they have the audacity & yes..stupidity to tell people "you must be avail to train your replacement.
No job in fed gov is ever filled in less than 9 months. They average 9-12 months to hire a new person. By that time, the deferment is over & you're no longer employed. You won't be training anyone.
still important to note that DOGE is not a real government agency and has no authority to make these payments to people
it’s mind-boggling that any is pretending a non-existent agency is going to be cutting anyone a check
I thought USDS has existed since Obama's first term? Isn't it the graphic design/developer wing that makes websites and stuff? How can they cut fat checks?!
It's not a magic one. It certainly doesn't have any of the powers they're claiming, 90% of which are purely Congressional.
it's mandate and powers are sharply limited, as the USDS is just a small executive branch group that was there provide centralized tech expertise to various Executive agencies
The correct description of DOGE is "office within the White House". It is *not* a federal agency, let alone a department. Trump did something similar with Kushner in his 1st term.
Yeah, but its authority is over IT consultations, not stealing the personal data of every single American. 🍊 can't just decide they can wander into whatever federal agency they feel like and do whatever the fuck they want. That's not how that works.
Obama created USDS to create guidelines for Federal Agencies to use in designing websites. They didn't have any authority to directly order agencies to use them. That came from POTUS via the heads of those agencies. If DOGE is directly ordering agency staff to do things, that's illegal.
Reading some of the stories, it seems very clear that everything is verbal only, with orders not to put anything in writing.
And that's to firewall off first Elon, and then Trump, from what they're doing. What's funny is I don't think Elon suspects that anymore than his minions do.
The legality of the whole thing is bananas. However I am fairly sure there are those who would have been resigning in any case rather than work under this administration and took the deal knowing they likely will get shafted.
Trump is famous for not paying anyone, ever. Also, although these people are hellbent on cutting Fed jobs, they are cheap as Hell and wouldn’t offer to pay anything if they could just wave a wand and do that. Trump and Musk know they’ll have opposition and they’re basically begging people to quit.
Why the fuck - excuse me as am from a country that hasn't revolted since 1640s so shouldn't be lecturing but try my continental cousins - aren't people in streets and taking up arms and overthrowing these feudal overlords?
Too many people still in denial & don’t see immediate ramifications. Outside DC not organized to reach people (I heard after march) & to hit Congressmen at their local office doors as well as central places.
Loads of people in the streets, just not being shown on legacy media because it’s owned by the billionaires. Do a search on here for “protests” and they’ll show up. There were protests in every capital today.
I was at the protest in Boston today. I estimate about 1000 people, a 25F cold day but everyone was in good spirits and no hassles, there was a lot of chanting and signs about Musk. Being there and in solidarity was a boost for me. Started at statehouse, walked to the JFK Federal Building ...
I believe X or space X or whatever is currently undergoing litigation on this very issue as they offered a similar agreement to private sector employees and then never paid up. I don’t have the details. Just heard this is the case through the sf labor grapevine.
So yah, the legality of this offer is questionable and currently under investigation. I think musk set the federal deadline to accept before the the expected outcome of this lawsuit.
most GS contracts for employment have a probationary period of 2 years. During that time you can be let go for little or no reason. The people taking the offer are probably within that period and expect to be let go next week. Nobody else should take it as it offers no benefit over staying
and it fits Donalds. You get credit for being solvent, then you don't pay. If they are lucky they get offered a "take 50% or sue me". A Donald discount if you will.
Perfectly normal, because many rich guys get rich by screwing others. Not by being smart, innovative or truthful 🫠
Yep! You don’t become the richest person in human history by being ethical and playing fair. I’m sure his “business” background is a long list of scams and illegal backroom dealings.
Same thing he did with Shitter employees when he took over. Promised them all sorts of $ and then didn't give them anything.
He ended up paying out to employees in Europe that had laws to protect them but everyone in the US got the shaft.
That's obvious right? It was obvious to everyone? Like there's the ADA, and there's the limit on the amount of admin leave, there's the cap on severance pay, and there's the insistence you can totes get a second full time job while you're on "leave", which is absolutely a fire able offense....
