Walking back to my hotel from the Canadiens game last night, and seeing all the young Montrealers out to party and clearly just starting their evenings, it struck me that this city is like Buenos Aires but about fifty degrees colder
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Hope that Canada can emerge as the leader of the Americas. By doing so, we could build a prosperous Americas stretching from the Colorado River to Ushuaia, while reducing the influence of the United States.
Good for you, George.
I love Montreal. Visit whenever I can, since I only live about an hour or so from it.
Quebec is a beautiful province, as are their people.
Good to know the Canadiens are letting American’s come to their fine country. We will be taking the Ambassador Bridge from Detroit to Montreal and Quebec for the 4th of July instead of spending it in DC this year.
Nowhere is perfect… but I love my city. It’s on a human scale, unpretentious, creative, multicultural, epicurean… la culture québécoise est précieuse! 💎
Went to college on nystate border. Montreal was a wonderful playground! I fear the border summer visits may be less this year. Btw, 1972 you could go across border with my suny id!!!!! Times they have a-changed!!!!dylan was right
I use to live in Vermont and had parties at my house. Occasionally, at some point in during the night, a group of us would spontaneously decide to hop in a car together and drive the 90 mins or so to Montreal and hit the dance clubs and drive back a few hours later.
I got my necklace stolen from my neck while boarding a bus.
3 days later, my wife got her phone snatched right off her hands at a bus stop.
My credit card number got scanned some place a few days later and attempts were made to use it for online transactions.
Check Numbeo... Not great.
I LOVE the sound of Canadians
Booing the Star Spangled Banner.
I have a pretty fluid imagination,
but I have to admit:
It’s another item on a long list of
things I did Nazi coming🤓
Montreal is a treasure, especially in the summer during the Jazz Fest! Summer weekends also find the International Fireworks Competition, and you may get lucky to see Cirque de Soleil perform. Visit the Jean Talon Market, Vieux Port, and the Botanical Garden by Stade Olympic. I love that city❣️
You won’t find anything harder than watching someone from your family being killed right in front of your eyes while you stand helpless, unable to save them.
Damn the conscience that sees but does not speak for us."
I have heard it is a true treasure, and def on my bucket list. My grandparents met there, on the St. Lawrence River in the early 50’s. They moved to Cornwall to build the seaway and never left.
Quebec City is one of the best places to visit in the world! Been there many times, would go again in a heartbeat, any time, ant season. Just beautiful!
I spent every summer day as a youth swimming and fishing along all those flooded roads. It amazed me as a child to see entire villages underwater, but as an adult it saddens me a bit.
I agree with street crime but about runaway inflation I disagree. I used to pay $600 in 2012 for a 3 and half in the middle of “Le Plateau” area, metro Laurier. The same apartment is $2,000 now. Groceries are also way more expensive than back then. All of my friends living there say the same thing.
I agree landlords are greedy, but rents are also up due to supply & demand, more people coming to Montreal, fewer apartments. Groceries are pricier because of corporate greed & COVID. That’s inflation. Immigration rules are stricter now, they’ve suspended visas, and want to limit who can move here.
Supply and demand are up because we have more French citizens coming here and the prices are jacked up because of gentrification. They’re all amazed at the size of our apartments and the relative cheapness of the rents compared to Europe.
I was born in Montreal & love cold. It's a really great city with a great night life. But, there's a downside. My family packed up and left Montreal in 1979 when Separation was a rising political issue, along with the laws being enacted that attempted to suppress the English language in Quebec.
I'm glad I left, too. I don't miss Quebec at all. I doubt I'd have the great life I have in Ontario if I had stayed in Quebec. I don't feel like a victim at all. I feel liberated and blessed to have the life I do have elsewhere.
I'm aware of the benefits of learning another language. I speak 3. At the time, anglophones feared they'd never have the same job opportunities as francophones. I knew a woman who spoke both E & F. She had a job in a hospital & hid her religion for fear of bullying from francophone co-workers.
