🚨 GOP ATTACKS THE POOR — AGAIN! Rep. Lisa McClain claims Medicaid recipients are “nefarious”?! This isn’t about fraud — it’s about punishing the most vulnerable while giving tax cuts to the rich. Typical GOP playbook. SHARE THIS — FIGHT BACK! 🔥👊
Alice, I’m so sorry for what your mother went through. It’s heartbreaking that the GOP wants to demonize vulnerable people who rely on Medicaid to survive. We should be protecting and expanding these programs — not attacking those who need them most.
Medicaid HAS a very effective waste, fraud and abuse department, or it used to.
Almost all waste fraud and abuse in healthcare is perpetrated by providers, not care recipients. Think Rick Scott.
No doubt there is some fraud in the program, so to stop one person from taking advantage, they'll punish 1000 people who really need it. This is the GOP's version of efficiency. Efficient suffering, indeed.
I've read similar stats before. Like anything, it takes effort and attention to weed out real fraudsters. Hard to do it with the chainsaw approach we're seeing under the DOGE-sters.
They're not even trying to weed out fraud, that is a 100% lie. None of the DOGE stooges has any expertise in auditing or forensic accounting whatsoever.
This is simply burn it all to the ground and steal whatever they can, which now includes all citizen's private data.
I know a few people using Medicaid. They won’t survive without it. So please show us those nefarious users & perhaps instead of cutting a vital lifeline to people like my daughter, who needs 100% 24/7 care & support to survive, maybe go after the horrible boogey men you are alluding to.
Does she even know what that means? Evil, sinful, wicked, dark, obscene, cruel, ugly, nasty, cursed, sordid, perverted, ungodly, wretched, defiling, vulgar, cursed, banned, unbecoming...
True. I used Medicare to order circus clowns for my granny's 100th birthday, which doesn't sound nefarious... until you learn that she eats circus clowns!!!
Half of my patients have Medi-Cal & 1 in 4 San Diegans uses Medi-Cal!
There is nothing nefarious about them genuinely needing these services, & it keeps premium & copay costs down for all people who have health insurance! PACE has been around for 50 years & has been proven to save government $$$!
How? I'm not sure it's possible to *use* it nefariously. Claiming people are receiving services that they are not, a/k/a Medicaid fraud, is done by medical practices and insurance companies. Is she just blaming their victims?
Seriously. They act like you just fill out a form, turn it in and you automatically get it. I’m helping my senior mother get Medicaid & it’s lot of paperwork & stress. Especially with these jackasses threatening to end it.
Nefariously? It’s a healthcare program, how can someone use a healthcare program nefariously? “Hey! Did you see how I used Medicaid to get glasses? Just walked into the optometrist, slapped my Medicaid down & demanded a pair. When you have Medicaid, they let you do that” said no one, ever
McClain is the worst. She lies in that baby fundy voice. I know where there’s actual waste-fraud-abuse, Musk stealing every contract for himself is vastly corrupt. $4trillion tax cuts for billionaires is waste-fraud-abuse.
Hans Gruber: "Do you really think you can convince us, Madam Cowboy? Just another American who saw too many movies as a child? Another orphan of a bankrupt culture who thinks she's George Wallace?"
I’m so tired of hearing the words waste, fraud, and abuse. It is always used in that order as if it is just one word that is constantly used as a buzzword to indicate the government is going to destroy a program or service without showing any evidence to support their idea.
"Nefarious" use of the Medicaid program to regain and maintain one's health...I don't even know where to begin on this woman's stupidity and misuse of the English language.
Illegals don’t qualify for any Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security. Even though they pay for it with taxes. Yet another vacuous idiot parroting her god Trump.
There are (or were) staff who do nothing but investigate and eliminate potential fraud at Medicaid (Medicaid Fraud Control Units), Medicare (Medicare Fraud Strike Force), and Social Security (Cooperative Disability Investigations, improper payments) offices.
Then all of my Milwaukee County mental health clients are using Medicaid nefariously?!?! "People" are not using Medicaid for nefarious reasons. You go get health care and see how some are treated for using Medicaid! Effing c*nt!
