Aside from food almost everything I buy comes from estate sales and thrift stores. I do wonder what people are talking about when they mention small local businesses because those vanished a couple of decades ago. Are there still individually owned hardware stores? Drug stores? Grocery stores?
Ive been doing most of this for the last couple of months. Honestly, we just need to live like this. Support our local businesses, they are really going to suffer under this crazy regime
I get that, and it’s a noble and justified means to voice displeasure, but be aware that 1/2 of the country wont participate. But the other half? I salute you!
The day isn’t over and economic impact takes awhile to assess. That said, it’s unlikely more than 5% of the population participated and this merely shifted profits to a different day. The impact will likely be negligible.
I think they know we have the power. They’re relying on “we” not being organised enough to use that power in a way that damages them. A 24 hour boycott campaign is not long enough to get their attention. They’re not going to feel threatened enough to change direction.
I feel starting with a 24hr period is like a trial run. See how many are willing to participate and if the numbers are large enough to get attention, hopefully that translates to more involved in future boycotts or strikes. We have got to get organized. We’re already late imo.
Historically, successful boycotts start with one day and then they grow. Don’t be discouraged! This is just the beginning. If you’re participating today, you’re making a difference. 💪
P.S. Many people (including myself) are doing a minimum of 24 hrs and then continuing for as long as possible.
I’m with you! Check out the No Small Act group. They are working to get volunteers on every county nationwide so we can form our network and push out information to the people in our communities everywhere. We have to get more organized to be effective.
I was all set to do this...then I watched that #zelinsky press I need serious retail therapy to get out of this depression. What a Sophie's choice this is
I forgot to pay my gas bill last night. One more day won’t hurt & I’ll pay the late fee. I’m not pulling a debit or credit card out of my wallet at all today.
I don’t know what state you are in, but in IL, Peoples Gas doesn’t charge a late fee for only being a few days late. Also, worth checking if you can set up payments directly from your checking account so you don’t have to use a credit card at all.
I’m in Texas & have been very leery about any of the utility companies here to have direct access to my banking account for obvious reasons. With this month’s cold spell the electric provider added another huge surcharge which I am fighting.
Thank you Robert Reich!!! Had to catch myself several times. My whole household is in! I did not know to boycott google searches or Apple until now. No clear to me, but I’m doing my best.
I am using my phone. Thank you for being a patriot and great source of information. We need you now!
Also what if you have a visa or Mastercard and you have a credit card payment that’s do today? Are just not supposed to pay it? Or what about a reoccurring payment with Apple. Say for iCloud and it’s do today? Are you just not going to pay it?
So what about tomorrow? I’m all for boycotting and we have the power. But if it’s only for one day then what’s the point! If you really want to send a message boycott long term
If enough people do this, even for just one day, it will grab the attention of the major retailers, banks and credit card companies.
We could then build on it, if successful, to do it for longer periods.
Think of it a sort of trial balloon.
Let's find out.
I really don't know what the impact will be if any.
It's not much of a sacrifice to just avoid buying non essentials for one day, is it?
I've been doing it all week.
I drove by our grocery store, Wegmans, and the parking lot was pretty full. Looked like just a normal shopping day. I don't think the economic blackout is being observed.
Surprisingly, my town looks a lot emptier today —and I live in a red area. Don’t be discouraged! You may be outnumbered in your town but you are making a difference!
Facebook is a lifeline for many older Americans. I've never used it regularly, but my husband uses it a ton and it would be wrong to isolate him further from his social group. Are there other ways to get Meta to payout more than they get?
Note to card users, businesses pay a 2-3% fee to process your card purchases. Use cash. Tip w cash. Processing fees to businesses yield billions to card servicers.
Wont be renewing prime and will be reviewing and cancelling a few online show/movie platforms also.
I can live without a few things long term. Im good.
Cancel and deleted my Amazon account…. And oddly enough, my life didn’t change much. Now I need to move away from my Chase Amazon card to something else. Any suggestions?
