Woke up this morning thinking about the fact that three autocratic, anti-democratic regimes—the People’s Republic of China, the Russian Federation, and the United States of America—now constitute a majority of the permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council.
Russia hoax huh? Clearly NOT A HOAX. He is a Russian asset.
1 The americas
2 Asia
3 eurusky
"The what?"....
Can you explain to the American people why George Bush is quiet now?
Where are all the Reagan Republicans now?
Where TF are they?!?
Now I'm also worried about Putin cyberhacking the food, water, electric supplies, and our nukes, since we turned off our defenses against Russia???
And sadly Trump is.
Very powerful weapon that should not be in Musk, Trump's, and Putin's hands.
A thinking brain, on Trump's part
A sense of courage on Trump's part
No kompromat on Putin's part. The dude probably has receipts of money transfers and god knows what's on video.
Trump's humiliation over kompromat probably reigns supreme.
North Korea
It’ll be much easier to see what’s going on then.
It would seem this is the plan of the dictators.
If Trump actually keeps his original threat of pulling the US out of the UN, mayhap the UN General Assembly will choose someone more worthy.
Corporations and oligarchs are already extremely strong in all three countries. Not far behind in the UK too.
UN should be rebuilt as well in Mariupol, Ukraine. All nations uniting to help heal an unjustly brutalized people 🇺🇦🌻
Oh wait
That’s exactly what’s happening
Folks I know are mad as hell and scared sh*tless over this administration and what it is doing here and abroad! Americans need to get off the couch and into the streets before we really don’t have a country anymore!
If any, the American Dream has now shifted towards relocating to another country.
Today’s assignment: Get Jeffries & Schumer to lead a boycotte of the SOTU. We have 24 hours to bum rush 👇🏾
As Russia and China are the world's largest autocracies, let's keep fighting to not join that club as well.
I'd tell him I thought it would fall apart as countries compete for power.
I was more nihilistic back then. I didn't get why the idea scared him so much until now.
I don't think I'll need coffee after that thought.
This depicts specially hitlers reich. It all is about how the US treated everyone in their way of the formation of the US. Since ww2 anyone in the world in our way. Empire in decline. Late stage capitalism. Now we are finding out who we really are as a nation.AND IT SUCKS
All Democrats and, Independents Should Hold Town Halls and
Drown Out the Lies With The Truth in Real Time.
Loud Clear Voices. Strength, In Truth.
No Weak Milk toast, Responses.
Fight For Your Jobs.
We The 70 Percent Majority, Will Be Watching.
NPB, launched to oppose FDR's New Deal policies, is a Christian nationalist movement, pretends to be bipartisan, and uses unwitting Democrats for cover and legitimacy.
You're usually 2 years late anyways.
Cheeto will reject it, basically refusing to help NATO allies to defend themselves from the threat of Russian aggression.
That should be enough for the rest of the allies to kick the US out. Shut down the bases and send US troops home.