Musk's DOGE reportedly designated an 82 year-old Seattle man as "dead" even though he's alive.

They cancelled his Social Security, canceled his Medicare, and clawed back payments retroactively. $5,201 was taken from Ned Johnson's bank account.



They should be required to give notice of action they plan to take affecting benefits

We will all be on edge every month.

Not all seniors have the time and wherewithal to fight something like this. Especially if they end up on the street or dying from lack of medical care.
They should have someone sensible like you on the Doge team. Genius in one thing does not translate to competence, let alone genius, at other things.
Thank you. I’m certainly more qualified than they, with my education and experience with government budgets and risk management.

But I wouldn’t work for the asses.
I hear it's difficult to prove that you are alive too, needing to jump through multiple hoops of burocracy with multiple proof.
I hope law firms are lining up to help him sue. Since Musk isn't a federal employee, can he be sue personally?
La firms are being threatened by POTUS in person.
I know. And if they don't fight back, what do we have left?
A military coup, or secession and a second civil war.

Hail Cascadia!
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They meant “soon”. As soon as they cut down our SS payments. Boys would be boys kind of thing.
My hubby and I would be in the streets if that happened. Being dead would kill us.
We need to launch an all out relentless (non-violent) assault against Republicans in Congress. Until their lives become unbearable, they will continue to live in peace while we suffer! The faster we make their lives unbearable, the faster they will be forced to act!
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Tell me where to sign up
There is nowhere to sign up! People need to just do it! It’s easy enough to find their home addresses online. It has to happen at all 218 Republican homes! Drive them absolutely insane!!
I don’t like the correlation with Argentina though….they disappeared many people in the 70’s.
The point is that it is LEGAL to protest outside their homes and that is what we have to do! It’s what we did when Roe v Wade was on the line!
My rep is a bitch from hell. I live in a red town in a red county in a red state but if so can find some cohorts to join me I’ll make a visit.
They don’t care about the law at all and will say anyone that does this is a domestic terrorist. Not saying you shouldn’t do this or you shouldn’t try but you need to be realistic that the police/fbi and most likely the Supreme Court will not be on your side even if local courts are.
To be fair this also happens in the UK from time to time although, fortunately, Musk has nothing to do with it.
It's very difficult for the individual to prove they are still alive. Who would have thought it?

Equally worrying is the closing of federal funds for food banks.
They're trying to kill us, efficiently.
How can we verify this story? I want to share but want to make sure it is fact. Keep up a good work and keep up the fight
Seattle Times…..🤷‍♀️
It's from the Seattle Times.
I appreciate this story and am glad he had the cushion in his bank account and the stamina to find out why he’d been marked a dead man. Imagine this same story happening to someone who had zero money and was overwhelmed.

Leave Social Security the hell alone!!
We don’t have rights anymore. Welcome to the new America.
I'm scared
sue their dicks off
Talk about a small settlement...
🤣 no notes
took me a sec
I hope people are finally getting the message, that their lifetime investment in Social Security was never meant for their retirement, but a honey pot meant for tax breaks for billionaires.
Arrogant DOGE geniuses combined with AI should never be allowed to take action against any American without adult supervision.

Moving fast and breaking shit is only okay for software. These mistakes harm real people. Govt doesn’t make knee jerk decisions to protect us from this kind of harm.
Can't file criminal charges against a dead man

Should have used that to one's advantage
It's not clear that this is a DOGE action - though it will likely happen more often over time with DOGE Statistical analysis will show in aggregate over time.

But messing up a SSN by one digit may cause it then it takes 3 inputs across 3 separate days to fix the issue.
This is a problem with a lack of transparency in DOGE's actions for sure. But this may be an overworked employee making a simple mistake.
Sounds like man’s foot stepping on a cocoon. When the caterpillar is in the metamorphosis stage of death to live again.. déjà vu: I’ve been here before..
Completely outrageous.
If it wasn't so serious it really would be hilarious.
I can’t find any story on this not behind a paywall- anyone have another link?
Hope this gentleman is calling an attorney.
Holy Lord! I guess the cruelty is a feature.
This is what happens when the audits are done by hackers with no understanding the government and how it runs.
When the fact that a dead person had a bank account, give you a clue?
I hope he doesn't suddenly die
WOW!!! No respect for nobody. 😐🤦🏾🤔😐🤦🏾🤔
Whoa...that's how they are claiming dead people are being given checks.
Pack Musk to Mars pronto.
Elected Dems approval rating, 29%, Trump/Musk approval rating, 49%. The GOP is screwing over everyone, physical action beats Dems flapping their lips by a mile. GET OFF YOUR ASS and do something. The mid-terms are not the answer, we will get hammered. Start throwing punches or just stay home
When is congress going to say enough is enough?
Fucking incompetent morons.
Please check on your old folks.

