Brian Kilmeade calls for the end of due process: "It's not practical to think we can do due process on 8 million people ... if we're gonna give every one of these guys a day in a court and a lawyer, we can't do it. They don't deserve it."
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I'm pretty sure they haven't deported any gang members.
When you catch gangsters you imprison and interrogate them to extract information about criminal activity and other gangsters.
If they deported any of them they're fucking retarded but most likely it's just lies.
What he forgets to mention is that it will applies to Americans in terms of their due process and rights so it will effect the 380,000,000 of Americans
And the 400 million+ privately owned firearms. If armed men with neither badges nor warrants come to my home to take my children away, I’m not responding with harsh language.
Fox News employs and broadcasts a person who does NOT support the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
DEPORT Brian Kilmeade. And while he's waiting for deportation, dump him in a prison "camp". Don't worry. He won't need a lawyer -- he doesn't think it's practical"
If you can't give them their day in court, you should cut them loose. That's the cornerstone of our entire justice system, that better guilty folk should go free than the innocent should be punished unjustly.
how about someone pull Brian off the street.. lock him up in a filthy over-crowded 'detention center' and then put him on a plane to god knows where - all without going in front of a judge, see how this mediore white man reacts. these people are beyond disgusting.
Why isn’t a Civil Rights Attorney taking this to court? ACLU should be all over this. We still have laws and a Constitution. First they came for immigrants…
A single immigration judge can go through a few thousand cases a year. Indeed, the throughput of hearings has always been a reason for backlog. But they never really tried "just hire enough judges."
They don't just not want the hearings, they don't want asylum ever granted. And it often is, should.
I should clarify that a single judge COULD do thousands per year, hypothetically, under ideal conditions with adequate support staff. I did not research the actual numbers. I don’t think that judges SHOULD be handling that many cases.
There are at least 1 million people they’ve added to the deportation list who were here legally so I don’t wanna hear any fucking crying about these massive numbers of people they’re deporting when they just keep breaking the law to add more to the list.
They’re normalizing the erosion of due process with fabricated justification. Removing due process is how democracies slip into authoritarianism, quietly, legally, & often with public approval. The danger is how they've normalized the idea that justice should serve power, not the people.
Most Americans don’t grasp the gravity of our moment. They don’t see the fall of democracy as a real threat. It’s something foreign and the idea of the U.S. collapsing into authoritarianism seems unthinkable.
If due process is eliminated, and they are able to arrest and deport (disappear) anyone they choose - yes, it will be. Even if they ignore court orders, courts remaining steadfast in the illegality of these actions will help keep the pressure on. If they cave or get impeached, we're cooked.
Remember, the Nazis weren't gassing Jews and other "undesirables" on day one. It was years of laws stripping them of rights, then of humanity and finally of life.
They didn't start with the Jews. They started with the disabled and their enemies and branched out from there to Jews, Roma, Gays etc.
Do you really believe this administration has third-reich staying power? The ability to be patient and methodical? I think they will try to emulate some type of final solution, but I question their ability to not buckle under the weight of their own incompetence and stupidity.
Many/most Germans had no idea what the camps really were.
We are already into the second draft concentration camp with the El Salvador banana republic deal, help me understand how that differs fundamentally from camps in occupied Poland.
Maybe Kilmeade needs to understand the actual point of how stupid the claim of 8 million people, however they roll, getting not just thrown out of their country but tossed into a high security prison without charges or any actual plan for any aspect of their incarceration. IN A THIRD COUNTRY! WTAF?
It’s called kidnapping and your arrest should be next and you don’t deserve due process. You are a terrible human being. Are we to believe that there has been 8 million investigations supported by evidence? Brian, you suck at life and you don’t have a decent bone in your body. Fuck off!
This is how fascism creeps in and takes over. "Oh, just an exception here. Oh, and there. And, oh, no more due process for you!" As Amerika sinks into the fascist quicksand the rest of the world can only wonder how stupid can Amerika be. (Hint: Very!)
It’s unpleasant enough to think of the trump fluffer position but add to that I have it on good authority that he has a steady stream of half digested Big Macs shooting out of his ass so it could get real messy down there.
14th Amendment includes: " nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; " ANY PERSON, it doesn't say citizen.
We are all humans.
If they are confident enough to insist on checking the social media compliance of foreign TOURISTS entering the US with mandated Trump worship on pain of detention, you know they already have a list of US citizens with the wrong skin colour or political leanings to be deported to foreign lands.
The last 150 years have been a miracle apparently. Wasted time it seems.
We had a chance to stop this from happening. But between Democrats gripping on to the status quo for dear life and voters carrying more about eggs, we're now facing a civil war again with a population too comfortable to fight.
Is there an #emoji yet that IDs #musk #elonmusk here at #BlueSky ?
