Doocy: "I have been told by a senior official here that nothing is gonna happen with this minerals deal until Zelenskyy goes in front of cameras and makes an explicit public apology for the way he behaved in the Oval Office with that meeting."
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Lol. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.
Wonder if they'll sign a deal with Putin that he'll hand the minerals over after he's invaded as long as the US stays away from any military support for Ukraine.
Can well imagine Trump signing that deal & Putin then ignoring it.
I’m confident minerals are the farthest thing from Zelenskyy’s mind ATM…he’s kind of in the fight of his countries life, exacerbated by the American Nazi party.
And if America wants the minerals, so does the EU, so there’s that.
Z should ask them specifically what he should apologize for...and make them state what facts he said are incorrect and not allow them to make it about how he said things or meta issues.
Capitilulation & ass kissing is the only thing a Dictator wants & craves.
It makes him appear strong to the weak onlookers.
Trump is a bully & Zelensky is a brave hero & proud leader.
No minerals for you.
Humiliation is Trump's tactic even before Putin sticks his oar in. Good luck with that; this shit works with his weak sycophants (hey, Little Marco), not with somebody strong. The Ukrainian Parliament is on his side. And Europe is more determined to act as well.
Trump isn’t clever enough to create his own ideas. His whole thirst for power is to be just like all the other big boys like Kim, Xi, Orban, Putin.. even down to how maga is modeled on hitlers ideas. These people are not clever. They’re just evil.
The guy travels across the globe from a war zone, gets berated by Beavis and Butthead, and is expected to apologize? Are you friggin’ kidding me? This administration continues to embarrass themselves and the country. Are we great yet, maga?
There should be no deal until Trump and Vance make an explicit public apology for lying to and about Zelenskyy and screaming at him tag-team fashion in the Oval Office.
I would love for Z too go on national TV and flip Trump the bird. The world is already moving on without Trump and the US is recognizing it now.
No one will snub Trump, but no one should cowtow to him either. He's a moron.
Apologize and then what? He gives us Ukraine’s minerals for nothing? No security guarantees? The White House never wanted a deal. They wanted a fake argument to sell the public on Russia.
American policy is fear based. Afraid of China, so they want to get between Putin and Xi alliance and throw Zelenskyy under the bus for it. And afraid of Putin. Also afraid of its own citizens. While citizens themselves are also afraid so they buy many guns. It’s a low trust society top to bottom.
Wait so could Zelenskyy just give the minerals to the EU in exchange for additional military assistance? You know to completely screw over Trump and Musk?
Complete Idiots & fools. No one knows what to do, how to do it, when to do it, or where to do it. That’s why they’ve appointed unqualified individuals to keep everyone running in circles & no one to hold them accountable. GOP IS SELLING OUR COUNTRY TO BILLIONAIRES AND FOREIGN ADVERSARIES! Wake up!🇺🇸💙
Oh please don’t do that. Zelenskyy should make a minerals deal with the EU. They are the ones putting boots on the ground. Time to cut trump out. He’ll just grift Ukraine…sign the deal and then not hold up his end of the bargain. That’s how he operates. He’s a liar and a thief don’t trust him
Vance and Trump are not on the side of truth and justice. But instead of apologising themselves, they rather extort a leader of a wartorn country into kissing the ring of the great orange King turd. To make him look strong for the brainless MAGAt audience. Europe will come to Zelensky’s aid.
I hope he doesn't do it. Even if he does, DJT and his goons will renege and lie like they always do. Nothing will come of it for Ukraine. I hope other world leaders are advising him against caving.
Translation: Trump agrees that extorting Ukraine’s mineral rights cannot be done while Starmer, Macron, consider him a pariah on the international stage.
I see your point. What is also true is US defense contractors are operating at capacity and struggling to scale up to match an overwhelming need for new technologies and equipment. Everyone is seeing what the new battlefield reality is and their sudden need to reequip and rearm.
I think every nation should boycott every US made product/service. Maybe then the “poorly educated” might start to understand that no nation can be successful in isolation.
