We’ll be reading about a lot of things in the history books about this time. In normal times, this would be big news, but with this idiocracy it will register as a tiny blip.
He seems to mistake us for the multitude of bootlickers and sycophants who never dare to utter the word NO in his presence. He can't handle it when someone stands up to him. This will break him. We are waaay stronger than him. He's about to find out.
Also, has anyone else noticed that Trump tries to get tough with Mexico, and then Claudia Sheinbaum gets him on the phone and then - voila! - he backs down like a puppy? Be like Claudia. 🥊 🔥
Maybe his definition of a nasty woman is they aren't paddling him like a toddler. They are nasty because Donny was naughty and he isn't being punished.
Trump has already secured his place in the history books as the WORST President in History, a felon, rapist and Traitor to the United States of America.
Well yes I can imagine it because it’s something Trump would do. Also… there’s going to be so many chapters about all of this in history books. I hope I live long enough to see justice and how it all ends
It's almost like he didn't really think this through and consider what potential retaliatory tactics could be taken by the other side. I missed that chapter in "Art of the Deal."
The American billionaires are probably buying up a lot of the dumped stocks and this is their plan to amass more wealth and power and make America a privatized oligarchy. It’s a pump and dump scam and the world played right into their hands since it was the sensible decision to divest.
You know he bitches a lot about the trade agreement. Somebody needs to pull that out and look at the signatures at the bottom. You might not be able to read that scribble, but it looks a lot like his scribble.
Threatening CANADA now?! 🤡 Trump’s spiraling out of control – picking fights with allies while cozying up to dictators. A ‘financial price’? For using ELECTRICITY?! Is this a presidency or a mafia shake-down?! 🚨🔥
Absolutely right! 💯 The US economy is hanging by a thread – and Trump’s reckless chaos is making it worse. The damage he’s doing will take YEARS to repair. How much more are Americans willing to lose before they wake up?! 🚨
It's a cult. I've looked at a stupid MAGAt flag out my kitchen window for 5 years. It's going to take a lot to break the cult, and it must be as painful as possible.
I don't know. But so long as white people are empowered to hate black people and brown people...and apparently now people who say 'eh?', America seems to be good with it.
But who would support a country that would “stoop so low as to use ELECTRICITY, that so affects the life of innocent ppl, as a bargaining chip and threat?”
Donald J Trump, thats who. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c1w0l3q4zd0o
Again, Ontario can not only charges us more for electricity, but they can shut it off completely. At a minimum that would cause roaming blackouts in New York, Ohio, Michigan and Minnesota. At worst NYC to Minneapolis is blacked out completely until Ontario decides to turn the power back on.
Does anyone else find it ironic that Trump once nastily referred to all African countries, Haiti and El Salvador as "sh*thole" nations and yet, he keeps doing everything in his power to remake the United States into the most bigly sh*thole nation on earth?
No you moronic idiot, you started this fight with our friends & neighbor of over 200 years to hurt the Canadian People, to make them bend to your whims.
Canadians are a proud people, kind, polite, but make no mistake Donny boy, don't take there kindness for weakness.
2. Canadians are Gladiators! They fight back, and they will win this fight that you started
tRump. You have tariffed your way into irrevalency, and it's the American People who will pay for your stupidity,even the decent ones who did not vote for you.
Viva la Canada!!
My Dear Canadian Neighbor, tRump won the election with Elon's help by a plurality of 1.4%, not a mandate, for the 75 million decent Americans that didn't vote for him, we are sadden, humiliated, embarrassed, by the way tRump has treated our allies and friends. Our reputation is in tatters around
2. The globe. There is active push back, opposition to this renegade regime by the 75m. Legacy media ABC,NBC,CBS,CNN, MSM ,FOX, etc are complicit with him. Recently we had a 50/50 march on all capitals in each state, which was unprecedented, was not even covered by legacy media.
3. Only Meidas Touch & other Pro-Democracy networks covered it. We're also doing economic boycotts of his oligarch backers. I'm giving you this info, because not all Americans agree with this orange turd actions. The late great poet Maya Angelou wrote this poem, it states the following:
4."When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time".
Trump has shown you he is an enemy to you; whatever actions you take to protect your sovereignty is justified. But know this; we the Decent Americans do not see you as an enemy, we will continue
The GOOD neighbors and non MAGA SKUM don’t want any of this!! We are fighting, but need real leadership in Congress to impeach and arrest! We are sorry to all Non MAGA Canadians!! ❤️❤️❤️
There won't be any 'History Books' in the future, because we will all be as dumb as a box of rocks and won't be able to read after getting rid of The Department of Education.
A price for what? Not wanting to be annexed by the United States? Having a former leader (Trudeau) that Melania made googoo eyes at? Being a faithful ally for over 100 years? Being notoriously nice people?
Why are we tormenting Canada?
