Kaine: "You can talk about sending education back to the states. Yeah, that's where we were before Brown v. Board of Education. The states got to decide, and the states made a hell of a lot of decisions that were really awful."
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White people in the south, never got over the fact that people, from another continent, didn’t like being kidnapped, and forced into slavery because of their lazy white asses. Perhaps we should round up the rich people, and do that to them for about 400 years, and see how they like it.
Public education is undoubtedly the greatest achievement of humanity and the Americans voted to return to the Middle Ages, when only the rich could be educated.
Is this how they think they can win the race against China, which has first-rate public schools and universities?
Good luck.
When you mix 50 different standards, 50 different priorities, 50 different egos, and you add in some wilfully ignorant governors, you'll get one BIG POT OF CRAP.
Your kids will be poorly equipped to compete with the high dollar private education their wealthy peers will no doubt receive instead
They don't think very much of us. In fact, they behave as though they wish we weren't even here. These guys are in the midst of a corporate takeover, selling off all of our national assets to the highest bidder.
When the American worker wakes up from their slumber, they'll be looking for payback.
And these people are mad if you get an education. Somehow you're an elitist cuz you can read past the sixth grade level. I guess the blue States will get smarter and the dumb States will stay dumb
School curriculum is already decided at the state level. Getting rid of DOE just means they can discriminate against minorities and special needs kids again. Mike Rounds wants to shut down the DOE like he shut down the SD School for the Deaf. Now it’s down the road from a strip club.
Allowing the states to decide what gets taught and what doesn't will destroy our colleges, because what's taught in red Texas won't be the same as what is taught in Blue NY.
Public Law 94-142, also known as the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, is a federal law that ensures children with disabilities have access to free public education. It was signed into law by President Gerald Ford in 1975. What happens if this goes away and states can discriminate again?
Exactly. I am a retired Occupational Therapist who worked in public schools beginning in 1978, when children with disabilities were finally allowed an education. Getting rid of the DOEd takes away oversight for education for kids with disabilities private schools will not admit.
Jesse Helms STRONGLY supported racial segregation. And the way to achieve that was by privatizing as many schools as possible and getting federal money to those private schools via “vouchers”
Gonna be real awkward when Jim Crow and God are sitting next to each other in the classroom....I'd say how stupid can these people be but obviously I need to give it a few more years to reach peak stupidity.
It’s really weird that the southern states have really bad primary schooling ranking but a good college and post-masters ranking. How is this possible.
Screw u Trump. Dismantle the Dept of Education? USA people hate your guts more every day. There are consequences to all GOP Russian asset politicians & Oligarchs trying to bring the American public to heel. We have had enough of your BS Donald. We see you.
Fed taxes cont. to go up, along with it, state income taxes - for the majority. The wealthy will send their children to private schools while enjoying further tax cuts. Gotta love the American Dream! Every country that doesn't invest in education becomes a third-world country.
Also, for a more contemporary example of what'll happen, let's not forget how Brett Favre & Mississippi GOP types will spend funds:
"Director stood before judges, admitted to steering federal welfare funds to enrich the sons of a wealthy retired WWE wrestler." https://mississippitoday.org/2023/09/22/federal-welfare-scandal-investigation-update/
His interview was a masterful explanation about what the purpose of the Department of Education is for. It’s so unfortunate that the low information cult fans-many of whom likely have children in their families who have benefited from the protections the Department ensures-have no idea about this.
They dumbed up their citizens to make it easy to control them!
The height of evil in the USA right now is unspeakable.
I hope those saying relax everything will be ok, stay calm let others handle this realize what's at stake now!
This explains why they didn't go Metric like the rest of the world!
This part! Their attacks are likely to be the death blow to the already nearly nonexistent middle class. We’re all gonna be in the not fun class by the time they are done.
Sure I agree with him in essence but as worded, it's facile and shallow and falls flat. FFS.
Senator Kaine may be a mealy mouthed, toothless clown and one of our more obvious bagmen in the D caucus. He was just re-elected ('24 Virginia), so we're going to need him and deal with him as he is. 🕊️
Cutting Class is a good book on this topic and shows how this is all racially motivated. And how the entend on profiting off of it. They call it school choice, but really it's to keep people of color poor and dumb as they rake in the money.
