Tuberville: "Zelenskyy's gonna play hardball, but you know what? He's not even in the game. It's gonna be Putin and President Trump and the people on our side that will end up making this decision for the future of Ukraine."
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Trump entered negotiations with bad faith. He lied about the amount. $120 billion of old weapons was sent not $ 350 billion. Doctatortnthibg. Now that assassination was linked to Ukraine. Massive propoganda is alive and well in Trumps Merica
Tommy is always wrong. Trump has diminished America's importance in the world.We will be sidelined.
Someone posted this the other day, which i found to be apropos.
"Divided Christian Nazi States of America."
I don't use "united" anymore either. We haven't been united in years.
You know what? It will be the people of Europe, Canada, and other democratic countries, who will decide whether there will be a new defense organisation, to help defend Ukraine.
Американский воеииый кораБль, иди нахуй (hope I got this right)
P.S.: Tess of the d'Urbervilles wasn't his strongest!
Tuberville is truly the worst of humanity. The dictionary definition of a demon is : A malevolent being. Tuberville wallows in sadism on national television at every opportunity. He has Sadistic Personality Disorder. Truly demonic. We have been normalizing sadism and evil. It has become "normal".
Just when you thought Tuberville couldn't get stupider. Next thing you know Marjorie Taylor Greene will be doing the negotiations, since Rubio has been castrated.
So, considering that MAGA want Zelensky do concede territory, the above statement about the role of USA and Russia means that it's USA that has lost the war and surrendered.
Never! I can personally go as far back as 1979 when Russia blocked a supply plane to victims of Hurricane David in the Dom. Rep. so their AID Propaganda could land 1st. We were just people donating. No USA stickers. MAGAts don't understand the game.
They are pivoting to the matter of fact that we are not on Ukraine's side, we are on the side of Russia. This is a fact now, and as an Axis of Evil member, we are brutal killers of anyone who thinks they have a say.
Putin is not on our side -- we are now on Putin's side. Trump says so. I fully expect him to announce soon that we are now sending weapons to Russia to use against Ukraine, in exchange for mineral rights.
Since you elected a Russian agent as your president and then sat back and did SFA when he appointed incompetent apparatchiks to his cabinet and let a foreigner fire half your federal workforce and infiltrate your government's payment and personnel systems. You let a fascist coup run unchecked.
Thank you #GOPTraitors
Marco Rubio
Lindsey Graham
Mike Lee
Tommy "Yes, I'm this stupid" Tuberville
for making it so easy to see who the "Enemies Within" are:
They have sided with Russia against US & will destroy American democracy with our a care
Only 1 fix:
It has been interesting to watch The Republican Party self-destruct, but we will be forced to tough out their demise with them. We are heading for a deep recession if not a worse depression than the last, but we are a resourceful and resilient people. Lindsey Graham called it and so deserves it.
I agree! Ask Afghanistan how FOTUS's 'peace negotiations' worked out for them 🤦♀️
After shitting the bed & all the 🤡 rolling around in it, Europe has stepped up even more to help Ukraine win this insane war against their homes, families, freedom & democracy.
I stand with Ukraine & all her people!
“Putin and Trump and the people on our side”. Wow! I mean we all know it is Putin and Trump but when I hear it come out of someone’s mouth it’s hair raising. Holy shit!
Tuberville is an unabashed traitor and a Nazi. Europe needs to unite behind Zelensky and blast Felon 45 and army of empty suits. Americans for Ukraine should join that effort.
Y'know when America has fallen and is in ruin, but people begin to stand back up & take control of it from the Russians & the local thugs like Trump, Musk, RFK, Hegsmith, Patel, Tuberville, etc....they will all stand trial for war crimes and treason.
Televised executions or more billionaires are going to try again. The current rich are mainly sociopaths who think they no longer need society, when really it's society who doesn't need them. They need to be exterminated: through taxation or less pleasant but probably more socially beneficial means.
“You know that thing you were afraid of, Ukraine? Being shut out of negotiations? Having your country’s future decided solely by the the US & Russia? Well, that’s what’s happening.”
What gives the US, or any country other than Ukraine, the right to dictate how this war ends? Our government has the right to say that we are done funding Ukraine & that will definitely have a huge impact on Ukraine’s ability to defend itself, but THEY decide the future of their country, not us.
I guess they are starting to plan for the Trump Admin to join the fight against Ukraine and the rest of the ‘new NATO’. Trump removed the USA from any ‘peace’ negotiations last Friday.
Zelenskyy does not give a shit about the game, or the ball. Either USA will honor it's promise or he has better things to be doing. Like defending his country.
Does not sound like democracy at all. Sounds like fascist bullies fighting to suppress Ukraine. Americans aren’t falling into line. We support Ukraine!