Aunt or Uncle with no kids? Call them today please.

The nursing homes can fight their own battles, but there's so many that don't have the capacity to findbout what happened, make phone calls.

Don't just mourn Gene Hackman, use him as a cautionary tale.
WTF????? Monsters in control.
How the fuck did they take money from his account? If that can happen to Ned, it can happen to any of us. Do I need to start stuffing my mattress with cash?
Fuck trump and musk
They should pay him back double what they took!
Before DOGE takes dramatic action on a citizen, don’t they check the facts first?
Sounds like theft to me.
Erroneous death happens all the time, unfortunately. It's happened to two friends of mine before. The major problem I took from this article is that rectifying the error will be impossible with the number of remaining staff for those who rely on their benefits.
And the incompetence of these fucktards continues
It's disgusting what they have done to this man. People, stand up.
This New World Order is about control over the masses.

You can either use force, or economics.

Dangle your SS check in front of you. Make you jump so high to get it. And maybe make you sign a pledge you're not a threat to "the state".

Wanna see your wealth again, you'll do as you're told...
There are no innocent citizens. The people of a country alway get the government that they deserve.
Disgusting! what are you doing about this????? This cannot stand. It all must simply stop.
The wish of Republican voters to have a government that supports businesses has been granted. My perspective on government extends beyond just quarterly profit reports. I'm waiting for them to bring back eugenics. The fourth Reich would be complete.
If he's not dead now, he soon will be from the stress created by this incident.
They illegally stole from his bank account

Criminal charges should be filed
“His Medicare insurance had been canceled. He also learned that when you die, your credit score gets marked as “deceased, do not issue credit,” which makes it tough to get a loan.”
Disgrace, Musk should be arrested.
I have seen two stories now of people having problems like this that were corrected without too much difficulty. To me, it seems like an attempt to make seniors think any problems that do arise will just be easily addressed glitches, nothing to worry about.
With Social Security cutting employees there will probably be no one to answer calls as to ‘what happened to my social security check, benefits etc’.
Nobody home at the social security office.
Musk and the entirety of doge should be fucking imprisoned. They are treasonous, traitorous, scum.
OMG…none of the “eejits” know what they are doing and in the process, they may be destroying lives along with our Social Security system!!
So freaking sad ☹️
It’s all a sham to pretend DOGE has cut spending to pay for $5 TRILLION tax cut for president Musk, King Chaos and all his feudal billionaire lords.

Feudal is the correct word. The orange king grants special favors to his billionaire lords; they get richer.

This is not about a tax cut for you.
This team of presidents is so dangerous. Musk is unelected but because of his billionaire status, gets to destroy families with Donalds consent!! Where's the due process??
If he can declare this guy dead and rob his bank account, it is quite possible he can do it to everyone else.
And it will take an eternity to fix the damage from the slash and burn policies
= crimes against humanity this man has standing to sue DOG-E into oblivion...make it happen please
No excuse...
... Fuck Merrick Garland.
... Fuck Chuck Schumer.
... Fuck Franklin Graham.
Wonder if he can sue them?
What a hellscape (my new word) we're living in.
This is so WRONG.
A second amendment present 🎁 please!💀
Doge has saved nothing doge has killed people doge has put our country last doge is the waste and fraud
How about we find billionaire tax dodgers instead.
Hate DOGE and Elon with the intensity of a million suns...but there isn't any proof this person went into suspense because of DOGE.

The story here is that sometimes weird things happen and problems arise. That's why you NEED people in field offices and answering phones. To fix stuff like this.
Erroneous suspensions happen all the time. For a variety of reasons. Usually a computing error. Sometimes a human error.