Waitwaitwait... help the non-native speaking non-lawyer.
By accepting the offer, one waives away forever the rights to the claims created by accepting the offer?
As for the thousands who have agreed to take it, as a former civil servant, I can tell you who they are in the office. They do not do a lick of work all day now; stand around & talk or disappear for hours. They figured why not sit at home and not do a lick of work and get paid for it for 8 months.
It's a really shitty position to be in. I, suspect, they are more motivated by fear of retribution if they don't take it.
This is not the same country most of them have made a pledge for.
Just so I'm clear, they are destroying the government so they can pay for the tax cuts for the billionaires and corporations? Do I have that right?
So worth it. 😒.
Hope all the Magats saved their pennies as they won't be seeing a welfare check anytime soon. Nobody left to cut the checks.
I can’t believe any federal employee would take the buyout and expect to get paid. Just like I didn’t believe any nurse would refuse to get vaccinated for COVID.
If I was planning to retire in the next couple of weeks already I might say "sure, it either works and I get 6 months paid vacation to end my tenure. Or it's a scam and I'm in the same position I was already in anyway"
But that's the ONLY situation where I could see rolling the (weighted) dice
The agreement signs away the right to do that. It signs away your right to sue over any unrelated issue, too, as I understand it. No one should sign it, not even if you're retiring.
Theres a court case that says you have no recourse if they federal government lies to you about matters subject to funding since the executive can't bind the government to spending not authorized.
I would only take it if they paid me the entire 8 months as an upfront lump sum, with my resignation contingent upon that money appearing in — and being WITHDRAWN from — my account. Otherwise, no fucking way.
Look its all in the drafting. If a party fails to perform, they have unilaterally terminated the contract absent a cure. But certain clauses could and would survive the termination. And that would be some guarantee of the 8 months salary by a credit worthy entity (USA).
When the top of the organization is actually a criminal enterprise. Well, if you are a convicted felon and given the keys to the vault, what are you going to do?
NO ONE should accept one of these buyouts, no matter how attractive it may seem in the moment. If you are unsure, talk to your union rep, union attorney, or private labor attorney.
Well, they’re not honouring the US treaties bound by international law so I guess we shouldn’t be surprised they don’t intend to honour employment contracts.
I know someone who said there is encouragement to snitch on coworkers who have anything to do with DEI. I have a degree in Russian studies, and this just reeks of some Soviet-esque BS. But what can we expect from an administration who is friendly with Putin?
However, if you work for the federal government and voted for trump, they are definitely and going to pay you, probably double, if you take Musk’s “buyout” offer but this only applies to maga voters 😉
The scuttlebutt I am hearing is that the only employees taking this were planning to separate anyways because they were part of multi-year but temporary positions with the expectation of "Find somewhere else in the government you enjoy working, otherwise happy trails, because this job is ending".
Basically taking a no-stakes gamble to turn 3 more months of slow wind down employment into a promise to lazily answer emails and voicemails within 48 hours for the next 8 months.
Bait and switch. Like offering you a position in another city, then rescind it after you accept. can't have your old job back because we filled it with someone else.
I’ve heard from some there is a chance not showing up according to the “back to office” policy, may be in violation of the work agreement, which then could also put pensions in jeopardy. Seems no one has a definitive answer.
You can commit murder and still get your pension. Basically absent treason, you are good to go. Violating a remote work agreement might get your fired, but you won't lose a pension you've already earned with 5 years employment.
Never. The game is "Make me". "Sternly worded warnings" and "Notification: You have broken the law!" mean nothing to this crew. "The Boss" wants to try it with the "Immune while in office" laminated card he keeps in his shirt pocket. Try a take down and they'll try to stab you. It's hand to hand.
Exactly - Trump/Musk are 100% transactional. The moment you lose your leverage you lose any chance of seeing the money
We normal people pride ourselves on our word meaning something - they see us as suckers for that. In their world screwing somone over is the ultimate win
This strikes me as an agency HR rep who is required to forward the DOGE emails but who is doing what they can to protect their employees when asked separately
Anyone that gets one of these letters should at a minimum have it reviewed by an employment lawyer. Even better, get together with other employees and engage a law firm as a collective.
