Oh my you just don’t know how you make my day with these photos of you and your companion traveling together and working together. It just makes my heart so warm and I love seeing these thank you.
In 1 month, Trump & GOP Congress have nations building alliances against America, while Trump & GOP Reps build alliances against Americans, cutting vital programs (Medicare, Soc Sec) to free up trillions in tax cuts for Elon.
I now understand how Hitler was able to go as far as he had threatened to go. I bet the German people just couldn't believe it could happen in their country, under their system of government. By the time it was out of control, the rest of the 🌍 had to come in and clean up their mess. #noNPD🌍leaders
It boggles the mind at this stage in American History there needs to be a conversation around the ability of the constitution to withstand forces that pose a threat to the fabric of our nation. What is more disturbing is we all had a clear view of the threat and yet still chose to elect him. WTFIWWU
True, but the sad part is; per US News and World Report, Of the 245 million eligible voters, over 90 million did not vote. That is 37% of the electorate who chose to sit their asses at home in perhaps the most consequential election of our lifetime. That is an abdication of civic responsibility
Whole lot of sitting around smelling each other's farts and looking down your noses. But, no actions. And no plan for action.
Start booking entire hotels in DC for months. Get food and water lined up. Arrange airplane/train/bus ticket funds. We all need to show up and be there until this ends.
The Constitution must hold. It's a brilliant document, and those of us who have sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution must fight like hell and be true to our word.
That is the crucial question.
This past election, almost 5 million votes, according to available data, were tossed due to irrelevant mistakes.
I am afraid the same will happen, if not worse, in 2026.
The irrelevant mistake was opting for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz!... Tossed after they realized trump could profit from that toss. Good thing Musk and co. know computers so well, says trump.
I still don't understand why Harris, who probably knew, gave up so fast.
What is the story?
Why not fight and bury these traitors in the depths of the Earth forever?
I work in mental health and social services. Therapy dogs deeply enhance quality of life. My nephew's dog was trained to track him down when he ran away. He used to be nonverbal, and when he was a little boy, he could run like an Olympian. She found him every time.
The fact that the Whitewashing of the military and one of the three major networks is not the main story or really any story at all is straight up censorship and is the most in the face blatant BS they've done yet ...crickets from advertisers
How can the Constitution protect US, if we continue electing representatives of modern-day robber barons? They subvert government, at the cost of services that our society depends on.
I dont think the Constitution can ‘hold’ unless it is defended. Physically if not violently. What will make red state people gather and make their reps so uncomfortable that they stop giving in to Trump.
George Conway, you are an excellent spokesperson. You're a great communicator, you're brutally honest, self-aware, realistic, and empathetic. A LOT of us see that and appreciate you.
To your question: What do we do?
Answer: I hope that you're prepared to be a leader in the streets.
George, if Blackwater army gets underway. Can I come stay with you in Canada? I’ve been fighting them on the ground for 10 years. I don’t have any protection. I’ve been banned from X 3-times. Can you offer me a bunker?
good news rump released Pennsylvania funding the housing Authority continues!
Remember when they said that 150,000 lives could’ve been saved if Donald Trump simply told the truth that COVID-19 is five times worse than the flu and you simply breathe it in through your nose. It’s not mucus on a on a railing. He knew the truth he knew the truth he knew the truth
The Mussolini and Hitler would go after civilians because they were weak and it would be easy to propaganda. All they have to do is kill a few hundred people like me and everyone else will fall in line.
My parents, my grandparents fled Poland right before World War II. There were cousins that stop sending us letters. Do you think I should get out of the country while I can before the black water army because after they’re done going after Jack Smith they’re gonna start going after civilians
I’m a Jew from squirrel Hill. My grandparents fled Poland in 1932ish when Hitler started rising to power.
They moved to Oakland of area of Pittsburgh. Right near Dan Marino.
My father was good friends with Bruno San Martino
My father started healthcare for mental health.
@gtconway.bsky.social I've heard you state recently that citizens will need to take to the streets soon. Do you anticipate the Insurrection Act being declared as a result of that? And how would you recommend dealing with that step? Thank you!
George has always understood where we would end up. Shocking that stellar lawyers with him have not caught up. This is disheartening, alarming and anger provoking.
It is not understood the degree to which repub senators and congressman have refused to exercise their agency, senators were known in the past to bristle at presidential overreach in their domain, now in both houses they are subservient to unelected buffoon "Musk" screwing with #1 power "the purse".
Lawless executive orders, shirking judicial rulings, fudging the lines between separation of powers, abiding by the rule of law as something optional . . . only a matter of time when decrying such actions as “unconstitutional” become fairy tales and fictions of American myths.
Americans need a voice
1 term limits congress+ courts
2 kill citizen united limit political $$$
3 no insider trading
4 Emoluments with teeth
5 Sunset provisions for legislation
This would strengthen Congress, weaken Political Parties and make our system work far closer to the Founders vision
And then there’s the
Better to say that it is disturbing that he was installed on Jan 6 despite clear constitutional disqualification. #14thNow
Start booking entire hotels in DC for months. Get food and water lined up. Arrange airplane/train/bus ticket funds. We all need to show up and be there until this ends.
He’s such a good boi. I bet you can bring him everywhere!
This past election, almost 5 million votes, according to available data, were tossed due to irrelevant mistakes.
I am afraid the same will happen, if not worse, in 2026.
I still don't understand why Harris, who probably knew, gave up so fast.
What is the story?
Why not fight and bury these traitors in the depths of the Earth forever?
Also super cute. 🙂
Patriotic ≠ Loyal to President
To your question: What do we do?
Answer: I hope that you're prepared to be a leader in the streets.
good news rump released Pennsylvania funding the housing Authority continues!
They moved to Oakland of area of Pittsburgh. Right near Dan Marino.
My father was good friends with Bruno San Martino
My father started healthcare for mental health.
I am the weed.
Not having a pet is another sign of DJT's utter vacuousness.
So how about
• “Dogs for Democracy”?
• “Corgis for the Constitution”?
For what's on the "other" end of the leash.
Watch the side eye happen.
Sign me up!
Now he’s saying 🇨🇦 isn’t a real country… if we aren’t real, why does he have citizenship… which he’s about lose!
Americans need a voice
1 term limits congress+ courts
2 kill citizen united limit political $$$
3 no insider trading
4 Emoluments with teeth
5 Sunset provisions for legislation
This would strengthen Congress, weaken Political Parties and make our system work far closer to the Founders vision