Remember: The fundamental issue isn’t the size of the government or how to make government more “efficient.”
It’s who our government is for.
Should it work mainly for big corporations and billionaires, including the richest person in the world — or for the rest of us?
It’s who our government is for.
Should it work mainly for big corporations and billionaires, including the richest person in the world — or for the rest of us?
Fighting together: strategic.
Fighting after a group coffee break: unstoppable! ☕🔥
A 6T budget is not too big relative to our GDP at 24T.
The problem is we have very regressive taxation at the Federal State and Local levels.
Oh, wait... maybe not.
The rights of our citizens. versus the need to grow the economy is an absolute equation that must be constantly balanced.
And the size of the Government is primarily derived by the size of the economic function it must regulate.
The 35th Legislative District seat is vacant due to the death of former State House Representative Matthew Gergely.
Pass it on so it reaches more voters please.
trump always had a skewed idea of reality
And the billionaire oligarchs are happy with that ..
They get to steal as much as they can.
DOGE certainly seems to be the greatest heist I have ever seen.
Just imagine Gina’s Australian version.
#auspol #GinaGinaGina
He knows these judges are our last line of defense, so he's using his power and money to rig another election. Please mobilize and spread awareness!
Wisconsin, let's vote and support Judge Crawford!
Show up in force, work with your communities to help organize, donate water/masks or labor, just show up!... find your event at
This is our United States, the Oligarchy can't just buy it!
We The People
Foff Elon
This wouldn't even be a question if not for money in politics.
Our population has certainly increased since then though so it's been diluted of anything.
us their intentions; they have us on
the path to kleptocracy / oligarchy
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Corporations are not people.
FDR had a good start. We should modernize this and go from there.
And then we repeal Citizens United.
A rising tide should lift all boats, something today's politicians and the global 1% have ignored for far too long.
Are educational institutions for us, or for R&D and training for corporations?
Are journalistic institutions informing people, or providing lowest cost entertainment for corporate profit?
Even corporations, ask why give benefits to them, when hurts we the people.
The push for “efficiency” is a cover for privateering & predatory privatization, deregulation, the erosion of rights and freedoms, and wealth concentration.
This is why I follow you on every media.
This is why I have the most respect for your analysis.
Please keep on..
Always taking MY money
Why put up with it?
1) establish Justice
2) insure domestic Tranquility
3) provide for the common defence
4) promote the general Welfare
5) secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity
And worth every penny - even with waste
Billionaires Didn't
Keep your frikin' hands off our money.
Drives me nuts when Flordians say, but we don't pay state taxes. What do you think Tallahassee has a money tree. 🙄
Charles Derber
If gov't were doing what it needed to do, it would be larger - health care, child care, senior care, retirement security, etc.
All the things Rethuglicans hate.
- John Adams
United States position as the shining star of democracy disintegrating. Failing ourselves and failing the whole world!
of we pay tax then get nothing, nobody cares if that nothing is 'efficient'
if Everyone is Not taken care of, whats the government for?
So what do we do to stop it — and make government work for us again?
In a house of cards, those in the penthouse should be recognized as the cheapest seats...
Young people generally don’t care because they’re thinking about the weekend, what guy or girl they’re interested in.
"...concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.
At its core it's always been rotten.
The Republican party had plenty of opportunities to reject those cowards. It's time to demand that political parties start with the idea that democracy is a good thing
Trump wants all departments devolved to the "Department of Trump Whims"
Politicians need to be reminded that the taxpayers are their employer & we're tired of being backstabbed!
It’s not right and left. It’s up and down. Both parties have served the up while letting the majority of Americans down so they can fill their pockets.
- by, of, & for - billionaires.
$ out of politics; or don’t bother wasting your time.
A few suggestions:
- flip 10 republicans NOW, call, visit them home/work/leasure, take the house NOW. Make AOC speaker & Raskin Chair of impeach. com.
- Senate, same (get 60), Bernie as 🔝.
Is asking who a system that is pretty clearly not working at all the right question?
It applies also to economic activity - is the purpose to create wealth in the hands of a few or to meet the needs of everyone?
In the civilised world these questions have been addressed and answered but eternal vigilance and refinement is vital.
Government Democratic standards and principles
Helping the poor, children,
Veterans, federal employees, agencies, US
Mail, Education(public), disabled, Special Ed…
-Sanely make it work