I think it’s okay for you to not share every instance of coordinated right wing talking points. This is a good example of something that isn’t helpful and maybe plays to social media’s weaknesses instead of its strengths. I don’t need videos of bigots being bigots for the sake of witnessing bigotry.
We always thought there could be no bigger Drama Queen in Congress than Lindsey Graham but Nancy Mace has wrested the crown from him
What apathetic phony & another political prostitute who will say or do anything for attention & $$$
The mental illness is these people's obsession with how others see themselves and present themselves to the world. Seriously, why are you worried so much about what is in other people's pants?
Hey, I thought she said that other people shouldn’t force their beliefs on others. Just another liar. I can’t believe how these people have no problem lying every second of the day.
Is it a mental illness according to healthcare professionals Mace? We arent interested in your medical opinions,we hardly care about your political opinions. Please stay in your fricken lane and go pave some SC back roads,offer some vocational training for your thousands of constituent’s in poverty
Should some Mangione shoot Mace one day, will there be pearl clutching that “murder is bad, and no buts”? Or will the pearl clutchers spare a thought for the trans folks that would have been essentially swatted by her comments?
Poor girl, so ' mediocre and ordinary' (looks, smarts, relevance) in all the ways that are important to her. Desperation for any attention just drips off her.
Huge red flag when you attack a characteristic that people are born with. People with mental illness catching strays too. Is she going to send everyone with depression or anxiety to the camps too?
When and where did she go to school to become a psychiatrist? Ignorance and fear is not a reason to treat others less than human. Jesus would not have!
I happen to think being an attention seeking fame-whore who is willing to change her whole personality to that of a bigot is a mental illness. She should get that checked.
She'd have her sights on LGBs if the T were not an easier target. I'm constantly fascinated by the way that obvious homophobes think gay people require their advice, or think that we don't see that they want us to treat trans people the way they treated us.
They used to say the same thing about same sex couples.. it's a mental illness that they don't want to procreate.
"They" being the people who base their lives around a 2k yr old book written by a mysterious cloud man who sent his zombie son to earn your undying loyalty....
I bet she’s a hoot at ComiCon. “You’re not an actual wizard! I demand you stop acting like a wizard! This is what mental illness looks like! I need to speak to a manager!” I still cannot fathom why she cares what strangers are up to
Rather odd for this particular person to advocate for lopping off parts of the body politic in order to reshape it to align with their particular vision of its identity.
I did a screen record. Glad I did, because it comes in handy, at a time like this. I personally believe that she is dealing with Trans issues of her own. No one hates like that except someone conflicted.
“When we say mental illness, we don’t mean the gays who we claimed had a mental illness as recent as this week. We mean only the subgroup that we need LGB’s to turn against so we can fracture LGBTQ+ solidarity. It’s easier for us to suppress your rights when you’re infighting.”
The way she looks into the camera that forces you to pay attention. I've met a few people like that in life who did that too, not many, but man do I hate that.
I wish somebody loved me as much as Nancy Mace hates complete strangers that are just trying to exercise their right to live their lives as they see fit, while having absolutely no legitimate tangible impact on hers 😞
And once they have turned the misogynist gay men against trans people, they will start going after the rest of the LGB.
These religious wackos don’t see a difference, they only pretend to to divide us .
As an ally I will never abandon my trans friends and family. All struggles are connected. Transphobia is a companion to homophobia and misogyny. The first to throw a brick at Stonewall was a trans woman. We are not free until everyone is free.
If your feminism isn’t intersectional it isn’t feminism.
Why is this woman against trans people for being sexually assaulted by a straight man while at the same time supporting trump and gatez who are actual sexual predators, can someone point that out to her.
I mean, I agree with her on the part that *something's* demonic alright. If they got their wish and Jesus came back they'd crucify him a second time for having long hair
This woman is medically ignorant. She needs to read a book. The answer is in medical journals. Look at genetics and how many combinations of X and Y exist.
These are two very stupid people trying to sound smart about things they have no clue about. But they’re assholes so some other assholes will bark and clap this nonsense.
Prepare for more of the "mental health" angle, as it makes it sound as if you care and it's a good way to justify transphobia to yourself, assuming you have no interest in reality, nor the slightest grasp of any facts.
They only need to fool the gullible, which has been easy so far.
Because they don't conform to the Patriachy. It's hard to control those who don't conform. Patriachy is all about men in charge and masculinity. Trans women fly in the face of that. Gay couples aren't upholding the traditional abuse of women.
Honestly, I could write 40 pages on why, and it's hard to explain here. That's as simple as I can make it. Religion is control. These people are outliers.
Right, so LGB | TQIA2S+ is the hill they’re willing to die on. I get that. Trans is their breaking point, probably based on Mike Johnson’s porn history.
This is, in my opinion, how Harris lost the election. MAGA ran that caustic anti-trans ad 30,000 times during the World Series and the NFL.
These people walk among us folks. And by that I mean that disgusting bitch
What apathetic phony & another political prostitute who will say or do anything for attention & $$$
Being a lesbian is only the 20th most interesting thing about me.
Being Trans isn't fascistic.
LGBs aren't exactly welcomed by the deeply religious part of the right.
R's are the party of women and children? Taking away women's' rights and SNAP benefits.
C'mon get real.
"They" being the people who base their lives around a 2k yr old book written by a mysterious cloud man who sent his zombie son to earn your undying loyalty....
So what about Caitlyn Jenner? She is MAGA.
I did a screen record. Glad I did, because it comes in handy, at a time like this. I personally believe that she is dealing with Trans issues of her own. No one hates like that except someone conflicted.
"LGs need to divorce the Bs... It is a mental illness"
They never stop with just one.
“When we say mental illness, we don’t mean the gays who we claimed had a mental illness as recent as this week. We mean only the subgroup that we need LGB’s to turn against so we can fracture LGBTQ+ solidarity. It’s easier for us to suppress your rights when you’re infighting.”
Illness is all hers.
These religious wackos don’t see a difference, they only pretend to to divide us .
If your feminism isn’t intersectional it isn’t feminism.
They only need to fool the gullible, which has been easy so far.
This is, in my opinion, how Harris lost the election. MAGA ran that caustic anti-trans ad 30,000 times during the World Series and the NFL.
Anti-trans bigots can get fucked.