Agreed. Also, it's not just about how badly they would run the schools; it's about the fact that many schools – especially in red states – are in communities with a terrifically low tax base. The DOE subsidizes them, as it should. *This regime is basically a war of the rich against the poor*.
lol that argument falls down now since the federal government is going to make awful decisions for all of us. at least let those of us with sane governments do our thing.
That is exactly why they are doing it. If they could turn the clock back to the time when Black peoples had to sit at the back of the bus, use different bathrooms and water fountains and could note vote, they would gladly do it. One state already voting to bar immigrant kids from school #FascistUSA
White right has been pushing for decades to overturn brown v board. They also want the right to exclude people based on race from living in their neighborhoods !
The states are going to defund public education by vouchering attendance at unregulated Christian schools and leave the poor children uneducated, defenseless, and unprotected.
🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 #TimKaine is a fucking #centrist loser who started #FelonRapistTraitorTrump on the road to 2024 with his and #HRC 's LOSING, backstabbing #corporatist campaign back in 2015. #BernieWouldHaveWon
Trump-voting states have more to lose if Education Department dismantled
States that voted for Trump last November, on average, use more federal funding in their education apportions than states that voted for former Vice President Harris. https://www.axios.com/2025/02/05/trump-federal-education-funding-map-schools
Education in the u.s. is with the states the federal funding covers specialist education, food programs, ect, so why don't they just put a done stamp on that and move on.
In 1948, Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt, & more than two dozen Jewish intellectuals tried to warn Americans. The Fascist terrorist they warned about, Menachem Begin, founded Likud and was elected PM of Israel in 1977. Begin gifted Jerry Falwell a private jet to spread their ideology all over the US.
I’m pretty sure Ma & Pa MAGA have no clue as to what that is, but the Federalist Society has certainly been advocating for it for decades, and they are the ones pushing the agenda (via Fox, OAN, etc.)
That’s the way the texas history books read. They tell publishers what they want in the textbooks & won’t adopt any textbook that does not correspond with their mandate.
Cut the funding of the DOE and we'll all end up paying more state and local taxes. That is the point..shifting the cost of education downward to the masses. Most red states will probably axe teachers and schools. I don't see that as a win. We're an idiocracy.. the dumber (less rational) the better
I'm in Oklahoma & many schools are having to go to 4 days a week because we're in a massive teacher shortage. We pulled my kid when we found out her Computers teacher was teaching them from YouTube because they had NO education in computers! Oh & they weren't a certified teacher but they could coach
I've been teaching 36 years now, all in Montana. We have over 300 districts on 4-day weeks because we can't attract teachers. One reason is that we're 51st (you read that right) in the nation in beginning teacher pay. I'm sure our state will take care of us. Not.
The lack of focus on education has consequences.. and we're living it now. The people in control of our Government are preying on ignorance and promoting more of what's already ailing us. Map: MT receives $3270 per student from the Federal Gov't.
I couldn't agree more. The mess we're in now politically is due to the targeted dumbing down of our people. Schools stopped teaching critical thinking & only educated us well enough to pass a test. Most Americans read below a 6th grade level & that's a genuine tragedy.
That sucks so bad! I'm sorry to hear that! I'm not sure where Oklahoma ranks in teacher pay (near the bottom I suspect). Problem is,nobody wants to deal with Walters & Stitt's forced religion bs. Ugh this country is going to hell in a handbasket
Fellow Americans! Remember, Trump is NOTHING without his spineless, traitorous, cowardly, corrupt, and self-serving Republican enablers—Senators, Congress members, and Supreme Court justices.
Next time you VOTE, choose leaders who serve the public, NOT THEMSELVES. #VoteWisely
Don't the states already have the option to reject all DoE funds? Most of the states complaining about their taxes funding things like the DoE are net recipients of federal funding so their taxes are really just going to their own shithole.
They absolutely do. Thank you. Most federal funding for PK-12 education already goes to the states in the form of block grants. They don't have to accept them if they don't want to, but then they have to figure out how to fund special education and supplement low-income districts on their own.
