No taxes in your social security check that you will have to go pick up in person if you are lucky enough to have a social security office open near you.
she and her family are trumpers, as is her sugar daddy husband. And she is blond and not ethnic looking. Those are her qualifications. A definite DEI - Didn't Earn It.
We all know how this ends. They put together some asinine racist reconciliation package that also happens to end taxes on tips. And when Democrats refuse to support said racist reconciliation bill, the message will be that “Democrats want to tax your tips.”
Do they realize that if tips are no longer taxed, they pay less into social security (SS) and therefore receive less in social security when they retire? (Assuming SS exists in the future.) My neighbor gets $700 a month in SS because he worked for cash most of his life. It's cutting benefits.
Can we also look into why they stopped mass producing pink and blue toilet paper? I know why. It's just another pointless endeavour the administration can start on...
Girl SHUT UPPPPP...Approval of Democrats is low because REPUBLICANS threw together a trash ass spending bill. Leaving them between a rock and a hard place. Pass the bill or risk a government shut down. That was STRATEGIC on the REPUBLICANS part. They knew damn well wth they were doing!
We’re being robbed left and right as this prima donna smiles like a she-bot and talks about pennies being saved on a tip! Newsflash not the majority of people in the workforce actually receive “tips” for their jobs? Stop thinking these crumbs cover up the damage cuts are causing Americans.
At this point she has to be saying these things so that when she says something reprehensible like "he's committed to cutting social security," there's a certain percentage of people who will just say she misspoke, right?
While she did misspeak here, Trump's promise to end taxes on tips means that fewer tipped workers will make enough money to get work credit for Social Security.
Does she even know English? First she says they are going to fight law and order. Now they are ending no taxes on tips. I believe tips are taxed so there’s nothing to end. 🤡
“I know everything hasn't been quite right with me, but I can assure you now, very confidently, that it's going to be all right again. I feel much better now. I really do.” ~HAL
Has there ever been a Presidential Spokesperson who says the wrong thing this much? I don't mean lies, I mean says things that actually mean the exact opposite of what she said.
So there will be taxes on tips? That is how I understand "ending no taxes on tips". She is soooo blonde, so very blonde and being a Republican makes her vomit out all her crap (and makes me vomit).
He thinks tips should be the property of the owner, he said that. So he will again reduce taxes for the rich.
Although I think if he pulls that off, tipping in the US will end. Hopefully workers would demand a living wage and in the end it will be better for everyone.
She is a pompous ass just like the others in that administration & an embarrassment to the Catholic church! You call yourself a good Catholic yet you do the work of the devil...twice impeached, 34 felon, donald dirtbag trump. Grow up little girl, read a book about your draft dodger lowlife boss!
You are right on point. When I worked at Pizza Hut, we were required to report our tips, which became part of our wages. There is no such thing as no tax on tips. It was a hoax.
We will comply with the court order to end no taxes on tips. The judges should not take tips from executive authority. This is begging the question. The most...capable and efficient...leader. On tips. I can feel my elbows. Shouting at me. Tips. I hear voices.
100% he is! I have no doubts about that. Everyone will be able to claim their bonus is a tip, additional compensation is a tip and voila! No taxes. This is not just for service/gig workers (peanuts), this will benefit millionaires because they’ll be able to cut down even more on taxable income.
This isn't for people waiting on tables or tending bar, this is for people working on Wall Street who can claim that their pay is a service and therefore should be considered a tip.
I don't care what that unethical loudmouth says. She's just outrage porn at this point. I don't believe it's productive to listen to a clip with her in it, unless someone is correcting her terrible understanding of our laws or the constitution. I wonder if she gets "tips"?
holy shit this woman does not belong anywhere near a microphone.
Ending no taxes on tips? in her mind that means something else I assume, but in everyone listening it means he is going add even more taxes.
#DumbBlonde to the maximum
No taxes on tips without restrictions will mostly (as always with Republicans) benefit the ultra wealthy. The hedge fund billionaires who will call their compensation tips and government grift since the MAGA Supreme Court ruled corrupt payoffs, if done after the quid pro quo, are now called tips.
Oh, I’M aware of that. However, actual members of the GOP have been crowing that they did it and their mouthpieces in media have been parroting that same lie over and over.
Ask any of their cult members and I guarantee you they’ll say it’s been done.
Of course he is. The SCOTUS ruled in Snyder v. US that a bribe is not a bribe if you get your prize for doing the thing *after* you do it -- then its considered a "tip". So all those bribes that federal officials get for favors are now "tips" so of course Republicans want them to be tax free.