Also, please, someone tell them that we never, EVER faced an enemy aggressor alone. We always had allied nations by our side
Our biggest manufacturers are farming and weapons. A lot more jobs will be lost. Finding ways to funnel money to say Canada ' weapons manufacturers to increase their production and send them to Ukraine could help.
This is the gaslighting the US government has pushed on its people forever. “We are better than everyone and people owe us utmost respect”. Trump shit on Zelenskyy but wants an apology. Fuck that.
There's no limit at all to Trump's childishness. But more concerning is the incalculable damage he is now doing to the international standing of the US as a whole. People are asking: what has to go wrong with a society for it to end up with such a 'leader', and even vote him in a second time?
His first term the western world made fun of him and USA. This second term they are disgusted about the hypocrisy of being democratic and leader of free world and breaking all democratic values. They don’t trust USA anymore and looking for ways to go around for USA is no longer friend and partner.
and with that #europe now has all the minerals and oil it needs, while #america will proceed into the arctic with #russia as #trump already negotiated ... good for Europe. Trump has been played by #putin and America has lost, again...
Hmmm. The Arctic region also comprises the North of Europe (Denmark/Faroe Islands/Greenland, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden), in addition to Russia and North America.
There are times in life where I have asked myself if maybe I was wrong-maybe I saw something a way maybe someone else didn’t….this is NOT one of those times. The 🟠🤡 & JD guy liner owe an apology to Zelenskyy. Their spin of the events are laughable&despicable! Maybe their cult will believe this 💩
Awww did poor wittle Donnie and his wittle pet get their wittle feelings hurt? They are the weakest little pussies I have ever seen. How can anyone see any strength in else 2 little punks?
So now the U.S. is demanding public humiliation as a prerequisite for deals? This isn’t diplomacy, it’s a mob tactic. Meanwhile, Trump insulted allies, leaked secrets, and got praised for it. The double standards are unreal.
There is NO mineral deal because there are NO commercially-significant in-production rare-earth resources in Ukraine. It is ALL smoke and bullshit. Wake up, US!!!
I have been told by a senior official that there will be no deal until Tucker Carlson gets to publicly spank Zelensky in the Oval while screaming Badbadbad Boy 🤮
Zelensky will then be shamed by Elon Musk’s son with Tass agents live streaming
Spoken like the abusers they are. It was all my fault my abuser hit me, I should apologize for making him hurt me. Or it was my fault I got raped i should be grateful for the attention.
It's so common they don't even hear themselves say it.
They aren't going to let Ukraine live in peace until Zelensky grovels to the insurrectionist nepo baby in the Whitehouse? There is a 0% chance Trump would follow through even then. Ukraine is doing fine. Europe is going to step up and give them what they need.
That will NEVER happen. It absolutely should, but it won’t, because Trump is a 285 LB. Man/BABY. He can never admit when he’s wrong. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to be married to this cretinous individual. Ivanka, Marla & Melania all SUFFERED. What I don’t get is why Melania STAYED?
From his genitors? It's possible. We would have to look into his family history. Here's a good quote from that author, found in the comments after the article.
I don't doubt that Trump would publicly embarrass her in a divorce. He knows she was a sex worker. He was a client. Trump probably has the kinda proof she doesn't want out there, especially with Barron in the picture. She's whistling past the graveyard tho cuz Barron gives creep vibes anyway.
You may be correct, but I don’t think Melania feels shame. I think she’s pretty proud of herself. Maybe she doesn’t want her child to know. Chances are he already does. Rich kids can be cruel. Baron doesn’t exactly sound like a normal, well adjusted young man. I read he tortured animals, not good.
i doubt it. Even if they had a prenup, contracts mean nothing to Trump. They lead separate lives. She gets money, he gets an appearance now and legitimize him in eyes of some conservatives.
Ivana was writing a book that included how he raped her out of anger because of the botched hair transplant, he told her if she published it he would make their kids social pariahs, and not leave them a penny, so she took it out of the book
I'm thinking he's told Melanie the same about Barron
We all know she was some type of Putin plant. Please. They have equally bad stuff on each other. That’s not why she stayed. She doesn’t even stay at the White House most of the time. She stays at Trump Tower in Manhattan with Baron.