My mother was told to "speak White" in Toronto. There are assholes everywhere. And FYI, your "job opportunities" argument is based on linguistic ignorance. Bilingual people get the best paying jobs. English speakers have learned 2 languages and many French still only speak one. Do the math
Pardon me, but in my book it never has been any plan to eradicate the English langage from the Quebec province, but only put the French langage first.
It was a preconceived idea propagated by the ROC and even today apparently difficult to dispel. Unfortunately 😕
You obviously weren't around at that time or old enough to really understand why the 401 Exodus happened. Many many of my Montreal area community now live in the Toronto area. Their families knew there was no future for Anglophones Quebec.
My mother-in-law lives overseas in a country where she only speaks the language barely. She's lived there for almost 60 years. I would never want to do that. It would feel like always being an outsider to not be able to speak the language that most people speak
That’s an outdated view. Back in the 70’s, yes. Any English speaker I know under 70 who grew up here speaks French. Many very fluently. Also, all English schools in the West Island are French Immersion, and have been for many years. There are no English-only schools.
I was in Montreal and Quebec City 2 years ago visiting for 2 weeks. Sorry but I don't agree with you. I l felt left out and it made me feel bad that I didn't speak French and I wouldn't want to live like that. This is my opinion. You can have any opinion you'd like
You don’t agree with me that most English speakers in Quebec can speak French, which was what I posted? I’ve lived here for 45 years, taught in English schools for 34. This isn’t an opinion, it’s a fact. I think you responded to the wrong person.
Just came back from a 2-day business trip to Montreal and was amazed at how friendly and accommodating everyone was. Very polite and appreciated my attempts at halting and limited French.
Montrealers are just beginning to emerge from a long and difficult winter - their joie de vivre is showing.
Also, the Habs are challenging for a playoff spot and that makes the city absolutely giddy.
It’s a great city and I spent 4 winters there as a student at McGill. Despite the cold, we still walked everywhere. (try walking back in January- that’s harsh 😂)
lol this is why I don’t think Trump and his militia men from the southern red states would fight overly hard - they would freeze their nuts off…within minutes
Trump? 🤣 He will "lead" from the comfort of the Mar-A-Lardo fake gold toilet, typing in all caps on his Truth Social, while Elon's bots repost it all over Twitter.
We need the next FDR to step up. If you're a young person with fire and the passion step up and run for office right now. Do it for the people. Do it for your country. Get involved! We need you to save our asses now! Become a Jedi! May the force be with you! Lead us!
Is that soccer? Thanks but no thanks in that case. No offense to futbol fans (my late little brother lived in Barcelona and was as big a Barca fan as I am a Mets fan) but it’s just not my game.
You were at least going to end the Braves’ divisional run. That was a *great* team; absolutely betrayed by the strike.
My wife and I went to games at the Big O in 2003. It was a small but passionate crowd and the baseball-in-French experience was so cool. Mo Vaughn also hit one off a speaker.
More for vibes… I don’t really love any sport but there’s something unique about attending in person that makes you share the local experience! I love going to sports events anywhere in the world!
Yeah, agreed. My fam is headed to Central Europe this summer and I’m researching all the potential sporting events we can go. I think it is a fantastic way to experience local culture.
We used to go to a great place by the side of the road near the Riding Camp we sent our kids. Pataterie D. C. & Filles in St Clothilde de Chateauguay. But there’s casse croûtes all over the place that are better than any city restaurant
Montreal has some of the best jazz scene in North America. It's a form of natural selection. The musicians that make it to the summer (awesome) Jazz Fest are those so good that their fans were willing to stand freezing in line at -30 below the previous January to get into their concerts.
You should go have lunch at Lester's Deli on Bernard in Outremont (way better and less touristy than Schwartz's), then you'll be within walking distance from both St-Viateur Bagel and Fairmount Bagel. Personally, I've been a life long fan of Fairmount.
