Dear Jesse Watters, Sir, you are a dick the likes of which we cannot begin to fathom. But please Jesse do go on so we can all revel in the lengths to which your stupidity can wander the globe.
Fire is a chemical reaction without passion or prejudice. It does its thing whether the fire chief is a man or woman. Even Jesse’s eyebrows know that. He doesn’t even write his own drivel and the rubes lap it up.
She has no self respect and also likes getting money from making shit up on twitter instead of having to work a real job, and the best way to do that is to pander to apes who get mad at women participating in society in ways that don't necessarily include popping out babies
For all we know, they could all be heterosexual Trump supporters/ voters but they aren’t conventionally attractive so ergo they are obviously left leaning and by extension, incompetent and obviously gay.
This is depressing af. It's depressing af to be female in this goddamn political climate. Because believe me, it bleeds down to small town politics where old crusty white men can't bring themselves to be publicly civil to women or people of non-white ethnicity and it's goddamn exhausting.
So GOP mouthpieces including these assholes, Don Jr., and President Musk have all gone on record today saying that white men are more professionally competent than women and minorities. That seems like a pretty significant story that I’m sure no mainstream outlet will report accurately.
This is why that hateful account has traction, Elon, Fox news amplify her racist bigotry. She really hates herself to feel such hate towards others. Is she a religious person?
Episode #123754 in "Look at these women in charge of dealing with 🐈 🍑 🏆 (catastrophy) caused by men (CEO's of fossil fuel companies and legislators not taking actions to hinder climate change)."
Why would you in any shape or form blame the ones helping (I know why...)
Is that vile POS tiktok still active ???
This puddle of vitriol laughs at women in positions of power.
It's not their fault the oil industry is heating up our planet while the next president is talking about invading peacefull countries and giving more drilling rights to the oil barons.
Someone should post a photo of Suzanne Scott with some equally asinine innuendo about a female leader failing to do her job. With Watters' face in the picture and noting that perhaps that's why Watters is so bad at his job.
Watters never fails to take any opportunity to get his dehumanizing misogyny on. Repellent human beings IS the Fox brand. None of this is normal. At all. They take comfort in the unimaginable suffering of fellow Americans. It is sickening, perverse & undeniably evil. These people are irredeemable. .
I'm just gonna say it. I hope she gets what she deserves plus 10 times 100. There isn't a mountain big enough for her to fall off of that would make me feel she's been punished enough.
But will she recant if he’s ever offered a cabinet position. Hegseth’s mommy raised a human turn but changed her tune when he had a shot at the big show
Good thing you’re spreading it around so everyone who doesn’t watch Fox sees it. I’m sure this one off tweet has some real journalistic need. Y’all spread their hate and rage bait further than they could ever hope.
He's just butthurt that these ones could change their own tires if he let the air out of them, so he wouldn't be able to trick them into getting in his car.
He's saying women self-evidently cannot be competent leaders--particularly in a job that has traditionally been done by men, like fighting fires.
Fox also used this attack after Trump was shot at in Butler, PA: they claimed it was bc the female members of his Secret Service detail were incompetent
On the left is the women who sells her soul and betrays women and America daily. On the right is the women who cries and prays for Jesse’s cold hard soul daily.
Also was married at the time, not that it matters for shitbags like this guy. Oh and the reason anyone knows about this story is he wrote it in his own book because he was proud of it.
They know why: Daddy Trump says they need to rake the forest, although this year, Papa Elon says they should just cut it all down because nothing besides trees burns in California
well, some of us do, I guess
Why would you in any shape or form blame the ones helping (I know why...)
This puddle of vitriol laughs at women in positions of power.
It's not their fault the oil industry is heating up our planet while the next president is talking about invading peacefull countries and giving more drilling rights to the oil barons.
Is it bc they’re women?
Many do.
Shouldn't Chaya, by her own beliefs, shut up, log off, and go make babies or something? Isn't that what her side believes in?
It's a lot easier to do if you have no soul.
If only we had more of them in charge in D.C.
Fox also used this attack after Trump was shot at in Butler, PA: they claimed it was bc the female members of his Secret Service detail were incompetent
Their audience: hahaha
Here are two of the many competent women he acknowledges:
On the left is his boss, the CEO of Fox Media. On the right is his mother, a teacher and child psychologist.
Gosh. What a surprise.
... and his point is???
Also GOP: look at who is being hired to put out these crazy fires that are crazy for some reason we can't think of
Jesse probably waves at us and wonders why we don't wave back.
Jesse lies.