I live near Interstate 5 in Oregon. I traveled 30-mile round trip today to deliver our taxes to the CPA office (why are we paying taxes if all services being dismantled? But I digress). Normal truck and commercial traffic, 1/4 normal private vehicles.
I am not buying anything today, but I think this needs to be a sustained effort!! We should have an economic blackout every Wednesday!! We need to create momentum so many others can join in. They can show up by not showing up! It can be a quiet act, but have a huge impact
Since today is the #EconomicBlackout day, perhaps the money will be better spent in a donation to Ukraine. That will for sure drive Trump mad.
100%. My feet are FUBAR post surgeries, yadayada. I found a local private salon and the woman does a specialized pedi. I sensed she was maga but we always stayed neutral & talked about things in common - family/cancer. I canceled all appts in January. Same w/hair. Make them FEEL their maga vote. $$
We need an app lik the NoThanks app that tracks good and bad grocery items, based on their support of Israel’s genocide or their stance against it. We need one for DEI
Me over here realizing I’m gonna have to dust off my Pirate Bay skills after yrs of legitimacy, cause I’m gonna watch Andor season 2, but I’m not giving genocide supporting Disney a mother ducking penny of my money.
If you want prove that then it needs to be more than a day. It'll take weeks, at least. A day? A day says we don't have the wherewithal to do w/out all the usual conveniences for more than a day. They laugh at that. You want to make a point then aim higher my friend. A LOT higher
Why no apple? They've come forward for DEI. I won't be interacting with Apple financially today but not sure why it's included here except that it's a large corporation.
How does USA leader Trump from 2015→ , compare to China leader Dowinger CiXi 1861–1908? Both countries experienced great decline!
- trump accelerated usa's global influence that began from y2k from his arrogance; dowinger accelerted china's security & independence from her arrogance
I guess familiarity feels more comfortable than having the curiosity of going to an unknown independent cafe. Plus, they put them everywhere, so convenience. But yeah, to me the whole idea of a corporate cafe seems antithetical to the experience I'm looking for with my espresso:)
I’m Italian, so for me it’s a question of whether I want to retain my passport 😂 But jokes aside, I think you nailed it with “convenience”. It seems we are very comfortable exchanging ideals for convenience nowadays :/
Doing it! Quitting FB and switching to Firefox for my search engine. Today is the day that I finally delete FB. Already refuse to shop at Target, buy M&M’s, etc for all the retailers on our non-DEI list. The personal is political!
Apologies… I accidentally ‘liked’ your post about this on FB this morning! To be fair, I had just finished a 13 1/2 hour night shift so wasn’t at my sharpest 🙄
Won’t go near it for the rest of the day!
I've opened it twice accidentally, prob mindless habit, but closed it as soon as it registered.
We ain't perfect, but we are trying to do the right thing.
As you can tell by the stock market, this is having no noticeable impact 🙄. One day is a joke. Why is the Left so bad at this? The Right took down multiple companies with boycotts, but they were sustained over time not just one day
For real. Observing the right, their ability to gather around a boycott and stick to it is impressive. STILL hear far-right coworkers complain about Bud Light to this day. We need to figure this out, otherwise our boycotts are just gonna leave the markets green again.
You aren't reading the business news. Wall Street is nervous. These things can snowball. One day becomes one week... one month. Soon, impulse buying ceases. People learn to buy only what they need, buy local/small business. The firing of Federal workers was IT for me. #WEHaveThePower
This is what needs to happen. I don’t need clothes or shoes. I do need plants, seeds, soil, gas, food, etc. I won’t buy anything that I WANT, just what I NEED, while the felon’s shitshow goes on. I did stock up before 1/20. Coffee, tequila, olive oil, etc. Less spending=less confidence in 47. Do it.
It shows large numbers can organize and have power still. It's not to make a major impact on their wallet. It shows we're paying attention are concerned.
Yeah, but they don't pay attention until it does make an impact on their wallets. It's going to take more than a day or something far more drastic like no one going to work for a day or more to really show them we are organized.
We do the best we can. Personally, I have Google Fi as my cell carrier and because of work, I can't just not use my cell. You also can't pause service for a day, so I'm doing what I can elsewhere.
