One of the biggest enemies of democracy. Talking about we are not a democracy because of checks and balances.
This admin has cornered the market on unlikeable people.
Or should I say evil people.
Another hearing tomorrow at noon. DOJ refused to answer direct questions about who were on the planes and where they were when. He told them to come with answers or authority for their refusals.
Putting aside the frightening implications of the position that the administration can simply disregard court orders with which it disagrees, Stephen Miller is a cartoonishly bad communicator.
uh.. Coup! We are witnessing the new concept of Law under Trump: N The Constitutional Law is now being outlawed; the Law is now Illegal. To put this other way: this is the Coup, the Trump-Vance-Bannon-GOPutinists-MAGA takeover of American democracy.
Our government is being run by miscreant fascist oligarchs who have been systematically destroying our government since “day one.”The media is failing us. ENOUGH with the normalizing! ENOUGH with”equal time” BS! Hitler is in the Oval! How about addressing how dire this situation is for the country?
Get used to that broken analogy, because they're going to lean into it more and more and more as they get ready to deploy our own military ON OUR SOIL to blue cities in order to lay siege to them, put them under martial law and treat us to witnessing US soldiers shooting our own people ON OUR SOIL.
Miller is patently out of step with democracy and reality most the time. Miller’s views represent some of the most racist and bigoted at the highest levels of government. Much of Trump’s irrational philosophy comes from Miller.
I can understand that the media feel obligated to stand there an listen to the president belch and fart. But why is it necessary to entertain this vile creature whenever he slithers out on the lawn?
This is not a war, so what Goebbels is saying is nonsense. I understand that his boss, the adjudicated rapist felon, has no idea what a war actually is, because of his "bone spurs."
This is the thing that puts us over the edge into fascism. THE line has been crossed. If the judicial system does not have this administration arrested for disobedience of their court order, democracy is gone. It is time for the revolution.
The only answer you will get from Stephen Miller is that he doesn’t care what you think, your rules don’t matter, you all are morons. If he is to be interviewed, the media needs a new approach.
Substitute “another human” for “woman” and you’ll get the point I’m trying to make. I can’t believe he found another human to voluntarily join him in the bunker that’s surely in his doomed future.
He keeps switching metaphors because it’s nonsense. What a judge decided isn’t legal? Ok even if we’re questioning of a judge’s call is constitutional, you need to have a strong clear argument as to HOW it’s illegal.
He used a lot of pieces of sentences to say something but said nothing. Elected officials are supposed to be public servants who carry out the will of the people not crime bosses who are outraged when held to any standard whatsoever.
This guy would make a great Lex Luthor if Lex Luthor had never known the intimate touch of another human being and that's the whole reason he hates Superman
I believe Stephen Miller hates everybody. He has always promoted Gestapo tactics without of his immigration policies he suggests to Trump. The horrendous ideas makes it very easy to despise him. He projects evil and cruelty. It has been this way since he arrived in Trumps first term
But has he looked at most of Trumps EOs, with the large majority violating the constitution or in direct violation of law. They want to push their discriminatory policies against citizens, institutions, and other countries. Others used to hate us because of success now because we're assholes.
Since when do crazy, bald headed old guys who look like Dracula or their deranged, treasonous Dear Leaders who think that they are king get to determine what is or is not unlawful?
Those are the most asinine analogies to try and defend domestic policy versus foreign policy. Deporting people is a human rights issue. How do we know that all those deported were in fact Venezuelan criminals without due process. Your failed border policy has made you desperate.
This admin has cornered the market on unlikeable people.
Or should I say evil people.
Kellyanne Conway cleared the way with “it’s only words”.
- Constitution and Law
- Nazi oligarchy
It’s bad. Very bad. I prey for U Americans.
Me: I disagree with you and will walk away.
Police: *pull out tasers and guns.*
Keep the pressure on. Their house of cards should be close to falling.
Which law, Mr. Miller?
It gives the whole thing away
I would immediately back over him on purpose.
I keep seeing in my mind that scene in Schindler's List where the rabbi making hinges is pulled outside to be shot (guns fail)
A judge makes a ruling they don't like, and they are dragged outside.
What are you going to do about it?
(Maybe in your demented Nazi mind stevie goebbels)
Excellent logic from Stephen(moron)Miller.
He’s a psychopath!
patents are protected by "laws"
Ugh he has zero authority
Will the 2nd coming of Mad King Donald, bringer of chaos, corruption & disinformation, from destroying 249 years of American progress?
Lawful by extension of the Law.
Kangaroo narrative by Miller, just more of the Heretic Foundations DoubleSpeak Hostile Takeover Insurrection BS