What the fork? Grak, repair this creature's penis ship ASAP! Until the craft is ready for re-ejaculation, assign the creature a cubicle @ the Dept Of Green Eminence with work hours from Moon1 to Moon2. Ensure that it provides a weekly report of its accomplishments & obeys all "Greens Only" signage.
"You mean to tell me you're the RICHEST and the MOST powerful being on the planet, and you STILL haven't conquered the earthlings yet?
You are a worthless piece of s**t Agent Blxnxklv! Get your ass back there and GET TO WORK!!!"
Welcome to Mars. To avoid immediate vaporization/repatriation please list five generous and unselfish acts you accomplished on your former planet. We are looking for generous people willing to support and accept each other and build communities.
You have a count of five…four…three…
I'm thirsty after my long SpaceX ride and successful crash landing, you wouldn't happen to have any water, would you? https://youtu.be/VjkOp6eROJE
in the 1930s ......it wouldnt have been ''legal'' to call for the deaths/killings of mussolini /Hitler
but morally and historically
When Earth sends its people, they're not sending the best, they're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists. Some, I assume, are good people.
#2 What are you?
Human you said: You're human?
hmm You don't act like a human!
Lock him up!! He's an imposter.
Like us. Deport him
"Martians Arrest Giant Asshole!"
MAGA Mars.
I have some regular characters who are aliens.
"3 year old artists can tell how much the world hates you"
(Translated to "suck a dick")
Ask me what a Martian Push-up entails 🤔🤪😎 and the consequences to failing to complete even 1
Yes: it involves being able to survive 3 rounds of bare-knuckles boxing against former PMJT in #canada
Ok…not really. But thought that JT would secretly wish it possible
You are a worthless piece of s**t Agent Blxnxklv! Get your ass back there and GET TO WORK!!!"
It's your misfortune and none of our own…
"Yes. Or Sam Rockwell, if Moon can spare him."
You have a count of five…four…three…
You're Fired!
Straight ahead, 33 million miles, on the left.”
*eat the rich
(that'd be a hard NO)
You're still not green. No whities allowed.
but morally and historically
the Martians killed Elon
because he was a migrant !!
oh dear !!
I don't care what some judge or court says, put him on a rickety old rocket & launch it into the Sun. He'll be nice & 🔥warm🔥 there.