I am asking for a
Of course #Neofascist
#America 🇺🇸 #ExpectUS
Support The #OrcaAgenda
This is a horror show !
No one deserve this kind of mistreatment !
Being imprisoned is one thing !
This torturous hell is something totally different !
We must have a means to ensure that innocent people are not sent there !
Otherwise, trump can send any of US there, that he's not happy with !
Because what we see as horrible human rights abuses, they see as strength, security, and reassurance that the "right kind of people" (read: rich, white, heteronormative, Christian) remain dominant.
If we ignore the rule of law when apprehending and incarcerating immigrants suspected of criminality, he long will it be before citizens are also grabbed and imprisoned without due process?!
How can you say, “they don’t deserve it,” when they haven’t even received due process? American citizens are being detained. Others here legally are being detained.
Exhibit A proving injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere...first they came for the undocumented with criminal records but that was too hard so they just kicked out anyone who looked like they might have a criminal record...then they came for the rest of us...
Due process is necessary to minimize mistakes. Does he want to send innocent people to face possible death or worse without checking to see if the right person is being sent?
White people commit over 70% of crime....remember he placed a $5million price tag on citizenship. Anyone bellow that is a target. Leopards being Leopards and all.
Cannons, too. But it was mostly about slave patrols and defending stolen land from any Native Americans who want it back,
which is still reflected in who buys guns other than hunters,
and the NRA long since stopped being about hunter safety classes.
When the time comes where this administration is being taken out of power(anyone who thinks they're leaving of their own accord and not trying for that third term is a fool) they should play the video for the room before walking the traitors to the gallows.
But people aren’t turning up at places where protests have been organised
People are chicken shit but if they don’t get out & fight possibly get injured & die millions more will die & I’d rather die standing than on my knees begging
It’s difficult as USA is so big too but each state willing to fight back must engage with other states & yes a general strike across the whole country followed by forming a militia … but keep reminding the armed forces they defend the constitution not a rogue president
All the trumps need shooting
And then the day will come that they come for him or someone he loves, and he will cry out for due process, for compassion, for an exception, and it will not come.
This was the Project 2025 goal all along, but you wouldn't believe it. The constitutional pillar of due process is what keeps YOU, and your children safe from arrest, shipment to another country's secret prison without charges, hearings 1/
I don't think Brian Kilmeade deserves it. So since we're making life-changing decisions about other people with zero evidence, zero process, zero justification, zero anything... just willy nilly, bye Brian, I guess. Since apparently it's all casual like that. Toodles.
I wonder how he would feel if other Countries rounded up Americans that had MAGA tattoos or hats and sent them, not to their home Country, but to a third world Country prison system known for it's harsh conditions.
"They don't deserve it"? Who is "they"? Random POC? If you can't do it right, don't do it at all. Some day your reign will end, and when it does... all this litigation will be very painful!
Ready the guillotines, these asshats don't deserve due process either. They have doomed these individuals, some not even gang members to what I would consider a death penalty in a notoriously harsh 3rd world hell hole prison camp thats not even their country of origin. This is unforgivable and evil.
The only parts they ever support are the 2nd Amendment, and twisting the 1st into the right to religiously oppress others. Everything else they’ve done for decades is “fuck the Constitution.”
Especially the ones who say they love the constitution in their bio. They've never read it including the only 2 they care about. Just like their bible.
They're such hypocrites- it's only ok to violate the Constitution when Republicans are in power. If Democrats did anything that hypothetically infringed on the 2nd amendment, you can bet they'd be crying all over the media using the word unconstitutional.
It’s not just about the 2nd amendment. They never would have sat back and ignored it if Biden or Obama had run roughshod over the Constitutional separation of powers.
I was in the Christian cult. I unfortunately voted for Bush. I secretly voted for Obama the first time. I got out when the pastor told us from the pulpit to vote for Romney. I questioned why, since we were told Mormons are evil and dangerous. The only answer I got was abortion. Not good enough
I was born again in '92. All adult years. I'm happy to be old and having run without looking back from the church/Fox bubble. My daughter got out before me. Her dad stayed with it. I only hope it somehow gave him peace when he was dying.
My aunt never fully forgave me. I learned a lot from her even while still Christian. I miss her. My niece, on the other hand, is fully MAGA and she's not Christian. I can't talk to her anymore. She laughs at me like I'm the stupid one. Luckily she's 1500 miles from me in Florida.
This is funny, but it is not. God is not mocked. This is what they think Christianity is? This is why I haven’t been to church in years. I don’t trust these type of ‘Christians’.
Guilt by association
So all those Dt associates who exist now & forward shall self regulate themselves
By resigning immediately
Because once you know the understanding how criminal activity functions in laundering money for his Russian buddies then you know mobsters or oligarchs ?
They don't deserve it because.....
Because they are criminals.....
And we know they are criminals how....
Because they were given due process... Oh wait..