I just read Kavanaugh's decision in that case. OMG! The word "reward" implies something you receive AFTER an act is committed. It's crazy how 1 person's interpretation can change a whole law. It shouldn't be just one Justice ruling. It should always be by a vote of the entire body.
i'm in construction, I do such good work that when this law passes my homeowner customers will be paying half the bill as a tip, I'm that good! My employees are also so good. They're going to get minimum wage and fat tips from homeowners 😂😂😂 so much dumb!! We're being led by a third grader!
Same here in Canada politicians tell you what you want to hear to secure your vote come election time , then, seriously retard their promise by back pedaling or dodging the question after they get elected . Its the same here, we fall for it every time hoping for one day we hit actual paydirt...
He's adding taxes to everything, so he can repeat his $4.5 trillion giveaway to his donors, who will be getting a great return on their campaign and inauguration bribes. But the numbers will never add up, and the deficit will balloon, even before the Magflation hits...
The employer may not tax tips but they haven’t said anything about tips not being reported as income and therefore having to pay a tax bill when they file their taxes.
As a server, I'm like 90% sure this is going to be one of things that everyone thinks passes, but it doesn't, and people tip less because they think it's in effect.
No tax on tips. Who does this benefit? People on the 10% bracket. There would be greater benefit taxing the rich to assist the people on the 10% bracket.
Aside from her grammatical stupidity, this is purely a ruse to permit wealthy people to evade accounting and taxation by using cash "tips" to seek favors. It's an attempt to legalize a patronage system.
Lmao Louisiana is the poorest in the nation and the city that keeps it afloat would be New Orleans; take a guess as to what would be the biggest revenue generator in the state?
I wonder what the Louisiana Restaurant Assoc. has to say about this (boarded by a ton of money-grubbing GOPers)
Weird it isn’t mentioned in the GOP tax plan? They seemed to forget about no tax on tips and 10% credit card interest. Funny how that works. They did seem to find room for the trillion dollar tax give away for the rich.
Ultra rich will give tips to politicians,tax free tips. That’s what this is about ..starving the poor to enrich the rich. Ppl with low income don’t pay tax on income. Raise the minimum wage.
She is so snarky to the press in the room. Very rude and antagonistic. No wonder she lost her previous election. Try being nice to the people. When rightfully corrected say Thank you for your input.
Until this lady, I always thought "dumb blond" was an offensive slur. Watching her, I see that she may be why they say "dumb blond". Donald picked her because he likes how she looks... that's how Donald recruits women.
Instead of a "Leavitt", he should have"left it"-soon he'll say,"your fired"!
I have done some searches, and I confess, I am surely poor at it, as I cannot seem to find anywhere how various channels are registered in each category, nor a list of what categories exist to be registered *as*. Can you link me to a .gov or other official site containing this information?
Pretty. Blonde. AIrhead.
Yep, shes a Trump Girl.
For Trump's press secretary, she is "perfect".
later this year.
yeah no one will get this.
or possibly no.
Tips are a gratuity, not a good or service. You cannot tax tips! It's a GIFT for service above and beyond.
These people are f**king insane!
When she's with Mr Trump, watch her body language.
I see her with him more than flotus. Just sayin....
They might be surprised.
uhhhhhh........ Nope.
She lies so fast that she can't keep her lies straight. Hilarious!
Although I think if he pulls that off, tipping in the US will end. Hopefully workers would demand a living wage and in the end it will be better for everyone.
Most folks that earn tips don't earn enough to pay tax on their wages. They earn a sub-minimal wage.
The issue is the sub-minimal wage.
Tax the high income earners.
Removing taxes on people who don't pay taxes is a sham argument.
Until or unless someone can put a COHERENT sentence together to justify a swing of as mucha s 1000% pay increase for doing the EXACT SAME THING!
Donald Trump does not care about our democratic form of government.
Someone who could actually speak clearly and precisely and not make so many of the weird slips of the tongue
Ending no taxes on tips? in her mind that means something else I assume, but in everyone listening it means he is going add even more taxes.
#DumbBlonde to the maximum
Ask any of their cult members and I guarantee you they’ll say it’s been done.
how'd that go.
I wonder what the Louisiana Restaurant Assoc. has to say about this (boarded by a ton of money-grubbing GOPers)
Instead of a "Leavitt", he should have"left it"-soon he'll say,"your fired"!
Where on the FCC site is there:
a)A list of categories to register channels for?
b)A list of which channels are registered in which categories?
I cannot find it.
As you clearly have looked this up yourself, a direct link should be easy for you to share.