I don’t like Melania either, but I don’t think being married to Trump was (is) a picnic! I won’t waste energy arguing over either one of these horrible people. She seemed so miserable during the last Trump Administration that I was surprised she didn’t divorce him.
She was a hooker working in a New York club aiming to pick up a rich guy.
Which she did, then got pregnant and brought her family over.
Word is (eg from Scaramucci) that she loathes him - his joke is that his wife hates Trump nearly as much as Melania - but she stays because she likes the power.
Ivanka successful sued the hell out of Drumpty, took him (rightly so) for a bundle, she was no idiot-very educated. Marla was a USA citizen so she also knew how to walk away with a tidy bundle...Maleria is an ignorant former escort who is too stupid to be anything other than an insecure grifter. 💁♀️
I’m not defending the woman. I’m simply asking what was her motivation in staying? It can’t just be about $. She was offered a huge amount of $ for her story. Plus she probably earned a pension from RUSSIA. 🇷🇺 😜
Simple. She likes the cheques. He pays her to appear when required. She picks and chooses which ones she'll do, and drives a hard bargain, depending on the importance of her being there.
I hope Zelenskyy tells Doocy, Trump and anyone else stupid enough to express this repulsive idea to shove that deal so far up their "fundament" that it comes out their mouths.
😂 I don’t think they will EVER get the apology they seek, but they are welcome to publicly apologize to President Zelensky at their earliest convenience, considering that’s exactly what is owed to the President and the people of Ukraine 🇺🇦
47 feels the need to humiliate Zelenskyy to exert his power over him. If an apology was made then 47 would see it as an act of weakness. Zelenskyy should never give in, never surrender to 47.
The apology should come in the form of every country in the world doing whatever it takes to destabilize this Trump Nazi inspired dictatorship. Take it down, help the forces of Democracy coup that motherfucker all the way back to the corner of hell it came from! Hunt them like dogs in the street!
Oh, gee. You mean he won't get the opportunity to have yet ANOTHER superpower invade, pillage his country and steal its wealth unless he grovels and begs for forgiveness? I can only imagine his disappointment.
He decided to take his ball and go over to Europe's house to play instead. Trump is the big mean kid on the block, thinking he can bully his way around the world stage and wondering why no one comes to his bday parties.
Why the WH wants to keep this disaster in the headlines is beyond me. They are so fucking dumb. They need Zelensky to clean up their “diplomatic shitshow”.
Looking if they could get anything to stick, if they find a workable option then the right wing media machine will shift into overdrive and it will be parroted by every talking head from senators, to news outlets, major op-eds to internet meme generators, to small talk radio hosts in flyover states.
Not an ounce of any Ukrainian minerals should ship to the US unless at 20-30 times market value. Starve mump. Yes, I’ll starve along w all Americans but we did this to everyone. We deserve to starve.
Consider invading US! I much prefer EU rule to today’s Nazis.
Zelenskyy is a statesman. And a good one at that. Trump is a thug and susceptible to fake flattery. It’s on none of us to judge how Zelenskyy proceeds to keep Ukraine protected from Trump’s juvenile wrath.
Zelenskyy is a leader , a hero. If that’s all it takes to get his country back from the invaders then he’ll willingly do it. His country is more to him than his ego
I agree, but Zelenskyy needs to draw the line on this. No apologies for his behavior because none is needed. Forge a minerals deal with the EU instead and tell Trump to go f himself!
I seem to recall hearing about terrorists who force their captives to go on tv and recant everything they believe in and know is true. How is this demand much different? Completely aggravating. Where is my country?
But you, me and Zelenskyy all know that a) that’s not all it will take- there will always be something more and b) America is not trustworthy at the moment. There is no reason to believe the US will follow through with anything we say we will do.
I believe if Mr. Zelenskyy has to bow to Trump to save his people, he will.He love's and respects his people and his country. He's a strong leader with a big heart and will do whatever he has to do . It's a shame America leaders stooped so low to appear strong ,but we saw weakness.