So Trump and the other republicans who are rapist get their due process but we just throw away the 4th amendment cause there were no warrants for arrest and due process based on assumptions about tattoos- oh and skin color - isn’t that violating another amendment…
Yeah Kilmeade, it's a real shame we can't just fast-track your desire to torture, imprison and brutalize people for no reason at all other than your bigotry and hate. I guess only guys like you "deserve" due process, huh? Fucker.
"It's not practical to think we can do due process on 8 million people."
This is the reason we have the problem in the first place. It's too late to deport this many people. Also, they are ingrained. Removing them is cutting off a national limb.
How about taking 30 minutes to see if they have a criminal record before sending them to one of the worst prisons on the planet? It’s disgusting how these Nazis treat other humans because their skin color is different and they have tattoos.
So what kilmeade is saying is that it would be ok to just grab him off the street for no reason and send him to a prison in another country never to be seen again! Just because we dont like him
When you catch gangsters you imprison and interrogate them to extract information about criminal activity and other gangsters.
If they deported any of them they're fucking retarded but most likely it's just lies.
Fox News employs and broadcasts a person who does NOT support the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
DEPORT Brian Kilmeade. And while he's waiting for deportation, dump him in a prison "camp". Don't worry. He won't need a lawyer -- he doesn't think it's practical"
I mean who has time for due process. That's so old school.
They don't just not want the hearings, they don't want asylum ever granted. And it often is, should.
Most Americans don’t grasp the gravity of our moment. They don’t see the fall of democracy as a real threat. It’s something foreign and the idea of the U.S. collapsing into authoritarianism seems unthinkable.
in reality, they'd be gassed or whatever 2025's version of that would be.
They didn't start with the Jews. They started with the disabled and their enemies and branched out from there to Jews, Roma, Gays etc.
Many/most Germans had no idea what the camps really were.
We are already into the second draft concentration camp with the El Salvador banana republic deal, help me understand how that differs fundamentally from camps in occupied Poland.
These people are monsters.
RIP Dr. Vrba 🕊️
How the hell does he pretend to know they “don’t deserve it”!?
When the Constitution becomes burdensome, end the Constitution.
When elections become burdensome, end elections.
Fucking what????
Like the malevolent creature he is, Trump scraped the bottom of the barrel for his ICE thugs.
We are all humans.
None are respect....or even US citizenship. I think we should revoke the latter. He never had the former.
May this regime's demise be swift and certain.
Full on fascism. I think i'm gonna be sick
We had a chance to stop this from happening. But between Democrats gripping on to the status quo for dear life and voters carrying more about eggs, we're now facing a civil war again with a population too comfortable to fight.
RIP Dr. Vrba 🕊️
#America trump musk
Is there an #emoji yet that IDs #musk #elonmusk here at #BlueSky ?
I am asking for a
Of course #Neofascist
#America 🇺🇸 #ExpectUS
Support The #OrcaAgenda
No one deserve this kind of mistreatment !
Being imprisoned is one thing !
This torturous hell is something totally different !
We must have a means to ensure that innocent people are not sent there !
Otherwise, trump can send any of US there, that he's not happy with !
The Constitution would beg to differ.
Imagine if Democrats used this logic with 2A and confiscating firearms
which is still reflected in who buys guns other than hunters,
and the NRA long since stopped being about hunter safety classes.
The world doesn’t give a rip what he thinks.
This threat is both real and immediate
What precedents under the color of law which is done for one group, can be applied to others.
Dumping Due Process is a dangerous precedent.
This will come back to haunt you.
People are chicken shit but if they don’t get out & fight possibly get injured & die millions more will die & I’d rather die standing than on my knees begging
All the trumps need shooting
Ok. Easy - we can remove this entire administration with no due process and send THEM all to El Salvador.
Skip the courts and impeachment and just ship them off so life can get on for the decent folks here.
Utter bullshit every minute of the day from them.
I'm calling an end to going to work!
I'm calling an end to not stomping the government to the ground!
It's a slippery slope when you tear up the social contract.
Do you really think ICE & BP can move out 8 million ppl, and that all will be undocumented, w no citizens & noncitizens who are here legally?
I got out before I had ever voted for the first time.
My first vote was specifically to vote against Bush's 2nd term. lol
So all those Dt associates who exist now & forward shall self regulate themselves
By resigning immediately
Because once you know the understanding how criminal activity functions in laundering money for his Russian buddies then you know mobsters or oligarchs ?
Several countries have the US on Do Not Travel lists. Shameful!!
They don't deserve it because.....
Because they are criminals.....
And we know they are criminals how....
Because they were given due process... Oh wait..
#WeakAngryGOP #InsecureGOP #FragileGOP
This is the reason we have the problem in the first place. It's too late to deport this many people. Also, they are ingrained. Removing them is cutting off a national limb.
I'm waiting.
What a shill.