Walz: "The idea that the secretary of education would not know what IDEA is -- individuals with disability in education act -- that's like your mechanic not knowing how to put air in your tire. And she's in charge of this nation's education progress. It is catastrophic."
Billionaires greed and evil are limitless.
“You just got Walz’d”
after Tim outs these crooks and cons on a daily basis. 🤞
Propaganda will rule the day.
When is America great again
She owned a stake in it
Her "husband" Vince owned it
She really set the bar.
But to be fair she is in charge of the nation’s education regress
Let us all get in the ring and lay the smacketh down on their fascist asses.
She should never be allowed to be around any children.
Fight this
At what point will they regret their choice?
They will make education solely Christian nationalist and roll back desegregated education, and of course only for the ultra wealthy.
I suspect if IDEA survives at all, it will have some kind of "educable" component. A student who doesn't have the capacity to learn and hold a job won't be provided with services. That's what running govt like a business looks like. Heartless, shortsighted
I follow all vets.
You're hired!
Lets give 'em what they deserve.
Now what.................
Any mechanism of holding them accountable has been attacked and disabled. We can try voting in more Dems to lock up Congress even more, but they'll just use presidential power to do what they want
How in hell would she know anything about running the Department of education at all? She’s miles over her head in there 😑 holy shit
Now it makes sense.
That's exactly the fucking idea/point.
#Canada 🇨🇦 we love our neighbors, apologies for our #psychopath bullies in the #US
OMG! Trump is outrageous!
Help our Congress fight MAGA
Get loud! Get tough on GOP!
Call everyday at #5Calls
Support those running against GOP/MAGA
These people believe their own neurodivergency makes them superior but anyone else's differences make them "sub."
The disabled were among hitler's first targets.
Linda McMahon?
He clearly had stuff on them but fortunately for them he 'committed suicide' after threatening to use it I guess.
We could’ve had a sane, qualified administration where we protected our children.
May MAGA burn in hell.
You chose Vance... Shame on you america
I have common sense
We have no problem with the sane part of the US.
That this entitled and soulless women is unaware of the program that supports him and happy to cancel it is the height of cruelty.
I am enraged.
A) To take advantage of Trump
B) take advantage if a brand new liberal leader who was targeted by attack ads, way before the leader election.
But if she only views her job as to dismantle, she won’t care about people.
Doubt she knows much about education
I’m woke too!
Beyond comprehension...
Let that sink in