dear cis people. please learn the phrase "assigned sex"
biological sex is not an immutable trait, it is something that is assigned at birth, and more arbitrary than you realize.
You can change your sex, many people do
biological sex is not an immutable trait, it is something that is assigned at birth, and more arbitrary than you realize.
You can change your sex, many people do
Biological as opposed to what? Mechanical? Digital? Give me a break
People who use it don't care if it doesn't make sense - the intent is to deny the existence & basic rights of trans people.
Literally the reason for my choice of username.
chuds are very mad about this even tho they have no idea what that sentence means.
We have anatomical sex, chromosomal sex, neurological sex, genetic sex, gametic sex, and probably others that I'm forgetting right now. And possibly as science continues we'll identify more.
All of those are biological sexes.
Some of them can be changed, some can't (yet). Some can be partially changed.
Some of them are binary, some of them are bimodal.
Some of them are easy to identify, some are challenging.
And anyone trying to curtail people's rights and freedom on the basis of such flawed oversimplifications is a failed human being.
There are no AMAB people, only people who *were* AMAB
It is a past tense verb
Participle adjectives are a thing.
It's practical to save a few words and characters where you can.
biological sex is not a trait, but a constellation of traits that all vary & aren't always on the same side
I could be intersex. It's not worth the expense of checking.
"Assign" as a word works well in my head with gender, but not so much with sex
It's like the people who don't want to consider high T PCOS as an intersex condition.
It all boils down to "but that is so common and I think intersex people are icky" or "but I have that and I think intersex people are icky"
its not a contest, you dont win anything for being "more" intersex.
every person is in a sense a unique sex composition of traits.
that sexual orientation is a composite attraction to those traits.
Philosophy Tube has a good video in the social construct of "mammal" and how it pertains to the topic here.
It is a violent system of power structures, not an endless rainbow of identities and aesthetics.
It's crucial that you understand this.
You have a gender, not a "gendersona".
Gender is a cultural technology like language. You can speak the same language as someone but everyone has their own unique accent, cadence, patterns of speech etc.
gender is an N dimensional Hilbert space
sexuality is a projection onto it
And if you're to take ~1.7% of the population intersex, 0.8% trans, but ~20-30% of intersex folk also identifying as trans there's a whole shitload of overlap anyway.
also, most intersex people don't even realize until adulthood
so the "distinct life experience" varies wildly person to person, just like it does for trans people