Van Hollen: "Can you imagine FDR in the middle of WW2 saying to Churchill, 'you know, we're not going to continue to help you until you turn over half of your coal and mineral reserves.' That's not how you behave when you want to support a friend who's under attack by an authoritarian like Putin."
How could anybody vote for that guy??!!
Still Democrats need to make these points or Dem voters will eventually be as ignorant of history as MAGA.
The 🇬🇧&🇪🇺 have given more aid than 🇺🇸, taken millions of refugees and demanded nothing.
Trump trying to screw 🇺🇦 is predatory & excluding Europe is US overreach.
Traitor in the WH...And nobody seems to be about to do thing ONE about it.
Any other Banana Republic & he'd either be lying at the base of a wall, hanging by his feet, or swinging from his neck...By the PEOPLE or MILITARY.
What we got?...Bernie! (bless his heart.)
Nothing was given for free.
Took until around 2006.
They saw the opportunity and took it.
Initially the US wanted cash up front. Lend-Lease was just a fancy name for credit.
Nothing was given away and Britain effectively bankrupted itself paying for the War.
FDR, spun it for a sceptical US.
And just one boss; Putin.
The GOP would've lost WW2.
The Lord of the Rings was written after WWII and shows the victory of the soul over the sick ego that surrenders to darkness.
Roosevelt was not perfect, but he was a human being. Trump was born a human being, but...
So sick of this administration.
Team Ukraine.
The USA got something out of the deals, namely bases all over the world on British territories.
Rubio said he is "convinced" Russia is "willing to begin to engage in a serious process" to end its full-scale invasion.
GW Bush
"I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy. We had a very good dialogue. I was able to get a sense of his soul."
Castro Wins!!
Reinaldo Arenas was a Cuban author and wrote Before Night Falls.
Like, why are they still acting like Trump isn't Putin's puppet?
Like, we need them to start playing dirty and using legal mechanisms and loopholes to defeat these idiots.
Putin isn't going to stop. Trump isn't going to stop. He has fucked the Kurds, the Syrians, the Afghans, the Palestines and now Ukraine.
Shame on you America.
Our elected officials sold all of us out.
It sucks big time that he gets mentioned twice as 45 and 47
Or they and their FOX news buddies know about it but choose to ignore it and not inform their constituents.
WE are obliged to help and to protect Ukraine:
Before the invasion, the Republicans gaslight us by saying we were overreacting sounding the alarm.
Once the invasion hit, they shut the fuck up and flew Ukraine flags pretending like they cared.
And NOW look:
They were always liars fighting for the enemy.
1) Trump & the GOP owe Putin
2) Ukraine wouldn’t make up a witch-hunt against Biden
3) it’s clearly a shakedown while giving Ukraine to Russia
But he will absolutely NOT be entering Trump's contract, which stated he needs to give resources in perpetuity, with no possibility of future reparations.
MAGA teacher stops the skirmish. "Now now, boys, it's only fair that you split the money and stop the fighting."
That's "fair" in Nazi talk.
Cartel of Shakedowns
via “diplomacy talks” with leaders who have something to lose that he can exploit for that purpose.
He’ll stop at NO depravity, folks, it’s his swan call after all.
But maga will applaud.
Ironically, we're on the Stalin side of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
Europe is not happy with this🍊🤡, nor are we! Russia is dirty and 🍊🤡🎪 is just as bad! Fight for Democracy Ukraine!💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
You can rip people off more when they are desperate! Were you expecting Trump to be a statesman? He doesn't have the intellectual capacity.
He is only a Preztard!
See Impeachment One
As I said before Elon is spending money on your political outcome as well.
Put everything on the record. Didn’t we learn to maybe be aggressive instead of just giving up without doing anything?
And they possibly collaborated on the big Nov 5 heist, Muskputin(the richest man in the world, the other richer one, and then #3, the one carrying his ill-begotten, “I got out of jail free card”, exchanged for, well, our country).
47? is now collaborating with(in front of the entire world)Nazi
types, who would form the Fourth Reich. A traitorous act that is yet to illicit the only response acceptable from the leaders of our country:
Throw 47 out of office and right into prison;
throw musk out of the country; and throw putin the hell out of Ukraine for good!!
Never, ever, DO NOTHING!
OMG is France taking Portugal to the prom?
The deal in Saudi Arabia: “You get the oil and gas. I get the rare resources. The drone technology we share. And the grain for Africa - fuck Africa, hahaha”.
Under lend lease the Uk was to return equipment that was *not destroyed* in combat.
At the end of the war the UK did retain some equipment, but paid for it at 10 cents on the $.
The enormous resources of Empire kept Britain in the game and able to pay the US for munitions.
We cannot ignore the viralsupport of Canada, Australia, NZ, S.A. India etc in the 'British' war effort.
Let's not forget the enormous contribution of the Polish squadrons during the BoB.
The RAF casualty lists show people from all over the Empire along with Poles, Czechs, French and USA.
Or the US during WWI.
Which unquestionably is what's happening.
America has a deal with Russia for half of Ukraine minerals.
It will not stop with Ukraine. Trump and Putin have plans for Europe.
All is not lost. With growing unrest in America trump might be dealing with civil war.
Wait for it …
But then again, late-stage capitalism seeks to strip mine anything in sight.
But it was channeled at the wrong targets and in the wrong direction due to sophisticated psyops (many ppl now blame dems for the wars, which were started by repubes in the first place). It is such a complex issue that I cannot explain it all here.
Wondering our Country gets a backbone!
Judicial system, Constitutional experts WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? Jump into action, when?
After Elon's consolidated ALL of America's power/secrets & on EVERY FUCKING AMERICAN CITIZEN! WTF
It's disgusting.
And straight up lied,Ukraine didn't start that War.
Trump is Putin's friend, not Europe's.
– Mark Twain