I have android so I will never have a full divorce from google (at least for the next 3 years) but some of the things can be bypassed. Onedrive replace googledrive, duck duck go search engine, Firefox web browser, teams for chat, etc.
Due to massive brainwashing,
most workers don’t understand
what powers Capitalism.
It’s not money. It’s labor.
Which is controlled by workers.
Clearly, we’re headed for a showdown
with the kings of Capital, in the form
of a general strike, which ends when
they surrender🐈⬛
And I will keep following it with few exceptions. Screw these greedy companies that profit from the hard work of their employees but count them as "less".
Like the pre-election gaslighting lies believed by the TDS mind addled simps such as Reich, and the Sheeple nodding their heads in cult unison at this moronic endeavor; this too will be an epic FAIL
Messaging puts the oligarchs on notice that detrimental actions to them are on the horizon for backing the shameless incompetents presumably at the helm of peace formation while THEY DONT KNOW THE WAY TO PEACE (Isaiah 59:8)
Imagine being so full of hate and contempt for a person you've never met simply because they aren't white, straight, or Christian. People who will not conform to your forced lifestyle, then spewing that hatred out of your mouth, claiming freedom of speech and call anyone who disagrees, Fascist.
Canceled Prime today. Amazon used to refund balance on canceled accounts but that wasn’t an option now. Only refusal of renewal was available. Bastards.
24 hr. boycott. I follow that idea that I can do, or not do, probably anything, indefinitely, as long as I just do, or don't do it for a 24 hr. bite at a time. Kind of like one day at a time for democracy. It's kept me from a plethora of self-harm for 3 1/2 decades so far. Fuck 'em all.
And if you can keep buying only what you need, after one day, DO IT. You might like not tripping all over "stuff" it turns out you didn't NEED. You might like having your real life (and your living spaces!) back. #WEHaveThePower
Bragging: All the furniture in my apartment is used except for my Ikea shelves: king sized mattress and bed from family, used piano (beautiful studio Yamaha), teak dining set, beautiful Mission style oak and leather chairs, huge oak and iron wardrobe. Lovely stuff. Anyone can do this.
I once spent my 2 week vacation cleaning out my attic, basement & shed. My co-workers said I'd regret giving away all that stuff. Ten years later... Nope. I found FIVE blenders! We don't need more storage. We need to get rid of stuff.
I once spent my 2 week vacation cleaning out my attic, basement & shed. My co-workers said I'd regret giving away all that stuff. Ten years later... Nope. I found FIVE blenders! We don't need more storage. We need to get rid of stuff.
OMG, that's an awesome story - 5 blenders! Yes, we DO need to get rid of stuff, and more importantly we have to stop buying stuff. Stuff is a substitute for real life. Malignant capitalism has sold us a lie about happiness and entitlement ("You DESERVE" to have a new car/house/kitchen/dress).
I remember the 1st time I saw someone's living room crammed w/their kids' toys - took my breath away, like WHY are you doing that to your kids?? And all that plastic can't be good for little growing brains and bodies.
Now would also be a fantastic time to go Vegan! You don't need animal products to survive or be healthy. A Vegan diet even reduces many types of disease and is better for the environment. The animal ag industry is one of the most corrupt and cruel on the planet. Boycott all animal products 💚 🐄🐷🐔 💚
I celebrated by deleting my FB account. Stopped using it after Zuckerberg added Vance to my "friends" and started sending sponsored antivax and religious BS.
I am way behind the eight ball on deleting Facebook. I have Mastodon and Xìao Hóng Shū (RedNote), as well as Bluesky. If there's a Facebook alternative out there that's not related to Meta, please let us, the public know.
I use this app often. So disappointed when I found out Mrs Meyers products were red. But, I was able to find blue alternatives using this app. Be an informed consumer.
Yes, I was bummed to find out Perdue chicken is red. Big disappointment. It's not a perfect system, for example, if you find a blue company that might only be sold in a red store.😖
Excellent tool to have! I have a vice for pizza, so I may have to find a small pizza joint to get my fix. In all seriousness, thanks for sharing that vital information and let everyone know about this valuable tool.