I think the framing of the this story is incorrect and I would discourage reporters from listening to every single SSA "problem" they hear as being related to DOGE.
WTF is wrong with these people?!!
Can audit be done to see who coded this man as dead? Also, if it was a bulk update on live/dead status other people may have been affected.
This is what fascists scum like Musk and Trump are doing to people. Are we going to do something about it?
Despicable people 😡
NOTHING DOGE does is for the reason they state. It all fake
And I'm a bit tired of Dems saying everything DOGE is doing is so DJT can "give tax breaks to the rich." It's much more than that. He gave them tax breaks in his first admin.
Fair comment. Then have collectively, not just the guy that runs a low quality EV company do things with thought and no back-tracking. Not with a stupid chainsaw. I'm all for reducing government spending logically.
Wtf we demand transparency

If they dead we want to know?
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Time to have a few law firms step up and represent all those getting screwed and take what they can back from The Musk Rat.
This is only the beginning
toss muskrat here, stat..
These Nazis are going to take everyone’s Medicare and SS away
I hope the courts are taking data
- DOGE got in SS
-change info of a private citizen
- declared him dead
-the funeral homes are the ones who fill and send Form SSA-721
-send info to a bank with false info of deceased person
- Bank without checking send money back to SS
-pattern of scam

A bank should not send money anywhere without a court order
I call that stealing, but sure he’s a billionaire working to get more government handouts so no legal action is taken
This is one who came forward
Many more are giding
Time and again, the DOGE bunch, made up of teenage computer hackers and lead by a buffoon on ketamine, have proven that they don't have a clue of what they are doing.
#TeslaSwasticars #Swasticars #StopFascism #StopTheOligarchy #TaxBillionaires #PresidentMusk #FirstLadyDonaldTrump
Join a team to help Dems win.
#GOTVBlue2025 Start Now.
Congrats on being found. Too bad they are screwups to list you as dead!!!
Media refuses to cover story
Gee. DOGE made a mistake, I am shocked. If a real federal employee had done this the Republicans would have come unglued. Oh wait, a real federal employee trained and with years of experience would NOT have made this mistake. Do not let the DOGErs get away with their errors. Protest!
Imagine if this was happening to a couple who couldn't afford their lifestyle.
The "victim" should SUE the federal gov't and DOGE. They must BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE for fuck ups like this. Now, the beneficiary must hassle with clearing up their mess.
Doge says SSA pays dead people!?
Despicable doge
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This should be a headline everywhere, social security is already understaffed and letting go of thousands will hurt our seniors that had worked and paid into the system. This is not ok, this news should be a big deal especially to the young people that voted these clueless people to power
Sue Musk and the companies who employ his DOGE goons.
This is terrifying
Musk/his minions should be sued personally. They are acting both unilaterally & in bad faith. Their incompetence and lack if due diligence will cause many deaths. They chose to ignore the true experts on these system glitches & personally own this debacle and crime. They stole from this American
muskrat is an insane & evil greedy money hoarding nazi clown, and the only good nazi is a dead nazi, and that will NEVER change
He is typical Apartheid
At least to harass the assholes.
Suppose he shot someone because of this. Or robbed a bank.
Can they put a dead man in front of a judge?
All they’re doing here is setting up little “oopses” all over the place here. This, the “whoops, brownshirts detained a green card holder” scenarios, the “oh jeez, didn’t know I can’t fire a whole agency teehee” bullshit…
Then they drag their feet on rectifying things. They then imply the government isn’t efficient and that’s why “it’s taking so long to undo”. The “I’m not batting 1000” moron isn’t cutting blindly. They’re trying to expose “bugs” to exploit later, likely in a “haha, you can’t stop us” way.
His parents were opossums.
You’d better believe he’s not the only one!!!
The media should seriously focus on these types of stories affecting people. The media needs to visit these offices and interview the people waiting in line to show the public what Trump is doing to the country.
Chainsaw efficiency.
We’re going to see a lot more of this going forward I fear.
What a nightmare for this 82-year-old man and his family. So dangerous what Doge is doing. So harmful to individuals and the whole country at large. We must fight back. Protest and federal lawsuits against his injustices is the only way right now.
How was there any money to claw back if the suspicion was he's dead??
Now this is making me mad as fuck!! Imagine the insecurity & fear that family must have felt. These are the guest Dems should have brought to the State of the Union. We have some milquetoast Dems. We need to take a pressure washer to the party. Stating with schlumpy Schumer.
Sounds like fraud by DOGE!
Trump is a vile person. He truly makes me sick. I hope this is reversed & the man gets his Social Security money back. And his other benefits restored.
Absolute criminals running our country right now. I hope they will soon be stopped from their rampant assault on democracy!
big shout out to Danny Westneat, columnist for the Seattle Times newspaper, and the Seattle Times for breaking this story
Doge is not about efficiency. Anything they say that sound reasonable should be assumed to be the exact opposite. Whereas anything that sounds terrible should be considered truth.
'Stealy Dan' strikes again. (Steely Dan is from the Novel Naked Lunch - very appropriate for ELON)
I knew I'd find this in the comments!
How do they know doge did it?
The original dumb fucks.
Be they voted for Trump 3 times.
Same thing happened with my father in the early 1990s. The rehab hospital where he was somehow managed to declare him dead. I had to go to the facility, with the day's newspaper, take a picture of him holding up the paper while standing with a nurse to prove he was alive. /1
Could it even be handled quickly? Online FAQ's only handle the basic questions. It's doubtful could cover this kind of situation. Is Trump going to take a page from the insurance companies and make everything more difficult with hopes we all die first? /end
I can't imagine what I would do if it happened today with proposed cuts to staff. Who would I be able to call to find out what to do w/o hanging on the phone for hours? Where would I be able to take my dad's photo to get it processed quickly to restore his benefits?
Efficiency is just a smoke screen people have bought into. DOGE has two goals. 1. Use citizens data for Musks Ai ventures 2. Help Project 2025 succeed. Heritage Foundation will not stop him on #1 as long as he gets them #2. Everything else is a distraction.
Congress on recess next week. Protest outside Republican local offices!
Raskin urges public submit FOIA request to DOGE. Links to form/template letter, mailing address here:
Ben Wikler on People V Musk to combat Elon:
Fuck that is so wrong!
Just the beginning. Once they gut the SSA of people, who will anyone complain to?
Reprehensible! Seriously where do you turn if something likes this happens. I've gone in and canceled any automatic payments I have (most of our utility companies ask for auto pay. It's hard to stock up when it takes most of what you get to get by.
Is is criminal.
Elon has always been a thief and a fraud. Like most conservatives he is fundamentally corrupt and selfish and finds joy in the suffering of others.

