Rep. Andy Biggs: "Trying to influence and intimidate Elon Musk and trying to stop President Trump's policies, that is domestic terrorism ... and when you are advocating for that kind of violence, that also is domestic terrorism."
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They don't seem to get there are at least 78 million of us and another 90 million who don't vote because "both parties are the same." Yet Republicans keep making it more obvious both parties aren't the same.
Literally neither of those things are “domestic terrorism” what about the boycott to Bud Light? And the various things these crybabies were boycotting.
Yeah, I was against the death penalty until the GOP became American Nazis. Now I agree that we need to bring back the firing squad for treason. I'm not paying to house these people for the rest of their lives.
So that's it... he just played the card. He will say anyone against him is a terrorist which means it is illegal to oppose Trump. He will next call judges "terrorists" and claim they have "Trump Derangement Syndrome" to lock them up or worse. These are alarm bells, people.
Andy Biggs can fuck off. None of what he describes is terrorism in amy way. You know what is terrorism? Storming the Capitol with weapons, wounding and killing police officers in the process.
And of course this isn't an issue at all if Musk were properly vetted, appointed, and divested of his private businesses before running the country. But he hasn't, which is why action against his private companies can be portrayed as political influence. Biggs is a quisling.
Dearest Andy Biggs,
Are you applying the same logic to your republican cultists that are currently threatening the lives of Judges that are ruling in favor of the constitution? Are you going to prosecute Elon for paying people in Wisconsin to attack judges? Are you going to jail Proud Boys .... ?
Wait, so trying to influence Elon is domestic terrorism? So, if Biggs were to ask doge to not close a post office in Arizona, he would be committing domestic terrorism?
Setting fires is dangerous and wrong. Fuck Elon. Fuck tRump. But don't fuck our environment and endanger human beings. Leave that to Republicans. We are better than that.
Vandalism is not an acceptable form of political protest, but boycott, peaceful demonstrations, and advertisements against Tesla or Musk are acceptable within the constraints of the Constitution. We are entitled to buy products of our choice.
Lol no we don't keep them in check. We have a government composed of people who have lost the last elections, and they collaborate with the far right to keep power and they apply policies who destroy our social system, with lot of racism against muslims.
When ppl get really tired of being fucked, Andy Biggs…they won’t be JUST damaging CARS… it is inevitable that ppl will respond in kind when their lives are on the line.
Sure, but intimidating and influencing innocent civilians is just fine. Deporting unconvicted “gang members” is also more than fine. But oh dear, don't touch Uncle Elon's goodies, or you'll be taken straight to El Salvador.
F*** these people! Someone can walk into a classroom and kill a bunch of babies that are just trying to get educated and that's not domestic terrorism?! They can f*** off with all of that. We are not so easily manipulated. Don't go out and burn a Tesla but God damn people use your brains!
Had Merrick Garland done his job, #January6th insurrectionist & coup plotter Andy Biggs would be in jail today for his role in trying to overturn an election/ overthrow the U.S. government.
Apparently Biggs believes that kind of intimidation and violence should only be directed against D politicians, election officials, judges who oppose R criminality, LGQTB+ people, immigrants and Congress sitting in session to certify an election that didn't go their way.
Of course the hypocrisy is obscene and the quicker Musk sufferers financially and politically the better ... but firebombing anything to make a political point is a gift to these arseholes.
I mean, I'm not condoning their actions... but could it just be that they think Elon is a turd bucket..?
Also, could it (in some instances) be a little insurance fraud?
idk...just spitballing, here. wtf do I know?
Got it. So every audience member on the late night talk shows that cheered for the arsons and the plummeting Tesla stock price are to be deported asap.
I wonder how he feels about trying to influence election results and intimidating President Biden or VP Pence's duties or storming the capital, assaulting police, and advocating for violence. That is domestic terrorism.
I do have a problem with the vandalization of peoples' cars, they are not hitting Tesla directly but instead harming car owners, who may or may not be dissenting Trump's policies. This is not good for the resistance, but will harm it in the eyes of the world.