Ok, well, if that’s the case then states get to decide to forgive student loans. And we’ll be electing state level officials who fall in line with that belief. Checkmate?
Can we be more specific on states and policy like James W Loewen researched & published about education even after the cabinet decision by Carter & white supremacy influence of Doctrine of Discovery "founders" impacting modern life still to this day. Both systems failed
When Reagan was governor of California, the education budget was cut to fund a cut on property tax (Prop. 13).
It has been described as a contributor to California's housing crisis, as its acquisition value system incentivizes long-time homeowners to hold onto their properties rather than downsize.
"Yeah you can go back to a Confederate and union America, it didn't work out before, but sure, you can try it, if you're an idiot that can learn from history..."🙄
NO do not let the states dictate education. I'm in Texas we all know what will happen all church schools, and forget teaching the Hispanic kids, or kids of other countries.
Teaching kids let them, decide what they want to achieve.
Yes, the states did SUCH a great job that they refused to educate disabled students. Then when they were forced to enroll them, they put them in meaningless programs of no benefit to them. Only FEDERAL action has resulted in what we are today—which is FAR from perfect for kids with disabilities.
-Halted funding for Ukraine
-Halted intel sharing with Ukraine (both violations of Budapest Memorandum)
- Intends to end refugee status for over 200k Ukrainians
- Drawing up plans to ease sanctions on Russia.
Support Ukraine if you can, donate to United 24 🇺🇦❤️
Are the blue states ready for all of us to migrate there? I’m stuck in Iowa and we lost our first in the nation for education status quite awhile ago. Now we hand out money for private schools with no oversight to how it’s spent. It’s awful.
I’ll be surprised if they decentralize education. The MAGA political project seems more concerned with further centralizing power under the executive branch. I think this another exercise in cutting heads
While it is nice to pretend local governments have some wonderful insight to the needs of their community and can tailor to those needs, more often than not they see their community as "us" having to put up with a "them" and the rights of individuals get trampled.
Under the Canadian Constitution the provinces have the primary responsibility for education but we don’t have quite the same reasons here for needing the federal government to ensure consistent quality education for all, as the US does.
In the US, leaving it up to each State could be problematic.
The states and local government has primary responsibility of education. These ppl have no idea what the DoE actually does but they are about to find out. Especially in red states.
Our federal government may provide funding for education in the transfer payments to the provinces but leaves curriculum & everything else to each province.
Ontario spends the least per capita for education, of all the provinces, although the total is the greatest because of the number of students
Well in the US majority of the education is paid for by the states and they set curriculum. The federal government pays for schools that are very low income schools by providing free lunch, special education services, student loans, they enforce civil rights stuff..
Your federal DoE also oversees colleges & universities to ensure compliance with federal statutes ensuring equal opportunity to all students "regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age”.
Kind of important.
Southern states had segregation as well and they want that back. My tax dollars should never be used for private schools for them to discriminate. You know they are itching to do in.
This is how they need to explain it to the American ppl. If ppl are unhappy with the fact their kids can't read that's the problem of your state and it's still gonna be a problem.
On the bright side, it’ll bring a lot of diversity to the US: Smart people from smart states, stupid people from stupid states, and all kinds of people in between.
Magas can't stand their kids being smarter than them. Magats want their larvae taught an America-centered curriculum developed in consultation with noted scientists, philosophers, historians, educators and thinkers like David Barton, Ben Shapiro, Glen Beck, Paula White and Jordan Peterson.
And we've seen how much the States have learned since the rollback of the Voting Rights Act and Roe.
Most of the states will be far worse than they were before Brown. They've only learned it's perfectly fine to be completely bigoted, unhinged and anti American.
90% of public education funding is already at the state. The fear I have is that there will not be any federal loans for post-secondray. Now that will kill the middle class.
I agree this is horrible. I am a special education teacher, so this scares me a great deal. Luckily, I live in a blue state. I think it's ridiculous that they are trying to say that they want to give more control to the states. Eliminating IDEA? Didn't read that yet.
Eliminating IDEA & Title I are in Project 2025. Trump’s already said that he won’t fund blue states unless they teach the racist & historically inaccurate 1776 Project.
