BEHAR: Trump publicly congratulated you. Was he trying to trick you?
SCHUMER: He was trolling me!
SCHUMER: He was trolling me!
Get lost Schumer..
We have lost trust in him.
this guy such a clown
You can’t win a gun fight with boxing gloves…
Instead of drawing a line in the sand you let Trump & Elon draw THEIR line.
JFC-even Canadians have stood proudly & put their elbows up!
We aren’t pussies when our country is under attack!
You need to follow our lead?
#ElbowsUp 🇨🇦
Bank robber: “thank you security guard for letting me rob this bank!”
Reporter: “so security guard why did the robber thank you after you let him rob?”
Security guard: “he’s trolling me I know this guy”
+ All Senate Dems (minus you and your 9 collaborators) + a vast majority of the Dem Base opposed.
Accept the things you cannot change #SurrenderSchumer
You’re done, it’s over.
"We Dems are fighting them very hard" says the idiot who signed off on the CR power grab.
You can't make this up.
Take that smile of your face
Schumer BETRAYED his constituents.
It's the American people that got played. failed when we needed him most. He abandoned the house and any leverage we had in a tight Congress. He won’t fight.
He should step down because he divides us.
It's just a game to these asshats....they are all one in the same.
People need to realize it's never been Republicans vs's always been us vs the ruling class....the two party system is just a distraction. do America a favor, retire and fuck off somewhere to be forgotten.
You are still a disgrace
tRump is a grown man who acts like an adolescent bully with small penis syndrome.
I cannot even imagine how any woman could be attracted to him (or Muskrat) I know there are some women (like Malaria) who go only for the money but I just couldn’t! 🤮
He's only strengthening the case for his removal from leadership. Let him keep talking lol
I am not sure how cutting budgets and giving the Orange Felon unchecked power is a continuing resolution. Where's the Parliamentarian when needed?
Playing games while our country burns, Schumer is a collaborator and an aged grifting dinosaur clinging to power and his donor $
Way to use that power, Chuck.
Step down. Do it now. You’re hurting the party.
And I thought that people like Schumer understood nuance and how not shutting the gov't down b/c of an R tirade is good but not shutting the gov't down when it's the only tool to use against a fascist coup is bad.
Stop pretending this will all blow over. Your time is done.
Book Sales.
When you sell out to your Wall Street Donors
There are consequences.
It isn't hard to form a committee, whip up some votes and get things done.
‘stop lying to the people’
Another lifer who has forgotten who he works for.