Felon 47 is a power-hungry, putin-loving monster. He needs to realize Ukraine isn’t a game show prize & Pres. Zelenskyy isn’t a contestant that can be humiliated. Perhaps if he visited Ukraine & spoke the soldiers & citizens he wouldn’t be such a jerk. Not a chance. He’ll always be a jerk!
the DOGE regime Demands Five Tasks of federal Workers of what they accomplished last week!
KNOW WHAT TRUMP , JD VANCE , DOD , DOGE , GOP Senate, Gop House, DOJ , USCOTUS did the past Five days !
they sucked PUTIN'S dick and sold OUR FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY for pennies to RUBLES
When he first started with the tariff threats -🇨🇳 basically said, “OK-Fine, we won’t sell the US any minerals needed for chip mfg.” Suddenly, he wants to invade 🇬🇱 & 🇨🇦. Then he’s negotiating a deal with 🇺🇦. What do 🇨🇦, 🇺🇦, & 🇬🇱 have in common. Yep. Rare minerals. IMO-He needed this deal even more than Z
I know this is just pretext to just stop Ukraine aid, but this is all so dumb.
Not only do they not need pretext to end assistance, it's already going to happen absent additional funding from Congress. All they need to do is nothing.
And, like, if you're going to use an impossible deal as pretext, at least give it a veneer of plausibility.
The current "deal" is only concessions by Ukraine in return for ???. An open door to more future concessions which *might* result in some sort of continuing aid, but no security guarantees?
Okay, so no giving half of Ukraine's minerals to American oligarchs.
It's not nearly as good an outcome as a democratic US fulfilling its obligations under the Budapest Memorandum, but probably the best deal Krasnov would have given anyway.
Zelinsky IS OWED the apology!
He was treated horribly, while Trump would do anything for Putin.
Trump is a treasonous enemy and should be impeached, removed, and imprisoned!!! 😡
"I'm nepobaby Doocy and I'm going to hold the doddering, corrupt, traitorous fool to the same standard that I did JoeBiden, when I helped turn him into a villain for so many voters by asking stupid questions day after day..."
Zelensky has the minerals. Trump wants them. Trump won't pay the price so they won't get them. Zelensky doesn't need to do anything. He can give them to the EU or Japan or Australia.
The worlds greatest, of all-time, deal maker is now reverting to childish threats and degradation. What are we witnessing? Zero diplomacy, zero negotiation skills, and zero understanding of a wartorn nation pressed to their limits. The oligarchs are showing their spots.
How do these “reporters” look at themselves in the mirror and think they are ok with this gaslighting propaganda? Oh wait, maybe they’re actually vampires who can’t see their reflection?
the moron on TV telling us all the same crap he told us in his first Whitehorse squat ,so basically lying. He did nothing Biden brought the chips back to America and the manufacturing. Trump lying about the $$$ now up to 350 billion he sent Z, I call BS where are the receipts .
Oh my God…. soooooooo hypocritical. Absurd!!! During that live fiasco, Zelenskty was saying thank you when he was talked over. Even after that Zelensky thanked all on X. When the war began till this day he gives thanks. It is Trump, Vance(especially)& others who should appologize.
Zelenskyy was only going to sign that minerals deal to get on Trump’s good side, anyway. Ukraine wasn’t getting anything out of it. So he sure as shit ain’t signing it now.
Trump doesn't realize the damage him and his team did that day. Zelensky was a hero during that interview, and he has no need to grovel. Zelensky played them. He knows from the other quid pro quo/impeachment, that there was no deal from the White House. He just revealed what Trump is
Read the right way, this is license for Zelensky to leave Trump out of the loop from now on.
The UK and France will offer whatever ceasefire deal they negotiate to Trump so he can claim credit for it. So, no apology is needed and might even gum up the works.
He doesn't need to, Europe is re-opening multiple munition factories to reduce both their and Ukraines need for the US Military Industrial Complex
It could mean trillions in lost revenue for the US.
Trump is single handly making us a bit player on the World stage
Wonder if they'll sign a deal with Putin that he'll hand the minerals over after he's invaded as long as the US stays away from any military support for Ukraine.