I appreciate that they're shitty enough to write a legal agreement designed to screw people over but they apparently feel like they have to answer honestly when someone asks "so hey would this allow you to screw us over?" It's like "you have to tell me if you're a cop" logic
30+ years in HR and as soon as I saw this ‘offer’ I knew it was a scam.In the UK NHS there was/is a ‘mutually agreed retirement scheme’ ironically referred to as MARS. Generally,this lets folk resign for a payment but does not remove their post from the structure allowing for internal redeployment .
If they plan to axe your job from the structure, it’s redundancy, pure and simple. Don’t sign anything. Don’t even ask about it. Make *them* do their jobs properly, and if they don’t (and I’ll guarantee they won’t) then you have redress in law, something DOGE want you to waive your rights to.
Don't do it. They are basically asking you to pre-resign for the benefit of being paid to work without any of the benefits/rights you would have if you make them fire you. No Cobra; no unemployment comp. It is a con; don't do it.
Lmao you do have to wonder how stupid they think people are? Like, the civil service employees all have college degrees. Not exactly a born yesterday crowd.
A government workers union just filed for an injunction on grounds that include that the government is only funded through March, and it's not legal for the government to promise money that hasn't been allocated yet.
Say it with me: it was 👏never👏a👏buyout. It was an offer to waive the return-to-office requirement by resigning. They still have to work, if they don’t, I expect they’d be fired.
Do they get unemployment? Or are all the people doing that also eliminated. What about SNAP if they can’t make ends meet?
It doesn’t feel so much like a RIF as something deeply personal and ugly. These federal workers are being punished for having the nerve to do their jobs.
Musk's Twitter (now X) has been fighting multiple lawsuits from ex-employees who claim they were denied severance payments and other benefits after the mass layoffs. Some cases are still making their way through the courts. Trust, they won't see a dime.
I'm HOPING the only people taking the offer are people who were already planning to retire in the next few weeks anyway and are basically in a situation of:
"If it works I get 6 months paid vacation. If it's a scam, I'm no worse off than I was planning to be anyway"
No job in fed gov is ever filled in less than 9 months. They average 9-12 months to hire a new person. By that time, the deferment is over & you're no longer employed. You won't be training anyone.
it’s mind-boggling that any is pretending a non-existent agency is going to be cutting anyone a check
it's mandate and powers are sharply limited, as the USDS is just a small executive branch group that was there provide centralized tech expertise to various Executive agencies
The only reason Trump and Musk are getting away with this shit is because people are letting them do it.
And that's to firewall off first Elon, and then Trump, from what they're doing. What's funny is I don't think Elon suspects that anymore than his minions do.
So yah, the legality of this offer is questionable and currently under investigation. I think musk set the federal deadline to accept before the the expected outcome of this lawsuit.
but...too many peoplemdont know how things are supposed to work
Perfectly normal, because many rich guys get rich by screwing others. Not by being smart, innovative or truthful 🫠
He ended up paying out to employees in Europe that had laws to protect them but everyone in the US got the shaft.
But the little people don't matter to sunglasses mcfckface.
That's probably the REAL REASON for the 'compensation package'
Buying their silence with a few 1000K
It ain’t getting any better.
By accepting the offer, one waives away forever the rights to the claims created by accepting the offer?
Just saying...
This is not the same country most of them have made a pledge for.
So worth it. 😒.
Hope all the Magats saved their pennies as they won't be seeing a welfare check anytime soon. Nobody left to cut the checks.
But that's the ONLY situation where I could see rolling the (weighted) dice
Clearly they have poor judgement.
What musk is doing is illegal. Don't comply with this MFer.
We normal people pride ourselves on our word meaning something - they see us as suckers for that. In their world screwing somone over is the ultimate win
He’s a lying shitfuck, just like Trump
Stop calling it a buyout. There’s no severance.
It doesn’t feel so much like a RIF as something deeply personal and ugly. These federal workers are being punished for having the nerve to do their jobs.
"If it works I get 6 months paid vacation. If it's a scam, I'm no worse off than I was planning to be anyway"