It’s because their billionaire oligarch buddies are scared of what a massive protest campaign can do to their financials and are calling in the favors to get something done about it.
Then I guess I’m proud to be a member of the AFFDTG- Americans Fighting For Democracy Terrorist Group. All this time I thought I was just a citizen. “Hey Hey! Ho Ho! Fascist Trump has got to go!”
Republican elected official who planned the Jan6 insurrection knows a lot about sedition! How about accepting money from Elon to spew these lies? Campaign donations or bribes?
I want to see him bankrupt. He has been actively trying to destroy millions of lives and already has probably caused many deaths, and he needs to pay for it by losing his companies and his fortune.
Oh, so disagreeing with President Trump and his boss Elon Musk is now domestic terrorism! Was this something he learned from Vladimir Putin? Sure sounds like the EX – KGB communist mastermind, Vladimir Putin’s plan. I wonder what other orders he may be taking from Vladimir Putin?
How could it be terrorism when no other businesses are scared? Terrorism is the creation of general fear of a population. The only ones fearful are Tesla.
You say that it's a taboo to talk about religion and politics when you're in a public place. No more. When you're at the waiting room @ your doctor's, the grocery store, or anywhere in public, mention the price of eggs, the denial of entry @ the airports of those who criticized Trump, etc., etc...
if this sets foot in an airport in America, he'll disappear into an ICE detention center in the South somewhere.
They'll accuse him of being TDA & have him on the next flight to El Salvador.
To anyone outside of the US, stay away.
These fatherf*ckers are trying to fill quotas & they'll arrest anyone
Good people will continue to do whatever non-violent, legal things they can do to destroy customer demand for Elon's shit-ass cars and there's nothing that mouth breathers like Andy can do about it.
This stupid fuck has it coming when the weather gets hot and everyone that's been screwed over by republican-fascists riot, burn cities down, and come after him and his kind.
So, using Biggs' logic, trying to influence and intimidate then VP Pence in 2021, trying to stop President Elect Biden's inauguration by storming the US Capitol and attacking USCP, is ALSO domestic terrorism. THEN, Trump not intervening (advocating?) is ALSO domestic terrorism? Correct Rep. Biggs?
Biggs cannot simply declare someone’s intent any more than Jack Smith could simply declare that Trump intended to encourage the J6 uprising to prevent Joe Biden (temporarily) interrupting his ascendancy to the throne of American politics.
It is my duty as a citizen of the United States to stop policies that are in direct violation of the Constitution. You may have sold what little soul you had left, but not everyone is as craven and cowardly as you. Kindly fuck off.
This was what everyone who was against the "war on terror" was trying to get folks to understand. When they started calling anyone in the Middle East the US bombed a terrorist it was inevitable that everyone opposed to the government would be labeled a terrorist.
but defending and proliferating guns that kill children and doing nothing when those children are killed is also advocating for a kind of violence....which is worse? Andy, which is worse?
Most Tessla protests are peaceful. Interesting how the definition of terrorism changes when it's directed at the right or their policies. Tesla is tanking because Elon is such an obnoxious person. He's hurting millions of people without a care. Turn about is fair play.
#Republicans were perfectly fine and defended January 6th insurrectionist, then pardoned them for #crimes against our Capitol. Yet THIS is where they draw the line to protect a rich man who throws up #Nazi salutes
I do not condone violence of any kind, but I have to ask what Andy Biggs and his like-minded cronies thought happened at the US Capitol on January 6, 2020?
I feel silly even suggesting it, but it might be good governance for leadership to not have financial arrangements and entanglements that may subject them to undue influence. But, hey, what do I know.
That's hilarious considering he's donating to reps who are cool with impeaching judges for following the law and threatening to primary anyone in congress who doesn't fall in line 🤣 THAT is the influencing and intimidated you pee brained homosapien
So opposing Musk and Trumps agenda = domestic terrorism and Trump wants to send domestic terrorists to El Salvador? Take this shit seriously. We’ve all been told we are overreacting each step of the way, only to find out we were, if anything, under reacting.
So you now admit that all of those who attacked the Capital on January 6th, 2021 are domestic terrorists.
