I'm old enough to remember when polio ripped through the globe and put my friends into iron lungs.
We dutifully lined up at school to get vaccinated. We eradicated the disease. We protected the common good and saved lives.
RFK Jr leading HHS is a disgrace.
We dutifully lined up at school to get vaccinated. We eradicated the disease. We protected the common good and saved lives.
RFK Jr leading HHS is a disgrace.
Horrible, nasty human beings.
RFK isn’t stupid. He knows exactly what he’s doing. Pure evil.
How do you respond to that peacefully? I'm really, genuinely asking because I don't know. My pitchfork and torch is looking OH SO appealing right now.
But yes your position is correct also.
There is propaganda on both sides. Science doesn’t need propaganda.
and it’s anti-life
perhaps the dinosaur’s survival instincts were nearly identical
destroy the others
but that thought eventually eliminates everyone
as the narcissistic mind is devoid of empathy ⚠️
It is better to > love one another ♾️ 💞
Especially since giving everyone a micro-dose of the disease is what vaccines are intended to do WITHOUT the risks of the actual disease!!
His leading health is terrifying.
and due to destroyed monitoring+research+countermeasurements #birdflu has best preferences to finally mutate into a second #SpanishFlu (1st came from US as well... irony)
People affected. I don't know how but we to were vaccinated
In school with one of those air injection multiple vaccine that people from my Era still have a identifying scare on their upper left arm. SO WHAT A SCARE
In fact, because my father was in the US Air Force and we got stationed in Guam, I was immunized against a very long list of diseases. Still, no autism or low IQ.
My son is on the autistic spectrum (on the cusp), but it has become clear that it runs in my family. /1
It's not the vaccines! /2
in school gymnasiums. We got the first dose of the polio vaccine on a sugar cube followed by injections. I remember the measles as well. The burning fever. Chicken pox. My children never knew any of this. Why? Vaccines. Lifesaving vaccines.
Vaccines are a gift.
It weakens the immune system and can permanently disable a person in multiple ways: chronic illness, deafness, blindness, and severe scars.
Everyone needs to be vaccinated. It's ridiculous and dangerous not to.
Do not spread this sort of disinformation. The truth is enough.
If your immune system is weakened, you'll be chronically ill, disabling you. Also severe scaring takes a mental/emotional toll, also disabling.
I didn't fucking stutter. 🤨
What else is there to say about RFK?
Also, struggling a bit watching reruns of Curb Your Enthusiasm. It’s just his wife but I fucking hate her.
Marching on DC NOW!!!
Mar 14, 15, 16: Go to https://DonaldLoveVladimir.com for details!!!
Fight!!! Fight!!!! Fight!!!!
I read this post as if he’s talking to Robert Reich, I don’t think that’s what he meant.
we got it. Vaxxing isnt a choice, it's a privilege in a free society in which we can be protected from disease.
Trump is doing a great job turning the US into a shithole country. Who would expect any different from him?
Hospitalization- 1 child in 5
Pneumonia- 1 child in 20
Encephalitis- 1 child out in 1,000
Death- 1 to 3 out of 1,000
Pregnancy- premature birth; rubella virus causes hearing, vision, heart & brain problems in newborns
I know people who think covid would have been nothing to worry about at all if everyone just got it. You would have been looking at millions dead in the US.
Political/Administrative Negligence that results in “preventable deaths” should lawfully call for the individual or individuals who irresponsibly failed to meet their oath to protect the public - be indicted, tried, convicted & be sentenced to the maximum penalty allowed for their crimes.
Fucking says it all
But all those innocent children and immune compromised folks don’t.
But this is the party of “life” people.
WTF are you even doing????!!!
I appreciate all your lessons 😊✌️
To hurt as many Americans as possible.
To destroy us from within without firing one shot.
"Andrew Wakefield is a British fraudster, anti-vaccine activist, and disgraced former physician. He was struck off the medical register for "serious professional misconduct"."
Immmunity concept works with Measles.
WE THE PEOPLE REVALUATION 2025 🇺🇸 🇺🇦🙏🌎☮️ 🙏❤️🙏
* rich file they commit Fraud! Jail! so don't file! HINT
Like a monkey at a typewriter, he will produce a work of Shakespearean beauty in healthcare.
"Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble."
The very wealthy will be vaccinated and have access to excellent medical attention.