How dare this loathsome fungus presume to say what 300 million people are or are not fed up with? Please, Ohio voters (especially Republicans), vote this oxygen thief out of office!!!
Naw dude, Americans are fed up with lying, fascist right wing politicians who spew misinformation and propaganda. Also, in this particular case, with sexual abusers like Gym Jordan.
No, I’m actually not Jim. I’m a supporter of the law being applied equally and equitably.
Something Jim Jordan knows nothing about, as he’s parlayed his career protecting sexual predators at Ohio State, to protecting a sexual predator as President.
He’s trying to make CA sound like a foreign land and not apart of this country.
The majority of the American people are proud of the judges standing up right now. And that scares republicans, they are on defense right now. Don’t give up.
Well, on that point, I share Gym's goal. I don't want my state to be part of Trumpistan either. The United States is a failed experiment.
The non-Confederate states would be better off separated from those shitholes, whether they leave the Failed States of America separately or as a group.
The red states have never learned how to manage without free slave labor. They rank dead last in education, healthcare and opportunity. The progressive states subsidize their failed asses and all they can do is whine to a Zombie on Fox.
Hey if Jim Jordan thinks that California judges aren’t legitimate, we have no problem leaving the union without the fifth largest economy in the world. California tax dollars feed red states. Jim Jordan is a pervert
Then I’m sure he would be thrilled to have his Ohio constituents return all the money California has sent to the Treasury to subsidize his sorry-ass state.
I'm not an expert, but I rather think the title of "federal" automatically implies applicability to the whole country. Otherwise why would we call them "federal" judges? How dumb are people??
Notice the not-so-subtle racism and xenophobia by invoking a place in Africa? P.S. said African city was a scholarly trade hub whose culture exceeded, in Medieval times mind you, every Red State shithole today
Move to Russia Gym where the dictator is never restrained by a judge…just be careful around open windows, you might not always be the emperor’s favourite.
That applies equally or more so to Trump appointed zealots like Aileen Cannon who abandon their legal and constitutional oaths to give advantage to a convicted felon and his horrid policies.
How can anyone listen to Jordan? He is a pedophile who doesn’t belong in Congress. Remember, he knew young men were being a sexual assaulted and did nothing.
I don't know, Gym. I think the American people really want to know why they should listen to someone from a backwoods district shaped like a duck. If we drew feet to reach Columbus and Dayton, you'd just be another wrestling coach who runs interference for child molesters.
Not fed up at all. Incredibly grateful that the judiciary is doing the work. Congress abdicated their role in the govt, so I'm glad the judiciary has not abdicated and is doing what they are meant to do. They maybe wouldn't have had to if we had a functioning legislative branch.
Argued with a guy on this exact point. His retort was it was fine because Biden electronically signed his EOs and someone else actually did it for him. He actually believed what he said
🤣 His reply: "Digital signatures while he was asleep on the beach. Big money corporate media hides the truth. Y’all worried about Elon when the money is actually hiding behind the Ds. Truth is so obvious. Common man."
Still cannot provide anything beyond "feelings"
Yes and no. If your state inprisons 1/125 people are on track for 50% of the population to be felons by 2040 like Kentucky, then they put obstacles in your path 5 years after your sentence is complete to even vote again. You also can not vote in any other state.
Well I’m fed up with a guy from God’s Waiting Room, FL saying something that applies to the entire country but that’s 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯, 𝘑𝘪𝘮
So #JimJordan & his ilk needs to stop judge shopping for the same unqualified guy, judge Kacsmaryk in Texas, to make rulings that effect nationwide 😡
This is what happens when a lawmaker with no law degree or understanding of the legal system gets a platform to espouse pure, Blue Magic-level ignorance.
Well, a judge in Timbukto, California, wouldn't have to say something that then applies to an entire country if we had a president who wasn't destroying an entire country. But, do go on, you complicit piece of shit.
