It doesn't get any better. I'm eighty. I've just treated myself to a new mop and squeegee. I got totally caught up in selecting which ones to buy. Toilet brush next. The anticipation is almost too much to bear.
We’re not that far apart and I understand completely lol. And wrapping your day up with some new candles you’ve been saving??? 5 stars. Definitely recommend
My husband has bought me a new Le Crueset pan each year for the last 4 Christmases. 15 years ago, I would have kicked his ass for doing so. Now? I’ve spent like 2 months trying to figure out which one I want next!!
ON TOPIC, I’m about to buy curtain hangers and dusters. Maybe I should look into a mop too! 😂
like you just laid down on a pile of angel wings
🤔 Do I need towels and curtains?
So true!