Right, but has been acted on? People will need to speak up. Disabilities have no party affiliation. Parents will be so upset. Hopefully, the rule of law will protect IDEA and title I.
Just as with women’s civil rights - why should someone’s education depend on what state they live in?
Just as with healthcare and immigration law — Republicans don’t want to fix education or healthcare or immigration - they are determined to break all of it, so they can privatize all of it.
The blues states will be fine. It’s the red states that lack the money to pay for a decent school system and who depend most on the federal tax payer (fed contributes about $2,400/pupil).
Exactly. That's how we got Boebert and MTG. The Republicans want more of them. Lots more of them. They're so easy to con, manipulate, and control than educated folks. They complain about the dumbing down of our schools but they're the ones dumbing them down.
This entire thread is a bunch of people simultaneously complaining about how ineffective the current educational system is... and fighting like hell to continue it as is. Pick a lane. Either DOE is doing a great job and we want it, or teachers and kids aren't getting support and it needs to go.
Oklahoma being one of the worst. My family has left Oklahoma and my daughter in-law a wonderful teacher have left the state to give my grandkids a better education and opportunities. You can’t leave it up to these backward states.
Come to Ky. If these boobs in Frankfort are put in charge of education we’ll go back to segregation. No joke. We are already way down on the education ladder and teacher pay here is abysmal.
Education standards are set by the states already. The whole line of reasoning is a ploy. The DOE sets standards and gives money for SPED programs and poor districts. Don’t give in to the GOP talking points.
Just be patient. Elon Musk is going to send a rocket to Mars to solve this problem any day now.
It’s up to us to stand up against Elon and Twitter, no one else is going to do it for us. There’s a million small actions we can take everyday. Join us at https://twitterexodus.org
We think of this as a campaign to try to convince people to use Bluesky. No one needs a club to do that, but unfortunately millions of people who don’t like Musk are still on X. We want to help them leave. Like a support group for X users!
You can definitely help! Our campaign right now is focused on targets here on Bluesky. So helping us spread the word about our ExodusActions on Bluesky would be super useful!
Churchill in the wilderness told the people what was happening, predicted the coming tragedy, and when time proved him right, sailed back into power. Dems. Go to your town halls tell the people what’s happening, what to expect.
And the states are already making them. NC plans to give millions in vouchers to private schools at the expense of our already underfunded public education.
More concerned about resegregation than actually teaching children to read and write? Poorer red states are going to feel the worst of this. The next generation of children are the casualties in this mess.
States can’t pay for education anymore. People want less taxes but a state would have to raise taxes to fund education. Plus all the racism and such that happen when states run things.
Two years after the VRA, I substitute taught in a southern school. One Black student. I was not hired back - I was "too nice" to him. So he was there pro forma, but not in heart. I've thought of him often. He was smart and nice - and ignored. Even in compliance they fucked it up.
I moved from state to state growing up (Navy Brat) before the DOE. Each state taught different stuff and different times so what was taught in 2nd grade in CA was taught in 3rd grade in RI and 4th grade in FL so many of us missed stuff or had duplication. There needs to be a standard - save DOE
We are one nation in regard to our children and education. Adding one and one and learning about history have the same requirements for one great nation. We don't need to divide this between the 50 states.
What is saved if States have to pick up the bill. Its fuzzy accounting/it's fraudulent!
It's in the playbook of dictators.
Is this how they think they can win the race against China, which has first-rate public schools and universities?
Good luck.
Your kids will be poorly equipped to compete with the high dollar private education their wealthy peers will no doubt receive instead
When the American worker wakes up from their slumber, they'll be looking for payback.
And this particular chapter aims to take the country to a time pre Civil Rights.
21% of Americans are illiterate.
''Good. We're half way there. Now, let's dismantle the Federal Department of Education. That should make it easier to keep 'em dumb and pliable.''
It's part of the dumbing of America
If anyone wants to google this, Jesse Helms was a despicable, vehement racist. He wanted schools to segregate by other means instead of skin color.