Not like he knows anything about the law. Moron. He’d also be fine with a judge in buttfuck no where Texas placing an injunction on all abortion access. Sorry if I’m not convinced on the merits of gym hypocrisy Jordan.
You know what I'm fed up by? Congressmen who yap too much on FN, turn a blind eye to sexual abuse allegations, and NEVER introduce bills that get passed...looking at you Gym J.
Bc dammit no one can stop them and so the judges now are “ corrupt and must be impeached”. Awful ! See my post on truckers . I’d have NEVER guessed that one
Timbuctoo California is deep in the heart of Trump country and, despite being a ghost town, probably a better holiday destination than any random town in Ohio.
But Republicans are fine with a right-wing judge from ButtFuck Nowhere, Texas making decisions for the entire country? Seems a bit hypocritical! Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk for those interested
Came here to say the exact same thing. Pisses me off every time I see these rw nutjobs & their outright hypocrisy on this. & NO ONE pushes back on them about it.
Jim Jordan: "MAGA Republicans are fed up with the courts telling us we can't carry out our bigoted, sexist, hateful agenda against anyone who isn't Aryan."
It’s called “Federal Law”, which applies across the entire country. Federal law is not supposed to differ by state or district or circuit. If you don’t like the ruling, appeal it. Furthermore, this is why the Supreme Court takes cases where circuits have differed.
Jordan was never fully investigated for his possible role,keeping quiet while sex abuse crimes took place against his students when was a coach & supposedly knew about it. Just like Trump,he seems nervous,attacks & denigrates judges & the rule of law. Neither one of them belong in their positions.
There is no Timbuktu in America's most populous state with the world's 5th largest economy, but there is definitely a Matthew J. Kacsmaryk in the Northern District of Texas so Gym Jordan projects again as the fascist he is.
No, Jim Jordan, we’re sick of you getting paid for doing absolutely NOTHING. You are the Fraud and Waste in Government. All you do is yell and show your ignorance and incompetence. If you were in a Civilian job, you would have been fired years ago for extremely poor performance.
i'm tired of people giving him airtime. his whole camp is bat shit bonkers & should be made to live life the way they are trying to force us regular folks to live ours; goose, gander & all.
Hey Jim, remind me again why we created a system like this? Something about the colonies not wanting one guy in England making decisions for everyone? Declaration of Independence, was it?
Maybe there's more people fed up with that asshat judge in Bumfuck, Texas, where all the right-wing Christian women-haters go to start their lawsuits on the bullet train to their corrupt Supreme Court.
They need back up.
We see you - either let CA & the PNW leave the US if you hate them so much, or HE can leave🤷♀️
The American people are tired of billionaires deciding what services are too expensive for the people.
American people are fed up with Republicans attention hogs speaking for them.
#TrumpUnfit #MuskyCoup
Something Jim Jordan knows nothing about, as he’s parlayed his career protecting sexual predators at Ohio State, to protecting a sexual predator as President.
The majority of the American people are proud of the judges standing up right now. And that scares republicans, they are on defense right now. Don’t give up.
The non-Confederate states would be better off separated from those shitholes, whether they leave the Failed States of America separately or as a group.,_California#/media/File%3AGate_at_Timbuctoo_California_on_2019-09-21.j
Well twisted, Sir Pretzel Logic!
You don’t remember, Gym?
I'm shocked that Ohioans are not as well.
Still cannot provide anything beyond "feelings"
They are definitely reflective of their nimrod constituents, though. I'll give them that.
We can all pick on states we don't like.
Nope. Wrong. We want consistent law consistently applied regardless of who is charged.
Here in the UK, we get this a lot from the radical right: discrediting court rulings because of where the ruling is made.
Got it Jim.
I loathe the fact that this 💩 ever gained power. His career should have ended long ago, but #maga sucks. 🖕🤬🖕
Just another man who should never be able to show his face in public again.
"You have the rights we say you can have!"
Oh gym, you silly...
He didn't say he'd fix that.
Get fucked Gym.
Unless it's Kacsmaryk in Cowpasture, Texas.