Shouldn’t need to.
Never mind the arseholicness of the DHOTYA folk, their lives must be extremely dull if unusual things like that didn’t happen to them from time to time.
That was a great story, and the fact I knew the area a little bit brought it more to life.
I fell into a deep sleep in a toilet stall in the Star PH opposite St James's Park Tube, after a glorious, unplanned, end of enquiry, piss-up. I woke, when the pub was closing, to banging on the door by one of the staff, and realised my bag, with my house keys, was back in my office on the 17th 1/2
floor of New Scotland Yard. I then had to pick my way back to the Yard, effect, badly, not being pissed, and locate said keys before stumbling back to Charing Cross and my train home.
The funny thing was, I had fallen off of the throne asleep, and woke to find myself folded, rather ungainly, and jammed between said throne and the stall wall.
Mate of mine got drunk waiting for a late Tinder date. Fell asleep in the toilet after he’d arrived, felt guilty so she walked straight out, up to the bar and offered him back. Woke up the next morning... It wasn’t him.
Never mind the arseholicness of the DHOTYA folk, their lives must be extremely dull if unusual things like that didn’t happen to them from time to time.
That was a great story, and the fact I knew the area a little bit brought it more to life.