When they try to enforce this with 1.1million serving US military, how will this work?
99.9% surely understand the fact that Russia is the enemy & Europe are allies?
I have no idea how this will play out in the armed forces.☹️☹️ If this isn't stopped, I fear our all-volunteer status will end, and, eventually, our forces will retain only the dumbest, least virtuous officers.😖
Historically, most of the serving US military will massacre a village if they are commanded to. If you are pinning your hopes on mass insubordination in our military, I think you are in for a rude realization.
I don't think the administration would ever be stupid enough to attack an ally nation. They would lose any minimal support they still retain in the US.
But I've opined several times since January that the Trump administration "wouldn't ever be stupid enough" to do something and then they did even more.
Pretty much the entire point of military training is to break down individual resistance to following orders. We've known how to turn a sweet 18 year old into a murderer for a few thousand years now. It isn't very hard. Most trained soldiers will follow orders to kill whoever their are told to.
'Are we the baddies?' yes well it turns out now you are the baddies. Distressing (and will be expensive) to watch from here. Also an entire body of US TV and Film stories about the messy benevolence of US power - suddenly falsified forever.
A 1994 contract ensures that Trump and Starmer take all actions necessary to protect the sovereign boundaries of Ukraine. Ukraine paid for this protection by agreeing to give up its Nuclear arsenal and now we have trump seeking to be paid again. Hardly surprising Zelensky can’t trust trump
Uh why is that ok to make decisions about their country without them? If that’s how we do things maybe Canada can negotiate with England about whether we should all become Canadian.
Tuberville is lying just like every other GOP member.
For whatever reason, these idiots seem to think that if they are loyal to Trump, he will reciprocate. They should realize by now, that Trump has no loyalty to anyone. He will dump them when he no longer needs them. It will cost us all. 😡
They're riding for a fall, and it's going to be a hard landing.
Most have publicly revealed themselves to be Putin supporters so don't let them escape when justice comes knocking.
They absolutely convinced themselves that they have won forever and vanquished all their enemies for eternity. That belief is all the way from traitor Trump to the dumbest hillbillies.
And there it is. Nazi and Putin stooge The Tubesteak literally declaring that PUTIN AND TRUMP will decide Ukraine's future, meaning: Putin. Because Trump is a Putin puppet.
Right there. They're saying it out loud now. BTW Putin will also decide Americans' future if you haven't noticed.
This is fucking horrifying. So basically any small country doesn’t get to have a say or protect themselves from a predatory country if the other country wants to take them over. He’s an idiot (and yes I still hold out hope that we haven’t become a world where we have colonizing again)
Dude I swear these people truly have no care or shame. They really don’t realize the people WILL rise up if you keep fucking them over. And we will remember your names
You really have to wonder if Vladimir Putin's ass-cheeks are big enough to accommodate so many pairs of Republican lips.
And when the hell are more Americans going to wake up to the fact that Trump and the GOP have sold this country out to Russia while betraying American democracy....
Tommy tubes predicting anything is hilarious. Let me know when tubes knows how many branches of govt exist.
He either born dumb or too many hits to the head.
Leaving aside the rest of his jaw-droppingly stupid and arrogant mouthings, was that "Putin and President Trump" and "the people on our side" as the two sides?
Quiet part out loud much?
What a cocky attitude! "He's not even in the game”
Donny is not in the game! He's compromised.
It's time the European intelligence agencies are gonna open up about Putin pussies Russian connections and KGB history. I'm sure they have enough.
Um, there's nobody on your side, you addled-brained fool.
You have no right to say any of these words!
The Nazis of 2025 will NOT prevail!
STFU immediately and then fuck off.
Tommy Tuberville is the stupidest person to ever serve as a U.S. Senator and it's not even close. It's not ignorance either, though he is probably also the most uninformed senator in the nation's history, but low IQ. He was a middling football coach but a loathsome, idiotic human being.
Does he even have a clue how undemocratic he sounds how imperialistic leads down and how much of a tool and a Putin puppet and it willfully ignorant dupe of Russia he sounds.
The fact that he’s using phrases like “brainwashed by globalist socialists” means there’s a significant chance a sitting US Senator is regularly listening to InfoWars and believing it.
That’s so funny. After your reply I went searching and that London band was all I could find also! I was beginning to think I dreamt it. But now I have to listen to that band tonight! Cheers.
Trump has made himself irrelevant in the Ukrainian peace process.
Ukraine and the rest of Europe will stand up to Putin. And with the Russian economy in shambles, and as their horrific casualty count continues to grow, Putin will either be deposed or will fall out of a window.
