👉 What are you going to do if—more likely, *when*—he orders his administration to stop obeying court orders, just he’s now ordering it to stop obeying various statutes and constitutional provisions?
Will you be proud of having represented the man who will have thus shredded the rule of law?
Will you be proud of having represented the man who will have thus shredded the rule of law?
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
Trump: "We have a lot of law firms that we're going to be going after, because they were very dishonest people. They were very, very dishonest. We have a lot of law firms that we're going after."
Clear the Republican seditionists out of the office!
I hope all these law firms join forces and push back on this bullshit.
He's weak and insecure. He can't deal with those who present a united front. He's proven that in the past 2 months.
Transactional people do not invest in the health of the community. Ever.
Why don't you concentrate Trump on doing your JOB instead of wasting OUR tax dollars on BS! You will lose every single time!
You are a MOB Boss!
Once we have too much dead weight, we all fail.
If the firm’s posture is roll and play dead if Trump administration threatens anything, they will do the same for their clients.
I also care whether we *have* a functioning legal system -- and so should they
For example, defense firms pushed tort reform even though it killed a golden goose because it made money in the moment. Same here.
"For my friends - everything. For my enemies - the law." - a famous person whose name I don't recall.
As a person who has gotten by on less than $20k a year my entire life, I have to say, it sure feels like I have watched there be two legal systems the whole time.
That a theft of classified documents or an attempt to overthrow the government should not come close to trial after four years is just how the system works, not a flashing red warning light telling us something is wrong with it.
how did Roy Cohen get away with so much?
USA has a great poverty of it.
(Can't find author of the quote.)
Demanding regime change in Ukraine sure sounds like regime change, high crimes and misdemeanors. Your thoughts?
73,541,258 Republicans voted for Republican Joe Biden
1,058,741 Republicans voted for Republican Donald Trump
Biden won 306 and Trump won 232 electoral college votes.
158,429,631 voted Americans voted in 2020.
Also of the people who voted last November when you combine Harris + 3rd party voters the majority voted against Trump.
He got a plurality of votes, not the majority of votes.
There’s a difference.
“We have to capitulate to Trump because if he wins, he uses the Exec Branch as an attack dog if we didn’t play ball. If Harris wins, maybe we just have to pay a little more in taxes”
Worse case, they cheer competition being attacked
As long as he's not asked to back his claims up with examples, he gets away with all his lying. But the people who are till allowed to ask questions, will never ask.
The questions are these:
Who are “their” US Marshals??? Are they fake or real? Does our military supersede them? What percentage of the military is with the people, not Hegseth? Who can we count on internationally?
And PS. The time is now.
Recently retired Generals would know.
Beleidigen können sie andere.
Labeling law firms as dishonest and threatening to muzzle those that don’t agree or represent those that don’t agree, is a stepping stone and straight out of the Russian playbook 101
“ what, you don’t like it? Whatta ya gonna do about it?”
As a child he probably dat in a room watching bully, thug character movies and emulates them. 411 he’s just a guy!
Can't law firms he goes after sue him for defamation and 'restraint of trade' or other civil infractions? He is defaming them by impugning their integrity and ethics.
But they got their names in the paper!
Who could ever have imagined this?
Attorney General Pam Bondi's brother, Bradley Bondi, and a top deputy to Ed Martin, the interim U.S. attorney for D.C., are vying for leadership roles at the D.C. Bar Association.
Share. Together we win.
This coming from the man who has hired THE MOST corrupt lawyers in American HISTORY: https://www.newsweek.com/trump-lawyers-disbarred-law-licenses-suspended-chesebro-giuliani-cohen-1978351
Remember Hitler had imprisoned 35 opposition leaders and excited them after 10 years.
We are getting there real fast.
Just follow the law, for gawds sake.
Tell me what I should do?
I need direction on what I can do
Yeah right 🤬
Seems like THIS ABUSE of govt institutions should be considered WASTE and FRAUD and should require this traitor to pay for these true witch hunts out of his own pockets.
So many.