I'd like to know why it was so important to wipe his shirt clean with a "handy" towel and retrieve his stained hat (at least 3 SS agents handled it) at that so called assassination attempt that took a chunk of his ear off, but grew back the next day. 🤔
His malignant narcissism drives his insatiable need to see his name on everything. Wearing a hat with his own signature is a clear indication of how important he precieves himself. He's sick.
He looks like the guy in the parking lot of Wendy’s when the Catholic girls high school lets out and he’s sitting there in his dented minivan that smells like old ketchup and mold as he’s staring at their legs.
I’m thinking a call to his buddy Kim kardashien to get some custom walrus full lard shape wear would be good move
And don’t care that’s wrong spelling
“Mr President, please make sure to have the headphones on correctly where the mouthpiece is located in the front. This is going to be such a great photo op!!!!!”
He looks old and frail, like america, maybe he needs a good old fascist rally to charge his battery. Your dear leader is a rapist and you seem to love it.🍻🇨🇦
JK, it’s obviously so the grown ups can remember which one belongs to him. I do this with my toddler.
Here's to hoping he wanders off, forgets his name, and loses his hat
He’s also a piece of shit
Something those suffering from dementia do a lot.
“Worn sweaty MAGA hat”
To the highest bidder.$$$$
And don’t care that’s wrong spelling
This is going to show up in some awkward moment from a 2053 pawnstars reboot.