Republicans on the NC Supreme Court just blocked certification of a Democratic justice's election win.
Her GOP opponent is trying to throw out 60,000 ballots cast in November, citing debunked far-right legal theories.
This assault on democracy should be a national scandal.
Her GOP opponent is trying to throw out 60,000 ballots cast in November, citing debunked far-right legal theories.
This assault on democracy should be a national scandal.
No one, who can and should be is fighting tooth and nail for American values at all! All we have are madmen villains hiding behind curtains pulling strings.
If you’re a registered voter in NC, you can check this list (sorted by county) and make sure that your vote isn’t one of the 60K being challenged.
The abscess festers, the rot runs deep
The surgical team is run out of town
The scalpel is wielded by an orange-faced clown.
Pretty lame, yeah, it's still early here.
Current leadership of the party isn't QUALIFIED and will lead the country to ruin.
My guess is none.
I forgot that when they face repercussions for their terrible actions it's super political and a witch hunt.
At some point somethings gotta give.
Justice is now dead and Trump is now set for the first time in history to pardon himself and family.
If we want change we must fight for it ourselves. Every MAGAt must be confronted and punished.
of the rest of the world.
They just don't have any offensive game whatsoever.
Loser McLose Face
Holy Hannah go take a self defense class and get in the f@cking game.
Full statement here:
The Trumpublicans would make sure of it…..
Protect… You say?
They are being WELL fed at the table of power.
The job of middle management is to keep the lower classes OFF the backs of the lords who feed them. Politicians & the media are the wall between the owner class & the owned.
Full statement here:
Illiberal Democracy wheeeeeeeeeee
The GOP have no respect for law, convention or even tradition. They are only interested in domination and subservience.
The civil war is being rewaged only this time the army, even though armed, aren't hiding in foxholes, they are using their vote.
Ample evidence of fraud is shown in the work of Jessica Denson.
This is the most recent YouTube.
Dems: send money now if you want to keep your democracy
Dems: we raised a record amount of money in the shortest time.
Dems: sorry, still no appetite to protect democracy
Dems: send money.
Rinse and repeat.
Because THAT is under attack.
Currently our nation is 1 big national scandal!
They are a clear threat to our beloved democracy.
Defending Democracy is now and will continue to be a “street fight.”
Then call the NC Supreme Court at (919) 831-5700 to voice your concerns about this ruling.
Share please!
People can push back in a variety of ways on a variety of levels. The things that you might be alluding to have both obvious & less obvious risks.
Already 👺🔥
Then if they can't find anything to blame Dems for, they twist themselves into knots to 'both sides' something instead! Or if even that doesn't work, they just make shit up then blame Dems for that instead (or act like Dems are at fault somehow).
Cuz we're just talking about the thing you're describing. People blaming Dems when there's no reason to do so (or blaming them for the wrong reasons in some cases).
They can only get away with what we allow and don't fight for!!
Time to take this shit on, take it to the streets, and ANYWHERE else necessary and get crazy bitch on their assess.
DONE with this EVIL SHIT!
You know how suits fight.
They’re spineless COWARDS.
Let’s not forget they’re about to BENEFIT from Drumpf tax cuts.
It’s an obvious choice for the feckless.
Head down & profit.
Fight for democracy & become the next one with a 🎯 on their back.
Rewrite the rules so you can have a second chance to make it wrong.
- Declaration of Independence.