Rep. Kelly Morrison: "This is not what people voted for. Trump has done nothing to lower the costs for everyday Americans. All he is doing is destroying things. He's dismantling our social safety net. He's dismantling education ... the American people don't want it."
True courage comes from taking a risk on creating something, making something, putting yourself out there
That is all MAGA has is petty, petulant destruction & nothing more
This is a fascist takeover decades in the making. The GOP has wanted this a long time & guardrails are gone.
Think back to how Nazism was defeated before, it’s going to take a similar effort to beat it again.
This isn’t opinion, the historical record has shown fascist movements aren’t defeated peacefully
It’s time for people to grow up & live in the real world
However, we unfortunately have a deep historical record that shows the opposite
Part of the problem is that fascism itself advocates violence as a main tool, so even if you aren’t violent, they are.
This is who needs to wake up!!!!
NYT & Journal report CORRECT
Who doesn’t understand this?
So he added 34 Convictions for falsifying business records, RAPE, 2 IMPEACHMENTS, 4 Federal indictments, including to defraud the US.
And America returned him to office.
This tells you something about trump.
It tells us more about Americans.
Keep hope alive
Eating maga faces everywhere, like they're made of catnip
Trump supporters losing jobs, losing benefits, losing family members, losing farms, rising inflation, facing a recession
Agenda 2025 was there for everybody to see.
But when you’re dumb as fk and on cultural anesthesia small things like this might happen
Racist and/or fox-indoctrinated (is there a difference?) people wanting to hurt progressives, women and minorities voted him to see entertaining +
America is a nation of hatred and selfishness, with a dwindling minority of good people
How about losing Canada?
How about losing Europe?
What is the cost of losing your international reputation?
And losing international Trade?
Americans ain’t seen nothing yet.
Ffs, he literally said he was going to do all this. A lot. And loudly.
Soooooooo…I feel that MAGA voted for him, and now that they’re angry and have regrets, it’s their responsibility to remove him and his “administration”. They made him. They can unmake him without our help.
Best not to expect anything from the spineless bunch that even eats their own without batting an eye...
These mofos joined RePugs and censured Green who spoke up at the SOTU. 🤬
Filing impeachment articles has as much effect as me filing impeachment articles.
When are people going to wake up that the game was over in November?
Fucking do it, Morrison.
This is not Twitter.
Though at the same time many of these cultists will tell you to your face "he's doing exactly what I voted for". Disgusting human beings. It will only get worse.
Have you seen the comments on these propaganda videos? The hate and vitrol, and cheers for the suspension of Due Process?
Did every American vote for this?
No, of course not
But enough of them did. And we need to face that
You vote for government small enough to drown in a bathtub so that the Tooth Fairy (or whatever magnanimous being you believe is out there) will be freed of needless red tape and magically make everything cheap.🙄
End this fantasy that the Dems will save us. They've already proven they cave at a moment's notice.
When are WE going to stop him for fuck sakes
No dictator, ever, stood in front of the cameras holding a piece of paper ordering his slaves to dismantle education, ever!
Not China, not Russia.
Only the Divided Christian Nazi States of America.
And you people aren't doing anything about it !!
The people have spoken…I guess.
They gave every branch of government to people who literally said they were going to do all this stuff.
Only thing left to do is wait for the country to fall apart. Maybe found some new better counties afterwards
We all get what they voted for whether they realize it or not.
The government should appreciate that we all Americans citizens & The Entire whole world, follow the rules of the constitution & DO NOT ACT LIKE THEY DO, ILLEGALLY BYPASSING THE LAW OF THE CONSTITUTION AND PUTT EVERYTHING INTO DISASTROUS SITUATION EVEN FOR INNOCENT CHILDREN!!
I couldn't disagree more-this is EXACTLY what people voted for-the end of our democratic society.
And when I tell everyone he will invade Canada I get the same “oh he won’t dare do that,” the rebuttal I heard before he did that 🙄
But in retrospect I can see how a Niagara Falls of totally insane Executive Orders has gotten everyone off balance.
Orange Man Bad KNOWS what he is doing.
How do we accomplish this?
We will need to reasses and plan from here.
Also, yes Clinton handed a surplus but his deregulation of banks #glasssteagull, China trade agreement, tough on crime (3 strikes) & welfare reform set the stage for an uphill battle ahead.
Neither party governs great & both are corp owned.
Share links along with your logic and reason, the same way I did.
She’s also a practicing OB/GYN, hugely pro-choice, and has voted solidly pro-LGBTQ+.
And how tf did owning Canada take precedence over the no tax on tips promise?!?
You just only wanted the lowering of prices and didn’t pay attention.
FO is terminal cancer