It will take a while, but it will happen . Russians leave nothing but generational mysery and destruction in their wake, Europe has experience with that .
Even if Vladi falls out of a window , imperial russia will allways be a threat , regardless of which Zar is swinging the nagaika.
F*ck this guy and the lot of them. Zelensky should make a deal with EU/UK. After all they will need to beef up a bit to become the new democratic leaders of the free world overtake the U.S.
Tommy Tuberville is a dunce. He literally doesn’t even know what the 3 branches of government are…or the Voting Rights Act. No way he could find Ukraine on a map.
Asshole Tubbieville.. what gives you the right to tell another country what to do... you can't even bring your state up to the bare minimum of American values and decency
What gives USA the right to dictate the fate of Ukraine. Those are not your lives to decide over.
Shame on you Tuberville and everyone of the thoughtless heartless people that agree with you!
If Americans don't protest, it means they support this. America must be quarantined like an ebola. They are done. I hope that Americans will prove me wrong.
Open your eyes and you'll realise you shouldn't even be in the room during the discussion
"Divided Christian Nazi States of America."
I don't use "united" anymore either. We haven't been united in years.
-West Russia
-Republic of Y’all-qaeda
-Soviet America
Maybe Putin will want that back.
Американский воеииый кораБль, иди нахуй (hope I got this right)
P.S.: Tess of the d'Urbervilles wasn't his strongest!
Doesn’t matter whether it’s relevant or even factual. It is effective!…
And neither is Tubervillian….a fucking turdball
Best compliment!
Thank you
Trump is not giving Ukraine to Putin….
He is giving USA…
At least he's saying the quiet part out loud for everyone to hear.
Marco Rubio
Lindsey Graham
Mike Lee
Tommy "Yes, I'm this stupid" Tuberville
for making it so easy to see who the "Enemies Within" are:
They have sided with Russia against US & will destroy American democracy with our a care
Only 1 fix:
Usually Lindsey’s on his knees kissing Trump’s ass
My advice
Invest your money in the European, defense industry
After shitting the bed & all the 🤡 rolling around in it, Europe has stepped up even more to help Ukraine win this insane war against their homes, families, freedom & democracy.
I stand with Ukraine & all her people!
Donald waved the surrender flag and the real team in Europe have taken the ball and ran with it. Team Donald is now on the bench!
Ukraine is a sovereign country.
Thought English was declared the official language in a recent EO?
And they will all be judged very harshly indeed.
“You know that thing you were afraid of, Ukraine? Being shut out of negotiations? Having your country’s future decided solely by the the US & Russia? Well, that’s what’s happening.”
This cannot stand.
If you have a Republican representative or senators, call them and call them anti-American appeasers EVERY DAY.
99.9% surely understand the fact that Russia is the enemy & Europe are allies?
For whatever reason, these idiots seem to think that if they are loyal to Trump, he will reciprocate. They should realize by now, that Trump has no loyalty to anyone. He will dump them when he no longer needs them. It will cost us all. 😡
And Putin carve up Ukraine.
Most have publicly revealed themselves to be Putin supporters so don't let them escape when justice comes knocking.
Right there. They're saying it out loud now. BTW Putin will also decide Americans' future if you haven't noticed.
And when the hell are more Americans going to wake up to the fact that Trump and the GOP have sold this country out to Russia while betraying American democracy....
He either born dumb or too many hits to the head.
Quiet part out loud much?
Dear people who voted for 45, you own this. May you never be forgiven.
Donny is not in the game! He's compromised.
It's time the European intelligence agencies are gonna open up about Putin pussies Russian connections and KGB history. I'm sure they have enough.
You have no right to say any of these words!
The Nazis of 2025 will NOT prevail!
STFU immediately and then fuck off.
Trump was cultivated for years
Sidenote, Idiocracy is a lot less funny as a documentary.
Ukraine and the rest of Europe will stand up to Putin. And with the Russian economy in shambles, and as their horrific casualty count continues to grow, Putin will either be deposed or will fall out of a window.
Even if Vladi falls out of a window , imperial russia will allways be a threat , regardless of which Zar is swinging the nagaika.
They picked up guns. They shot all the invaders.
They made molotovs. They burned all their tanks.
Nobody decides for them... Least of all the fucking Senator for Moscow 🖕
Feel a need to say such arrogant things?
Shame on you Tuberville and everyone of the thoughtless heartless people that agree with you!
NONE OF THESE FUCKERS are speaking for US
THEY want to line up and gargle Putin's Dick one after the other they can go right ahead
They'd better figure out quick we're NOT on board with ANY of this Putin SHIT
In their arrogance they think them doing a complete fucking 180 on Russia means we'll all just follow right along, kiss Putin's ass with them
Fuck. That.