It's hilarious because it's a problem of his own making.
There's literally no reason or justification for tariffs. So. If he just honored the agreement he signed, this all goes away.
It's all so stupid.
Priceless=Trump who “started” this tariff war attacks Canada who is standing up to Trump’s yoyo policies. History will remember Trump the Chaos Tariff President & Stock Market Crash President.
His public cries of frustration are signals that he knows he is losing. People like Donald, who have had everything at their fingertips for as long as they could breathe, cease functioning when things don't go their way. The pressure must be kept on.
I attend comic cons, and one of my fellow attendees from Canada just cancelled his appearance at an upcoming con based on the increasing hostile rhetoric from the U.S. government.
I have no 401k but I'm terrified of losing my Social Security & my Medicare. I won't be invading but I will continue to protest this hideous administration.
Don’t believe we elected him! Election interference took place from many angles he was (S)elected by putin, billionaires, media, tech boys, evil-genitals religion, racists, KKK the confederate south, illiterates, toothless gun pushers, bots trolls X, FB, IG, ticktoc, cyber attack disinformation
Well, I do think that the Trump years will, indeed, be read about in history books (no need to capitalize) for many years to come....just not for the reasons Trump thinks.
My guess would be he doesn't feel anything regarding that.
He only cares when he is affected. He's crying about innocent ppl here, but he's mad he's being made to look bad, or worse as the case may be.
Also totally get your question was more than likely rhetorical. Thanks for putting up with me.
WTF is wrong with this man? He is already in the history books for instigating an insurrection. He is ruining our lives and messing with the world economy. I know he wanted to be king but he's playing God.
Dear America, get your shit together and get rid of him before he turns you into a pariah state and starts wars with old allies. There should be riots right now. What the fuck are you doing?
There is a dem in the house who voted Rep to avoid the government shut down. That says it all for me and media blackouts on all protests and push backs are not helping. Canadian media could help out here by highlighting the protests. The challenge is most of the US does not watch Canadian news.
Unfortunately, too many Americans subscribe to the every man/woman for him/herself mentality rather than the idea that we're all in this together. They won't rise up until they themselves are affected. Life still hasn't changed much for most Americans - yet. The tipping point is Social Security.
Problem with having the strongest military is having it turned against yourself. There was a comedian that joked about the entirety of the NRA vs. 1 Predator drones. The drone won.
Plus we already have cops killing people and getting violent with peaceful protesters. They're always itching to shoot first and make excuses later. I know we could end this with a week or two of everyone refusing to leave home or spend money. Covid taught us that.
Max, we’re trying. There are protests all over our country, almost daily. We cannot impeach the bastard because they hold all 3 branches of government right now. Every decent American I know is constantly calling their reps, joining protests or joining boycotts.
there are! news outlets aren't reporting on them en masse however. rest assured people are fed up with this bozo and his approval rating is plummeting daily lmao
We ARE out here protesting this BS regime and the fascist media will not cover it. Billionaire media moguls sided w the nazis. Committing Lies on a 24/7 news loop to prop up that PO💩and his ongoing coup! Military needs to arrest MANY people, FOTUS,F3lon, couchfkr, johnson, and entire GOP Congress!
They'll "stoop so low as to use ELECTRICITY"? Wow, imagine if a country did something even lower, like...cut off military aid and intelligence to an ally who is fighting off a foreign invader? Now THAT country would truly be pathetic and should be shamed in the history books for years to come.
Canada has more trade agreements than any other country in the world. We will pull together, tighten belts, and look out for each other. We will be fine.
The US however has zero friends in the world now and doesn't value community in the same way. It is alone and divided.
Exactly. They think they have friends - Russia. Isreal. They would all stab each other in the back when they have the chance. That’s not friendship - even if you call it that.
The Mussolini of Mar-a-Lago is at it again—slapping tariffs on his top trading partner like a drunk blackjack player doubling down on a losing hand.
Meanwhile, China’s so thrilled they’re toasting with baijiu by the barrel, and Russia? Forget the glass, chugging vodka straight from the bottle!
Like I've said, bring it on. What will really be read about in history books for years to come, is how Canadians were the the ones that stood up against the USA and won. Don't try us.
Oh dear. Poor poor 🍊💩🤡. First Zelenskyy and now Canada standing up to him. It must be so very difficult to have people with self respect not bowing and scraping.
I suspect the history books will for many centuries talk about how economically illiterate Trump was, not about penalties on Canada #TrumpIsARussianAsset
Says the despot who has no problem withdrawing USAID funding and supports with no warning, no caring for the suffering that will follow. No, this hypocrisy of threats and tariffs is all part of his (to date) bloodless coup.
The orange jackass already has America “paying a financial price so big it will be read about in History Books for many years to come-and the absolute insanity of the corrupt convicted felon who did it and caused destruction in every area of our lives. Putin couldn’t do better job of destroying us.