So, the next best proxy to segregate in the USA is income… because of obvious reasons
This is obviously a scam of an idea…
Guess who bitched and complained about DEI and and all the black folks who were now allowed to be part of government and daily life?
Jesse Helms (and every MAGA Republican)
"Director stood before judges, admitted to steering federal welfare funds to enrich the sons of a wealthy retired WWE wrestler."
The height of evil in the USA right now is unspeakable.
I hope those saying relax everything will be ok, stay calm let others handle this realize what's at stake now!
This explains why they didn't go Metric like the rest of the world!
Senator Kaine may be a mealy mouthed, toothless clown and one of our more obvious bagmen in the D caucus. He was just re-elected ('24 Virginia), so we're going to need him and deal with him as he is. 🕊️
democrat states: *decide*
maga: no, not like that
This court will give it to them !
Trump-voting states have more to lose if Education Department dismantled
States that voted for Trump last November, on average, use more federal funding in their education apportions than states that voted for former Vice President Harris.
But you’re right, Reagan took away the pretense of government needing to care about the working class & needy, and Clinton made that bipartisan.
The Mad King and President Musk are simply taking it to its most callous conclusion.
Next time you VOTE, choose leaders who serve the public, NOT THEMSELVES. #VoteWisely
It has been described as a contributor to California's housing crisis, as its acquisition value system incentivizes long-time homeowners to hold onto their properties rather than downsize.
Teaching kids let them, decide what they want to achieve.
let 'em have it, Senator Understands the Assignment! 💙🇺🇸
But the dept of Ed also funds school programs for disabled students. Kiss that goodbye. Fascism is happening
-Halted funding for Ukraine
-Halted intel sharing with Ukraine (both violations of Budapest Memorandum)
- Intends to end refugee status for over 200k Ukrainians
- Drawing up plans to ease sanctions on Russia.
Support Ukraine if you can, donate to United 24 🇺🇦❤️
While it is nice to pretend local governments have some wonderful insight to the needs of their community and can tailor to those needs, more often than not they see their community as "us" having to put up with a "them" and the rights of individuals get trampled.
In the US, leaving it up to each State could be problematic.
Ontario spends the least per capita for education, of all the provinces, although the total is the greatest because of the number of students
Kind of important.
but when states codify abortion or gay marriage? oh, we need to step in and stop it b/c our Opus Dei End Times extremists say they speak for god.
f-cking sickening.
Opus Dei is helping to burn this country down, to add to their power and impose their sick will on others.
you may f-ck off.
Leonard Leo is Opus Dei.
I was raised Catholic.
f-ck them.
and End Times Protestants.
all insane.
you have to buy into the myth. don't like it? no benefits for you, heathen.
completely immoral. like everything the Catholic crime family does.
two thousand years and counting of accumulating wealth, being hostile to science, opposing all progress for women, and sexually abusing children.
people can be moral and help others without believing nonsense or joining a crime family.
THIS is why republicans and their investors LOVE “states rights.”
States are easier to manipulate.
GOP engineereed iliteracy in America affects more than half of us
Illiteracy on one hand, greed on the other elected Trump
If you can't read you can't think - ciritical analysis skills develop through higher levels of literacy
Read to yorur kids & take them to libraries!
After Hitler’s accession to power in 1933, the Nazis set out to reconstruct German society.
was infused with National Socialist ideology
and infiltrated by Nazi personnel in chief positions
Most of the states will be far worse than they were before Brown. They've only learned it's perfectly fine to be completely bigoted, unhinged and anti American.
Just as with healthcare and immigration law — Republicans don’t want to fix education or healthcare or immigration - they are determined to break all of it, so they can privatize all of it.
Look how he talked to Maine governor
They want religious schools that teach their interpretation of Christianity.
I don't hear folks getting vouchers for Hindu, Jewish or Islamic schools?
Terrible framing by Kaine and look at all the likes.
It’s up to us to stand up against Elon and Twitter, no one else is going to do it for us. There’s a million small actions we can take everyday. Join us at https://twitterexodus.org
Are doomed to repeat their mistakes
We're in the "Repeat" phase of American History
What is saved if States have to pick up the bill. Its fuzzy accounting/it's fraudulent!