Domino's is my closest pizza chain and they support dems. There's also lots of small business pizza places in my area instead of Walmart or Target.
We can do this!
Abstaining from spending one day is easy. We do it all the time. But all of us doing it together in unison sends a message of unity and resistance. Even if it makes little or no economic impact. It’s a start. More next time until we are all opting out of the economy all year, all the time.
I've been using DuckDuckGo and Mozilla Firefox for years. I prefer the results I get on DuckDuckGo because there's less garbage and ads at the top of the search results. You get the same results as Google, but without all the ads and spying.
Looks useful for site searching, but I think I would miss that Ai assistance with questions. And I actually use Youtube quite a bit. I'll definitely try to hold off for today at least, hope it makes a difference to these multinationals.
oh okay, maybe because I just used the search engine on the website, which I unfortunately accessed through Chrome, haha. Google is crazy entrenched in my life, sucks..
The Donald Trump/JD Vance Show today may have been to change the conversation from the success of today’s boycott. We have to keep up the good work…Money is all these stone-hearted men understand.
NEWS FLASH! Trump and Musk join No-Buy Friday movement. Donald vows not to pay any of his contractors or lawyers a penny while Elon pledges not to buy another election until April.
I will not buy from your crooked store.
Believe me…I don’t need more
I do need more Walz. (Mind your own d. business.)
I do need more balls. (My reps standing against a tyrant.)
I do need more Harris. (Striving with joy.)
I do need more Paris. (Fact checking.)
Let’s hope this works. It should be a WORLD Blackout. Watch a channel run by women called “Hysteria” on YouTube they did a story on Zuckerberg from his childhood to today. It’s horrible what he’s done worldwide. Check it out. Plus Amazon is opening worldwide.
Had a Town hall with my US Senators & Rep on Wednesday They said Musk told the Speaker to tell all Repub. in Congress Do not hold town halls meetings. They are going to do this anyway. They have SCOTUS who will deny all these orders by Judges. Mr Musk is calling the shots an un elected dictator
All the businesses in the US depend on customers. When AI and Musk eliminate jobs, where do the customers get the income to spend. So what disappears..... demand for everything ..... they call it depression!!
Sadly they won't notice. They know everyone will go out and buy stuff tomorrow. To be effective this has to be continuous, permanent, lasting (pick your word). When action is sustained, then they'll notice.
Imagine a world with mom and pop shops? Where your not just a number but a person, a human being. This will bring back equilibrium to all. It was a big mistake when we all started shopping BIG BOX STORES. NO MORE!!
Should be expanded. Start with the 28th of every month. Add another day that could continue each least 4 days. Too many and people will drop off but something like every Wednesday could catch on and make huge impact and statement.
If it's routine, corporate retailers will simply anticipate lower sales & dramatically cut staff coverage, a usual go-to for anticipated slow days. Schedules are usually planned 2-3 weeks in advance but subject to changes within the week. But if we all adopt a slowdown mindset, it could shake them.
I get what everyone is going for…but one day isn’t enough to make a statement. All it’s going to do is make those powers that be double down and say “oh, look at their cute little movement”. Go big or go home with statements. That’s what their side does.
We need to do it once a week until they cave.. fridays or Saturdays hurt the most because those are busy days for everyone usually... You're right, if we only do this today.. its minimal damage.. if we did it every week for a year or two, we might see some effects
Those are ALL lefty, censorship regime companies you stupid idiots! We are all for you dummies boycotting the very companies that have perpetuated all the lies you retards keep falling for!
It’s hilarious how brainwashed and stupid you people are!
Your delusional if you think 1 day will cost these firms much money, they will probably not even notice you not buying from them. Also it gives them a chance to sort a few other problems out
Plus you will all start using them again tomorrow anyway
After, when you are on Instagram or Facebook, make sure that you pull up the advertisers pages and say you might’ve ordered from them if they weren’t advertising on Facebook or IG.
No Google and no Apple, well...shit-tons of internet users are right now, on a Google OS if not a Google device. Likewise for Apple.
Also, there's more....