Seems like randomly attacking close allies and trading partners with shakedowns and threats against sovereign territory is so big that it will be read about in History Books for many years to come.
Does he think we should just sit back and let him grab us by the pussy? No. Not happening. We are part of the commonwealth and we have way more support than he even realises.
What people will read about in history books for a hundred years will be the story of how almost half of a once great nation lost its collective mind and elected a rapist felon conman to be president. It is so outlandish hardly anyone will believe it.
The maga racist are also misogynistic, they don't want a women in power regardless of her race or ethnicity. They vote against Hillary Clinton, both smart, talented, politically savvy women would have made an excellent Commander-in-Chief.
They won't. Their racism is so potent and so possessive that they will never regret voting against a black person. Especially one of mixed race. The existence of such a person violates everything they cling to in their souls.
And at minimum 150 million Americans can’t wait for that holiday as well, including me. It will be a glorious holiday, a holiday for citizens of the world to celebrate for centuries to come, some say the best holiday ever created…
The whole party is rotten and it even extends to the dems who have sold out and shown the world who they are. They were right wingers pretending to be liberal. I’d say that most Dem leaders in America are center-right - in most other countries a Dem would be considered conservative.
Hypocrisy and ignorance all in a single tweet. Oh wait he scrubs history from the record. That's probably why he said for decades to come, instead of forever.
And so is Musk.
They are so deep into this, now, that I would like their mental health to be independently assessed.
Imagine trying to get only yes means yes through his thick skull...
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail
So what his issue ?
“And can you imagine Canada stooping so low as to use ELECTRICITY, that so affects the life of innocent people…”
“And can you imagine TRUMP/MUSK/GOP stooping so low as to use FOOD, that so affects the life of innocent people…”
Bur, sadly yes.
Tariffs have consequences that can't be ignored.
Canada didn't start this.
(Just kidding, that one was for the chuckle I hope it got!)
He is no emperor, no king, no president, no man…
Yeah, thought so.
Donald J Trump, thats who.
And what a stinking failure he was.
Just another KKKon from this shambolic regime.
Canadians are a proud people, kind, polite, but make no mistake Donny boy, don't take there kindness for weakness.
tRump. You have tariffed your way into irrevalency, and it's the American People who will pay for your stupidity,even the decent ones who did not vote for you.
Viva la Canada!!
But now our national sovereignty is threatened, and we no longer share the same interests.
Canada won't make the mistake again, of mistaking our neighbour for our friends.
Trump has shown you he is an enemy to you; whatever actions you take to protect your sovereignty is justified. But know this; we the Decent Americans do not see you as an enemy, we will continue
Never again.
He really is that simple-minded.
Why are we tormenting Canada?
Trump, the man who has wickedly cut off military aid and intelligence sharing to the innocent people of Ukraine.
His lack of humanity is chilling. He shames America.
He's weak. Ukraine is strong.
There's literally no reason or justification for tariffs. So. If he just honored the agreement he signed, this all goes away.
It's all so stupid.
Wondering when 💀💀💀 him
American men are more concerned with NFL Free Agency than their government!
We are preparing to be invaded!
Incandescent Anger!
Is your 401k okay ?
Meanwhile, we are preparing for a 🇺🇸 invasion.
All of it!
We in Canada 🇨🇦 will slit throats at Minus 50 F before we ever report to a Republican!
Tariffs never benefit the country that levies them. Particularly when you have no manufacturing capacity or a viable supply chain.
You’re just shooting yourself in the foot.
He only cares when he is affected. He's crying about innocent ppl here, but he's mad he's being made to look bad, or worse as the case may be.
Also totally get your question was more than likely rhetorical. Thanks for putting up with me.
Shameful and deep damage in the US being trustworthy in any relationship.
Why aren't US streets full of people fighting for democracy and freedom?
Hypocrite much?
#ElbowsUp 🇨🇦
The US however has zero friends in the world now and doesn't value community in the same way. It is alone and divided.
It will break.
Someone..! ANYONE!! Please stop him from destroying the world..!
Meanwhile, China’s so thrilled they’re toasting with baijiu by the barrel, and Russia? Forget the glass, chugging vodka straight from the bottle!
"What is President Trump's favorite history book?"
"What historical era has he studied most?"
"Does President Trump like the History Channel on TV?"
Look for it at GIANT BOOK sales everywhere!
The trade war could end immediately if Trump stops slapping on tarrifs.
Aggressors: YOU are the problem.
Does he think we should just sit back and let him grab us by the pussy? No. Not happening. We are part of the commonwealth and we have way more support than he even realises.
Your death is going to be a national holiday. Can’t wait 🎉
See you there!!! ♥️
Canadians survived ALL the years of both World Wars, we can get through this.
I think our tolerance of economic pain is greater than that of Americans. They can’t even handle expensive eggs.