He’s cold blooded and that’s coming from a dinosaur.
Sue the hell out of them...PERIOD!
Doge douchebags rode off that day like "Ned's dead, baby. Ned's dead."
How about a citizens arrest...
It's time ..
Elon will eventually claim that every American receiving SS is dead or accused of fraud and stop sending payments or wipe your bank accounts clean
And since offices have been shut down there will be no one to help correct his incompetent mistakes
How do we stop elonrusky from taking money from Americans bank accounts?
How is he allowed to do this?
I'm afraid that this will happen to me! What do I do?
“Department of Government Idiocy” more like.
Is it possible to have Musk arrested for theft?
And just how much did this save the US………?
About 1900/month. Something Musk could drop on the ground and never notice it was missing but probably crucial to this man's survival.
That is not cutting waste. That could be considered murder.
This is a sample of what happens when you remove a workforce that actually knows what they are doing and replace it with youngsters.
Incompetent and cruel We took Rand’s sage advice and downloaded our SS data including Work History for safe keeping. What a terribly desperate state of affairs that citizens have to protect themselves from predation by a government out of control.
This timeline is the fucking worst.
"'Dead' Ned Johnson" sounds like the greatest boxer of the 1910s.
Shoot Musk. Stab Musk. Poison Musk. But do so in the near future. Musk is evil. Musk is the Omen.
There could not be a more loathsome than ripping off senior citizens.
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This is theft by the government, DOGE, elon.

Scary to think our bank accounts can be breached without due process. What are our rights concerning banks allowing unauthorized withdrawals?
Read the article, it tells you how doge did it..
Tried unable to access
Really? I read it, the "paywall" is closable..
Only for subscribers, has a box to subscribe
I don't subscribe and I got thru 🤷🏼‍♀️
This has info to not all the answers. I dummy know what the solution is to have security tho
For subscribers only
I'm not a subscriber and can read it. I had to x out of an invitation to give them my email to.
*don't not dummy, idk why autocorrect goes to dummy, a word I never use🤷‍♀️
Protect yourself
Notice SSA did NOT supply any proof of death to this bank
If trump administration doesn't like you they can just SAY ur dead and take back ur $$$

