ICYMI: Trump has dropped investigations and enforcement actions against 89 lawbreaking corporations, including:
-42 cases at the CFPB
-15 cases at the DOJ
-6 cases at the EEOC
-7 crypto cases at the SEC
It's a new golden age for corporate criminals.
-42 cases at the CFPB
-15 cases at the DOJ
-6 cases at the EEOC
-7 crypto cases at the SEC
It's a new golden age for corporate criminals.
Reminds me of the era of robber barons. Also called the golden age.
Since TrumpMusk are certified Robbers, here we go again.
When he said while campaigning that the oil companies should give him a billion dollars because of the tax breaks he got them. If that wasn't a request for a bribe! If you don't drive a Bentley, don't talk to Donald.
Protest folks, protest.
Trickle down economics, it’s just a golden shower that’s finally come of age.
Fought them in court by myself and won bc of CFPB. My complaint exposed their scam and CFPB provided me with card agreements from that timeframe I couldn’t…
They will not stop it.
they are the culprits,
of their Totalitarian Regime in the make.
Instead of taking the low road by lashing out, why not take the high road to win back voters. Propose meaningful solutions to win back voters.
And they threw in all Americans personal data along with a ginseu knife.
⚖️ reckless endangerment charges & arrest of Muskalini and Nerd Nazis ~ immediately ⚖️
We are in just the first days of this hell. The messed up mind- controlled minions are all about this behavior.
Then the embrace of fascism to protect it.
1 month of 48…
Enormous damage has been done to democracy
ATotalitarian Regime is being installed
Every day..
More and more…
With help of Russians,…
South Africans
Night has fallen
It's amazing that poorer people thought he was going to look out for them. It demonstrates that brainwashing works.
So slow in those cases?
#GOTVBlue2025 Start Now
Asking for a nation that once followed laws and prosecuted those that didn’t.
Start your own Kongaline, a resistance network that
Picks messaging
assigns members to write consistent messages (emails, text, social, snail) drowning GOP Congress rep
organize and assign members to harass GOP Cong in all open spaces.
Be relentless
Be loud
I chose Claudia Tenney
Trump: BigBrother 1
Musk: BigBrother 2
Putin: BigBrother 3
Netanyahu: BigBrother 4
8Billion: the people
film presentation:
company | indictment link | status | Maga connection | benefiting parties
I will gladly donate the web domain https://quibono.info to the working group that makes this happen.
Make this happen and hit me up.
It’s sad that an insurrectionist is illegitimately able to damage my country so badly; but it’s more sad that 1/3 of my fellow Americans support this and voted for it.
How many Medicaid recipients voted to remove their own aid!
pediphiles !
There... fixed it for you!!.
Maybe cover corruption more?
….and violent criminals,
….and billionaire criminals.
You know, trump’s klan.
Pass this on!
Trapped within the behavior patterns of their disorder, WORLD DOMINATION/ENSLAVEMENT is the agenda as RUSSIA’s Republicans—also cultivated over decades—destroy America/Americans to pave the way.
History’s confirmed that these stupid, fragile, gaslighting, SADISTIC PERVERTS will grow HORRIFICALLY worse until stopped.