If you're referring to Le Bilboquet, I just checked on Google Maps, and they appear to be. I'm way out in the east end in Pointe-aux-Trembles, so I don't go there that often.
Nous ça va faire 17 ans qu'on est ici en juin. J'ai grandi à Montréal-Nord, passé 30 ans de ma vie là entre 1974 et 2006, avec 3 ans à Longueuil avec ma défunte ex durant cette période là. On est dans un beau coin tranquille près de Notre-Dame.
My son and his wife enjoying living on Montreál. Vibrant city with so much history. My mom never got to visit Montreál; now her grandson lives there. I think about that many times.
Montreal is an AWESOME city. Best place to watch an NHL game, too. It's a real, hockey-first arena, not a "multisport entertainment complex" like the rest of the buildings in the league.
If only there was a way to wrap all of this data up into a nice ball and shove it up Trump's ass so maybe he could finally understand what we're facing.
Yeah , tell all the homeowners who can’t get home insurance or whose rates became unaffordable! And all the homeowners who lost their homes to fires at a rate never seen before.
Holding up their amorality?
When their assessment of risk causes them to completely pull out of a state, and they’re no longer doing business? Seems like strange way to make money.
Tell us more please. Certainly you aren’t pliable and strong willed. You most likely have a meteorological laboratory where you’ve executed longitudinal studies
With great enthusiasm, I thanked them for vacationing outside of the US, encouraged them to stay strong and keep their elbows out!
It was obvious, they appreciate the support.
I love Montreal. Visit whenever I can, since I only live about an hour or so from it.
Quebec is a beautiful province, as are their people.
That's only 27.7° 🇨🇦
Great city to grow up in.
Miss it every day.
Are you Americans?
Do you have any cigarettes or alcohol?
Welcome to Canada.
You should also plan to visit in the summer, that’s when you’ll see the city at its best - nothing like downtown Montreal in the heat of summer 😎 …
Take care + travel safely! …
3 days later, my wife got her phone snatched right off her hands at a bus stop.
My credit card number got scanned some place a few days later and attempts were made to use it for online transactions.
Check Numbeo... Not great.
Booing the Star Spangled Banner.
I have a pretty fluid imagination,
but I have to admit:
It’s another item on a long list of
things I did Nazi coming🤓
Damn the conscience that sees but does not speak for us."
Did you know that learning more than one language is a good way to slow dementia ?
It was a preconceived idea propagated by the ROC and even today apparently difficult to dispel. Unfortunately 😕
Because there's a rally at the US Consulate at 4 pm tomorrow and yeah, you should go. Wear your toque.
I used to speak passable French. Spent four months living in the Alpes, taking four hours of language instruction per day.
Spanish ruined that.
Also, the Habs are challenging for a playoff spot and that makes the city absolutely giddy.
But, living in Argentina for price, value, culinary, ease of migration, etc is a great alternative to the failure of Soviet Trumpistan.
Really hope they get baseball back as even in its waning days, the ‘Spos was a really unique #MLB experience I’d love to see return.
My wife and I went to games at the Big O in 2003. It was a small but passionate crowd and the baseball-in-French experience was so cool. Mo Vaughn also hit one off a speaker.
Though if I can avoid soccer…
Dinner is 8 ish...
Next time, someone needs to get him a rezzy at, Joe Beef🇨🇦
Although I am a diehard chip truck fries with brown gravy girl since childhood. 🤣
As in hip fun interesting and a bit wild
Which is kinda hot
But beautiful everywhere with no TRUMP
Until 2024 came along...
Average monthly global temp hit 1.5 degrees C last year, while the orange felon wants to burn more coal
Science is *real*, whether the deniers choose to believe it or not
Good visual in the video
Holding up their amorality is laughably sad.
When their assessment of risk causes them to completely pull out of a state, and they’re no longer doing business? Seems like strange way to make money.