It occurs to me that not everyone knows how to get to Sugarbush, the ski resort JD Vance is visiting.
It’s a great mountain, but even if you don’t ski, it’s a beautiful drive to get there, especially on a clear day like tomorrow.
You can get directions here. You’re welcome!
It’s a great mountain, but even if you don’t ski, it’s a beautiful drive to get there, especially on a clear day like tomorrow.
You can get directions here. You’re welcome!
Enough said!
What the FUCK?
-John Lewis
- Eminem
From Wikipedia (Spider Sabich's death was a big news story several decades ago)
"While preparing to shower, he was shot in the bathroom of his Starwood home by his live-in girlfriend, singer-actress Claudine Longet."
and the Rand-McNally Atlas ended up in the "recycle" box.
I assume the Internet Archive already has copies.
no sympathy from me
“I feel sorry for her. I keep hoping she’ll escape”
Tell him his #1 🖕
And hey, I wanted to drop off some sourdough bread at Vought’s house. You got his address?
Can’t wait to see the video from tomorrow.
Wicked smart to choose Sugarbush. No one will notice...
Goooo back to O Hi O
Goooo back to O Hi O
I'm in maine
PS - did you read some of the signs? OMG these people are too clever!
So that all wish to see may.
And I heartily approve.
Be wary people. Dress warm!!
Remember Dick Cheney?
Way to go #VermontProtest
Thanks to all who showed up to show him how Americans feel. His family should be ashamed of his behavior.
Sounds like waste, fraud, and abuse to me.
Remember #ETTD.
That is all I have to say about THIS.
"It's not uncommon for revolutions to stem from a radicalized group just outside the circle of power. That's what the French Revolution was all about; that's what the American Revolution was. ...
The question is: Will all those groups, because of the nature of partisan polarization and ideological polarization, just fight each other? Or is there capacity to organize?"
--Chris Hayes
I cannot believe we are back in this space a century later
I'm glad you're on our side.
How long will he be there? I can grab my gear & go! It's only a bit over an hr fm my house! I'm all for couple ski days! 👍😀⛷️🏂 Does he actually ski? Anyone know? If I saw him on slope, I don't look like someone who is gonna rip him a new A-hole... But I am that person & WILL!!
He's doing this on our money!
Intrusive like these certainly highlight mental illness
Seek help
Asking for about 30M friends...
Then again, US parents have a right and responsibility to secure democracy for their own kids.
Can’t let people forget or off the hook
But first, please take the #traitor from Ohio down the gnarliest cliff run you have....
Flatlanders need not worry about protesting JD Vance. Us Vermonters have got this. And we have got this with style and grace that only the Green Mountain State folks can provide.
I would rather slap him with my work gloves after I've cleaned the chicken coop. 😄