish.
Maybe America should start tossing tea boxes out of ships again instead of being shit on by the ultra rich. Again.
Go to hell.
Especially after the Supreme Court BS regarding immunity.
Violence occurs when policy fails.
Let's be real, Brian Thompson was a mass murderer who wore a suit. Where's your concern for the families of his victims?
Time the American people went back to our beginnings
I'll set aside the requirement that you must first prove that no other option exists.
We (at least me, you too) do not want violence as a means, because it can make things worse.
I only question "never the answer."
That was not the case back then
There needs to be change.
I mean, turnabout is fairplay.
Read the room, but also read HISTORY, dipshit. it's literally how this country was founded when all "Legal" avenues failed.
and nah bitch, these people have killed THOUSANDS
Apparently, those families lives don’t matter so long as there’s profit to be made for a small handful of sociopathic CEOs.
Save us the fucking lecture, Josh.
1. All killing of any kind is prima facie bad and shouldn't happen.
2. Therefore, all killing is morally equivalent, transferrable, any one death could be swapped for any other.
3. Therefore, to fail to sufficiently condemn one killing is to celebrate all killing.
It’s chiding.
It was Doctors who refused to treat patients.
Every one of my chemotherapy sessions is about $45,000. I have them every three weeks. If my insurance refuses to cover them, I will die. Soon. At this stage of my life, I couldn't afford a single treatment.
He can kiss my ass.
Shitty take.
An 1789 style uprising is what they fear the most.
Somehow I think that Native Americans and a lot of other marginalized groups would beg to differ on this twisted view of our history.
Like that one with the migrant teen who was killed because he didn't speak English?
You're right on top of that, huh?
meh, don’t turn into Jared Polis.
misinformed....Americans have been using guns to reconcile political points of view since its inception...only a cursory review of history will show hundreds of incidents of Americans using guns to resolve issues...what rock does Josh live under not to know this?
Glad you weren’t the vp pick. You’re definitely one of them.
Hope Josh opens a book on the Revolutionary War soon!!
It gave satisfaction to those who felt taken advantage of.
Not a hero, but not a demon, either.
Dude is trying to rewrite American history to support the oppressor.
America is literally founded on individuals standing up against tyranny.
Beyond heroic!
please fuck all the way off josh shapiro. i am so glad no one picked your ass to run for higher office you racist, classist POS.