Gaze upon your leader, Justice Dept employees. Listen closely to what he says. Then go back to your jobs and start leaking instantaneously and endlessly.
Illegal 😳
Oh, come on …when you listen to that you are wondering why there is such a fuss in the Senate and why Dems would vote yes to people endorsing this crazy nuts guy … it means they are crazy nuts people also
And you can’t vote yes to a bill written by crazy nuts people right?
Everything that deranged pile of orange goo “thinks” doesn’t serve him is “illegal”. And he keeps saying it bc he wants us to believe it. Also, he’s fucking mental! Get the net!
You could make an argument that Khalil is not a citizen and thus has no 1st A rights. (I wouldn't, but I've heard old debates that even law-abiding non-citizens have no constitutional rights.)
Now, Trump is talking about no 1A rights for citizens too.
aileen cannon is a corrupt lawless treasonous person abusing her power to betray WE THE PEOPLE and overthrow the United States of America. She's also a co-conspirator to ESPIONAGE.
I bet Lil' Marco, Pocahontas, Meatball Ron, Lyin' Ted, Crooked Hillary, Sleepy Joe, and Birdbrain Nikki would like to hear more about how calling people insulting names is illegal.
So it should be obvious by now that he doesn't know what illegal actually means. One of those asylum words that's interchangable to do the weave and you know genius shit.
He's ripping us off with all the air he takes in. Oh and a rock would put up a better argument on literally anything than Cannon would. Bloated demented corpse.
hands up
And then I’d let them fire me so I could get unemployment while looking for a real job.
Come and get me.
Oh, come on …when you listen to that you are wondering why there is such a fuss in the Senate and why Dems would vote yes to people endorsing this crazy nuts guy … it means they are crazy nuts people also
And you can’t vote yes to a bill written by crazy nuts people right?
Now, Trump is talking about no 1A rights for citizens too.
Cmon and get me, fatso.
I hate this place.
Hey trump, you’re the biggest dipshit this world has ever seen or heard. You’re slow, stupid and your pores wreak of fat from McDonald’s.
I bet I won’t get arrested.
“I appointed her.”
Also Trump:
It's not even illegal to refer to him as, and I quote, "...the dumbest goddamn student..." that William T. Kelly ever had.