Can well imagine Trump signing that deal & Putin then ignoring it.
And if America wants the minerals, so does the EU, so there’s that.
It makes him appear strong to the weak onlookers.
Trump is a bully & Zelensky is a brave hero & proud leader.
No minerals for you.
Luckily Ukraine know exactly how they play
Also #bostontiktok is LIT.
As an actor he can rattle off a convicting apology, no sweat - if there were big $/weapons guaranteed. He'd do that for his country in a heartbeat.
Let's see if there are any guarantees from the US🧐
No one will snub Trump, but no one should cowtow to him either. He's a moron.
Pleeez Massa!?!
Fuck this shit!
I truly hope this doesn’t happen.. Zelenskyy is a true hero not a draft dodger
Only mates get mates rates - that should cover America's slice of aid to Ukraine. 😉
Then we can boycott US trade just for fun.
Trump just made himself, and his wants, irrelevant to Europeans.
We remember Neville Chamberlain.
Also, please, someone tell them that we never, EVER faced an enemy aggressor alone. We always had allied nations by our side
Now he's going to have to send his voters' kids to die in Ukraine with Russian soldiers. 😂😂😂😂😂
They will go or they'll be standing tall before the man!
Follow me – Goal: 1,000 followers for the truth!
The entire rest of the free world is still rooted in reality.
Demanding that the abuser is 'the real victim' and that the victim should apologize for "making me hurt you" is extremely common.
Zelensky will then be shamed by Elon Musk’s son with Tass agents live streaming
It's so common they don't even hear themselves say it.
matter what Z said or did.
Trump always always defiles and diminishes his rivals…
…if they let him.
The EU has got it now.
Trump was born with congenital malformations which affected his development and explain his low IQ and dissabilities.
He's pretended to be tough and smart all his life to counter his insecurities. It's a long con.
I'm thinking he's told Melanie the same about Barron
She's evil, and too happy to take the cash.
And don't give me any of this "suffering" bit
Which she did, then got pregnant and brought her family over.
Word is (eg from Scaramucci) that she loathes him - his joke is that his wife hates Trump nearly as much as Melania - but she stays because she likes the power.
Trump needs a scapegoat for not being able to negotiate the peace deal he promised since he has no leverage against Putin (that he's willing to use).
This is noise.
#SlavaUkraini 🌻✌🏼🇺🇦
If anyone owes an apology for their behavior, it's Trump and Vance!
Good luck with all of that nonsense.
American Isolationism is going to be grrrreat!
Consider invading US! I much prefer EU rule to today’s Nazis.
I loved America until now. Even though the Vietnam fiasco
Nobody should trust the US ever again.
The only way this ends peacefully with Ukraine getting their land back is if Russia ends their invasion.
KNOW WHAT TRUMP , JD VANCE , DOD , DOGE , GOP Senate, Gop House, DOJ , USCOTUS did the past Five days !
they sucked PUTIN'S dick and sold OUR FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY for pennies to RUBLES
I'm pretty sure Zelenskyy doesn't want to give up mineral rights.
Not only do they not need pretext to end assistance, it's already going to happen absent additional funding from Congress. All they need to do is nothing.
The current "deal" is only concessions by Ukraine in return for ???. An open door to more future concessions which *might* result in some sort of continuing aid, but no security guarantees?
I don't want villains running the country. But if it must be villains why can't they at least be better villains?
It's not nearly as good an outcome as a democratic US fulfilling its obligations under the Budapest Memorandum, but probably the best deal Krasnov would have given anyway.
He was treated horribly, while Trump would do anything for Putin.
Trump is a treasonous enemy and should be impeached, removed, and imprisoned!!! 😡
Will never, ever happen so please take some time to GFY
I think Hannity makes around 40-45 million a year !!
The UK and France will offer whatever ceasefire deal they negotiate to Trump so he can claim credit for it. So, no apology is needed and might even gum up the works.
It could mean trillions in lost revenue for the US.
Trump is single handly making us a bit player on the World stage