Riiiight. Like being able to be in nursing homes. My dad lost all savings + all except ~35/mo of his social security and any other funds he had. This plus Medi-Cal kept him in.
NEFARIOUS? The only thing nefarious here is McClain’s disgusting smear against struggling Americans who rely on Medicaid to survive. This is GOP cruelty 101: demonize the poor to justify gutting healthcare. SHAMEFUL! We’re fighting for dignity and justice — NOT corporate greed!
Kudos to the republicans: they have fully ingested the “waste, fraud, and abuse” tagline and use it endlessly. Do they have a script they share? It’s become meaningless in a very short period of time. Just background filler for any talking point.
We’re going to make sure that those who really need the benefits get them. So if we kick your lazy parasite ass off Medicaid it’s because you don’t really need healthcare. Not as much as Elon needs a tax cut anyway.
She probably just heard about Medicaid in the last couple of months, and only the shit spewed by Musk/Trump admin. I'm sure Big Balls can fill her in on all the deets.
If they trot out a bunch of scapegoats in an effort to effectively criminalize receipt of public assistance, this reflex is what they are counting on. The government applies quite enough paranoid suspicion to recipients of public assistance already.
If people are committing crimes, the law and order party should increase the number of investigators.
They’re not going to find wide spread waste, abuse, and fraud.
Accepting the premise that maybe the wild accusations are true is giving them more than enough credit to get taken advantage of and every investigation is happening to an actual person whose life and medical care will be disrupted to prove a point that has already been proven over and over
The 1% is using the IRS and tax laws nefariously. There is exponentially more abuse by the 1% than in Medicaid. Just stop with the BS gaslighting. I bet the fine people in the Thumb love you going after the programs that help them out. But then again they elected your dumb ass.
Ohhhhh my god, Boris was awesome.All his facial expressions were epic... she was so condescending and lied her ass off.. and he just smirked at her. I would love you know what he was thinking.
deifinition of a maga pol: empty brain, only filled by the daily maga propaganda machine + keep cushy jobs in Congress (do nothing but media, collect 174K salary and great benefits).
Per usual, they don't go after the doctors who commit Medicaid and Medicare fraud by providing doubious diagnoses or over prescribing medication and unneeded treatment. Those people are allowed to continue in most cases with little more than a minuscule fine.
Otherwise they are wittingly lying for the GOP.
because much of the fraud is being committed by Healthcare companies, just ask Rick Scott.
Fucking no they aren't, dipshit. Racist, lying ass fucker.
Somebody ask this fool how much free Healthcare hospital ER's have to give out every day.
Almost all waste fraud and abuse in healthcare is perpetrated by providers, not care recipients. Think Rick Scott.
This is simply burn it all to the ground and steal whatever they can, which now includes all citizen's private data.
Did she also crash 4 planes and give up her unit to the VC?
LOL.... real ones know.
Anyway FUCK this #parasiteclass bitch
Not people who need, Healthcare?
Or maybe she means this guy?
Slam that in their ugly ass faces lol.
Medicaid is a good thing !
WTAF is she talking about. Has she just heard this word and thought it sounds nice and intelligent. Jesus effing wept!!
America, health care is a right. Ask the rest of the free world.
There is nothing nefarious about them genuinely needing these services, & it keeps premium & copay costs down for all people who have health insurance! PACE has been around for 50 years & has been proven to save government $$$!
Fixed it for you LISA
They do exist Lisa.
No. They really do.
Who amongst us, looks forward to getting ill and then have to grovel to get healthcare.
The OIG audits these efforts as well.
#resistance #protest #50501movement #fucktheking #fuckmusk
So very meaningful to MAGA
They’re not going to find wide spread waste, abuse, and fraud.
Per usual, they don't go after the doctors who commit Medicaid and Medicare fraud by providing doubious diagnoses or over prescribing medication and unneeded treatment. Those people are allowed to continue in most cases with little more than a minuscule fine.
Has anyone seen
Dr. Ronny “Good Times” JackAsson?
The Nations Highest Ranking Drug Dealer!
That Pharma Ghoul Needs a Good Public Rebuking!!