.maintain a bank account just for SS deposits
Immediately move the $$$ to your actual account
Both would be actual accounts if you own them.
Ues but SSA can only claw back their deposit from the account they put it in
They don't check to see whether there's money in it before doing that and when it's overdrawn you'll get fees from the bank.
Let them sue. At least you don't miss your rent payment
Something like that affects your ability to open and maintain banking accounts. There are reporting systems similar to credit reports for banking (chex, ews). Banks can close your account for negative reports then how do you get your payments as I think a direct deposit is required these days.
There’s over 80k people over 100 years old in this country of 300M, 44k are on Social Security. I believe that Doge is stupidly reading the Social Security Index, which is a database of every single social security number used.
Is there a gift article available out there?
Here’s how and why more will come.SA/Medicaid operations very similar to life and health insurance.Except older systems.Those cos have a trigger that if over certain age they proactively do an “alive and well” check but dont stop payments immediately.Gen abt 80. If over 100,pause till proof.
/2DOGE boys messed w/system. So it’s cutting off first merely on age.The issue can be catastrophic IF continue to close offices and limiting phone assistance in restoring. And will be especially harmful for millions on SS in assisted care facilities where payments go to guardians or nursing homes.
Finally we are in their birthright citizenship world. One man was born in US military base overseas to active duty parents. Recall the John Mc Cain issue. They are reviving it big time.
This will happen over and over again.
Musk is destroying Social Security and Medicare
Doesn’t sound very efficient does it? DOGE is crazy and nothing like it has ever existed in our Government. There is no oversight or checks and balances whatsoever. Congressional Republicans have declined their responsibilities.
It’s a cost cutting measure. It’s amazing how much money the federal government can save by merely declaring those alive are really dead.

Brilliant idea!
Ugh. wtf. The insanity of Trump, musk and doge is out of control. It’s like we gave a loaded gun to a 5 year old boy. Wtaf!!!
“Efficiency”…ha! Elon should stick to his knitting!
DOGE is the real fraud
He should sue.
God this soooo fucked fr
BOOMER BASHING helps this stuff go down easier, almost as though it's a public service to stress them out and help them die faster.
This is what you get when you rely completely on AI without any human review
Great job Elon and minions at DOGE.
I receive survivors benefits. My husband is dead. 71.5% of what he would have received is still more than mine would have been because I spent a large part of my time being a stay at home mom/ small farm tender. I'm terrified.
I worry about my mom for the same reasons.
What stood out to me is how badly they need more funding. DOGE is going to kill these people. Intentionally.
Freedom of speech - Who needs it?

Freedom of religion - Who needs it?

Freedom to participate in peaceful protests to discuss how government is murdering people - Who needs it?

Freedom of press - Who needs it?

Attorney when charged with murder - Who needs it?
First they come for green card holders.

Then legal immigrants married to people born in USA.

Then people who were born in USA who had ancestors in USA over 100 years ago.

Why did Jews who had family members murdered during Holocaust vote for well known Fascist Trump?
We're going to see a lot more of this.
Jesus Christ.
Well had they finished their beta test he would have been dead by the time it made news.
And I wish the same for you Elon. And you're little nerd virgins too
He probably voted for Trump too. If he voted for Trump he deserves it.
The guy seems fairly bright and with it so it is unlikely that he was stupid enough to vote for Trump.
The dumb ones are getting fleeced monthly.

Lots of old white Democrats
get a clue - the man lives in deep blue Seattle, very unlikely he is a Trump voter
Whether dumb or red and regardless of who he voted for, nobody should be treated this way. Muskrats are playing the permission v. forgiveness game. I for one will not forgive them. EVER!
Wait a minute. Money was taken from a personal bank account or is this a seperate bank account held by the SSA?

I have to imagine its the latter and no it doesn't make it okay. I just want to make sure banks are still protecting our accounts.
"Only thing we can do is laugh it off"....

Sounds like regretful fox news voters... 🤦🏼💔
If we can't stop muskrat & his storm troopers, I'm really fearful of how this will end. What's being done is nothing short of highway robbery! And I want a great deal more than a tap on the wrist!
If he was into Grateful Dead he could be Dead Ned the Dead Head
Sick system of Dogge bags running out government.
Why in God's name do they have access to peoples personal bank accounts
I'm sure they gave him 0% Fue Process
We don’t have a third or smaller parties to hold the Democrats and Republicans account in America. Read how the UK does it.

It’s a long term strategy.
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Should sue musk personally for his actions
I guess "stealing" is efficient if you no longer have laws and a government protecting people.
This could happen to any of us at any time.