So, trump considers those in this country without proper paperwork as domestic terrorists, but pardons those who violently attacked our nation's capital.
Typical republican....
If you beat a Capitol police officer in an effort to overturn a free & fair election, you go free, but if you vandalize an electric car, you get 20 years in an infamously brutal El Salvadoran prison.
Bloated bitch boy trump made jokes about Pelosi's husband being attacked with a hammer, now his spineless sycophants pretend a burning car is a capital offense.
Andy Biggs: people like you are the capitalist levers of power weaponized against the working class. You are my enemy. The destruction of you and everyone like you along with your oligarch masters is the only way my class will survive. No war but class war by any means necessary.
No, it's stuff like tin can panels falling off after the flour and water glue got wet, and TESLA batteries exploding!
Psycho mechanics always blame the oily rags instead of their own monumental stupidity!
Do we know that these aren’t false flag attacks? The cars can’t be sold so owners could very well be committing insurance fraud.
“I’m just asking questions “
Trump tried to overthrow the government of the United States to stay in power after he knew he lost the 2020 free and fair election.
Trump pardon these terrorists.
Musk is a tool for the Trump administration for chaos and lawlessness.
Fox News Corp was sued for lying about the 2020 election fraud.
I think they should go back and investigate the January 6 insurrection or riot, whatever you want to call it! It falls exactly under the same definition for domestic terrorism! Put those terrorist back in prison!
The anti-democracy, extremist Republicans only like the Constitution that grants them their rights. But, they do not like a Consitition that grants all Americans the same rights.
He should be in federal prison, probably for the rest of his natural life."
Why attacking Tesla by the already stretched link to Elon is in anyway attacking gouvernement.
They denied the link that they would need to call him domestic terrorism.
Except instead of running an illegal alien out of business on our country, Trump actually tried to run American Democracy out of America.
property damage is terrorism, murder isnt
And as Trump and his have all seceded from the Constitution, even more so. You can't derive your power from the same Constitution you attack daily.
I am surprised that Trump
did not ask for half ownership
in Musk’s Tesla company!
Are you applying the same logic to your republican cultists that are currently threatening the lives of Judges that are ruling in favor of the constitution? Are you going to prosecute Elon for paying people in Wisconsin to attack judges? Are you going to jail Proud Boys .... ?
It won’t work. It didn’t deter the French Revolution and the French keep the government in check - even today.
Musk haters are NOT easily scared.
As he approached, he saw my 9mm by my side and he “shit himself”!
Musk needs the same!
He went af
Washington DC Office
Phone: (202) 225-2635
Mesa District Office
Phone: (480) 699-8239
Also, could it (in some instances) be a little insurance fraud?
idk...just spitballing, here. wtf do I know?
Y'all dumb AF, right?
We just need to remember THAT.
If Trump's policies were so great, or at least greater than the opposition's, Trump loyalists wouldn't need to disappear all opposition.
Another republican hypocrite.
Shaming people who buy them now, you say?
Happy to oblige.
Also, the only violence we need to conduct is on his brand and stock price.
I want to see him cry.
They'll accuse him of being TDA & have him on the next flight to El Salvador.
To anyone outside of the US, stay away.
These fatherf*ckers are trying to fill quotas & they'll arrest anyone
Folks should leave the Tesla's alone. They are likely to burst into flames on their own....
The Constitution is not selective—it binds all leaders & citizens alike.
Upholding the law ensures justice & fairness for all, not just a privileged few.
Now GFY.
Maybe Andy can sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
So, trump considers those in this country without proper paperwork as domestic terrorists, but pardons those who violently attacked our nation's capital.
Typical republican....
Fucking losers
Psycho mechanics always blame the oily rags instead of their own monumental stupidity!
“I’m just asking questions “
Trump pardon these terrorists.
Musk is a tool for the Trump administration for chaos and lawlessness.
Fox News Corp was sued for lying about the 2020 election fraud.
Let us know who's going to El Salvador for torching their own poor investments
Tie Tesla more to this admin
Next, Everyone Must Buy!!