Using all the *waves arms at everything* to fight hard for what matters. Less angry than determined. Got elected to my union's exec board this year, so in a position to make a difference. 🌿
Not well. Between surgery to remove a brain tumor in August and trying to adjust to retirement, this traveling 💩 show across America has me really tied up in 🪢🪢🪢🪢 !!!!
After finding that many folks voted for this incoming administration I would have a very difficult time finding the patriotism to fight for this country.
I’m 68 and tired of this nonsense. I have no patience with people and I have been avoiding society since the smirk face was elected.
So, I’m not able to move forward yet
I am fine. Just waiting for the other shoe to drop on some of these people. Waiting for the chance to ask "Who did you vote for?" " The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all" - John F. Kennedy
I am tired of looking at where I can go if it gets just "too hot," and I do not mean the weather. I could not imagine in High School in the 1980s this would be America 36 years later when we learned about possible nuclear war.
I am doing my best to tell myself that my body experiencing complete outrage is not helping anything. That I need to breathe, eat and exercise. I make sure to get outside a lot. I am talking to my friends and family. We all feel the same. It is going to be rough. WE need each other.
Little projects are the best. At least we’re ready for the 12-15 thanksgiving guests, bathroom-wise. And our Mennonite cabinet-builders are doing their customer appreciation breakfast and a free turkey day on Saturday.
While journaling I yearn for social cohesion & a rejuvenated counterculture. IMO, Resistance need be decentralized & involve lots of creativity. People need to start doing/sharing art, music, theater with like minded neighbors in real life. Less computer time, more creative time more outreach
Recovering, full of fear, gaining strength to move on and be ready as life’s curve ball affects every sentient being on the planet; including those in the thick of it.
pretty good, excited for all the organizing we're doing in SDSA. just finished giving a three-part "secrets of a successful organizer" training, and doing a "how to organize your workplace" training weekend after next.
awesome. are you able supporting outside seattle chapters? always wondered if folks in that area have thought about how to seed the more right leaning portions of Washington and Oregon. Seems like theres plenty of liberal converts.
Already ready to fight. I made the decision 2 days after the election to run for a seat in the Texas House, and I’ve already started building my coalition for 2026. This was just a bump in the road.
Maybe it is our region. It was already a depressing hellscape of bad legislation and inept elected. So the National level hellscape feels similar. Tired?
Righteous indignation, schadenfreude, sitting back with my popcorn. At least until they void my marriage and try to separate our family. But until then, enjoying everyone realize that their actions have negative consequences, even for them. Face—meet—leopards
You're less alone than about 15% of Trump voters who this week realized they got sold a dumb bag of beans and now they have to live with that the rest of their lives.
Get offline. As much as you can. Don't look at tvs. Go lay down in a park. If you're near stars go listen to music under the stars. Read physical books.
Find a hobby that isn't gonna bring you down.
Organize LOCALLY and build something locally. Build relationships at work and in your community
You don't have a crystal ball. We all know bad shit is going to happen, but bad shit happens every day, you filter that out already. Don't assume certain fucked up things will happen. You can PLAN for the worst in a way where those plans are useful regardless of what happens.
I wasn't always this way, and I'm privileged in that I've had some HUGE wins for workers and yes I've built and control massive online platforms, so it's easier for me, but you don't need a platform to not let the fascists, billionaires, and bosses to bring you down. You just need to not let them.
We all process the current moment differently, and I'm not going to tell anyone to stop being sad or feeling despair, your emotions and thoughts are legitimate, but did a thread a couple of days of her articles and podcasts that I found super helpful, will thread in
With any luck I won't remember his fucken face
Sooo all things considered good
We all live in the day to day
I will never surrender
My brain may have other ideas
So, I’m not able to move forward yet
And being currently unemployed is somewhat freeing - I no longer have to worry about suddenly being laid off, because I already was!
Making a list of all the good little things.
You don't have to consume political news unless that news is actionable by you.
Easier said than done, but don't let something you can't control control you
Find a hobby that isn't gonna bring you down.
Organize LOCALLY and build something locally. Build relationships at work and in your community