P.S. Many people (including myself) are doing a minimum of 24 hrs and then continuing for as long as possible.
IDGAF if my iPad, iPhone or TV blows up, I won’t buy a new one. Amazon can go flip off.
Watch Trump lose his fucking mind as we crush him economically... WE can CRUSH HIM!
They can't do anything without our tax, they NEED IT
We are America. We united
Help to spread the word.
Trust, it's scary to make these big steps. But shit is getting real... Like very real and very fast.
The balance? $0.28.
Think I'll risk it. 🤣🤣
I wouldn't buy anything today anyway. I'm broke and my Snap benefits ran out.
I am using my phone. Thank you for being a patriot and great source of information. We need you now!
This will continue for the rest of my life, America no longer deserves access to my wallet
We could then build on it, if successful, to do it for longer periods.
Think of it a sort of trial balloon.
I really don't know what the impact will be if any.
It's not much of a sacrifice to just avoid buying non essentials for one day, is it?
I've been doing it all week.
Even I - someone who keeps up with this stuff - only JUST HEARD about this a couple days ago.
It's simply too soon for it to be effective.
Retry this later in the year.
🌮 🥤
I can live without a few things long term. Im good.
#BuyLocal #GoodTrouble 🙏
- the (Bill) Clinton Cinematic Universe
- the Star Wars Cinematic Universe
(and by proxy)
- the Trump Cinematic Universe
would all be colliding in some kind of massive Infinity War scenario
Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦
perspective is Everything
peace ✌🏼 & love ♥️
Should be the same for ANY country with innocent people.
It's the leaders/dictators that should be the target.
We're fighting Trump, not the USA.
No fks for Zuck given. ✌️
- trump accelerated usa's global influence that began from y2k from his arrogance; dowinger accelerted china's security & independence from her arrogance
But does this mean, don't use apple music as well?
Also do without drugs and vaccines. Punish those big bad pharma companies. 🙄🤣
And been avoiding Gemini (which I used ot use all the time).
I feel like you, of all people, already understand the futility.
Don't sugar coat. Name names Robert.
Or have you also been threatened? If so?
Won’t go near it for the rest of the day!
We ain't perfect, but we are trying to do the right thing.
Its a personal pleasure to trigger the MAGAs
Although i agree with doing this... Unfortunately all the administration needs to do is say "no one did it"
This is just the beginning, Jethro
Still think boycotts are a waste of time and energy?
Besides, we should be supporting local vendors and let them know we’re doing that.
Or, we could designate one day a week in protest.
For web browser either edge or Firefox. Firefox doesn't ban all the ublock adblockers so its my personal choice
🇺🇸 ⚖️ 🗽
most workers don’t understand
what powers Capitalism.
It’s not money. It’s labor.
Which is controlled by workers.
Clearly, we’re headed for a showdown
with the kings of Capital, in the form
of a general strike, which ends when
they surrender🐈⬛
Time to organize⚒️
Garage sales are also great if the weather is good.
And We the People have the power to shape it.
Together, let's: Organize. Resist. Oppose.
To settle this?
Boycott oil
or burn oil for Trump to turn earth into hell
I've searched out small minority/black/women owned businesses in my community
They are amazing people with great products and services
Please do the same folks, you'll not be disappointed. And guess what, you can actually have a friendly relationship with them
Protest with your wallet! 👊🇺🇲💙
Download the app for alternative businesses.
But even cutting back will have an impact.
We can do this!
Pass it on!
You need us a lot more than we need you.
I can make it another 15 hours.
Here’s how to do that on iPhone:
At first, it really sucked to not have it but I genuinely don’t miss it anymore. I think I just needed to rip the bandaid off and move on.
“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together”
~ Vincent Van Gogh
Believe me…I don’t need more
I do need more Walz. (Mind your own d. business.)
I do need more balls. (My reps standing against a tyrant.)
I do need more Harris. (Striving with joy.)
I do need more Paris. (Fact checking.)
See below for more targeted dates:
It’s hilarious how brainwashed and stupid you people are!
Plus you will all start using them again tomorrow anyway