Dealing with depression by playing mmos is just doing work and not being paid.
It seriously broke my brain in a good way because I had thought I was basically worthless and now my bachelors will be done in under 3 years and I've lost 316lbs.
And to be clear, there was a little more to it, because I had accomplished more than like 95% of players at the time. I realized I could be ridiculously productive and accomplished if I pointed myself in the right direction. Confidence inversion.
"It does not matter what you "do" for a living. We are not human doings, we are human beings so be the best you can at whatever it is you do." I carry it with me and share often.
Even if you're married, put $20 every payday in your own savings. You might need it someday. Circa 1980. Worked for me when the marriage ended in divorce.
When I was contemplating entering law school in my late 30s and said, "but I'll be 42 when I finish", and was told, "you'll be 42 in three years regardless and it's up to you whether you have regrets"...
All you HAVE to do is be white and die. Everything else just has consequences. Don’t pay your taxes? They’ll be consequences. But you don’t HAVE to do anything but live another day.
You can never get lost driving... You can just go back the way you came from. I realize not everyone can do that, but I was also taught to pay attention to where I'm going... My Dad taught me that. I don't need a map or GPS... I can literally just go drive and "Get lost" and find me way home...
For anyone willing to try it, I would highly recommend... Just go drive... Get "lost"... Worst case scenario you have a GPS on your phone... But just go for a drive ... Literally TRY to get yourself lost...
When I was a kid someone said, "never hit a woman not even with a petal of a rose". That really stuck in my brain and since I respect women for who they are. I still believe women will save us from this political mess.
Shared with me (as a teacher) for advice to my students’ parents when they were divorced and fighting: You have to love your kids more than you hate your ex.”
“I was sexually assaulted and never went to therapy, never dealt with it, but I read your book this weekend and I have an appointment on Monday so thanks.”
You’ll never amount to anything. Said to me by my lovely stepmother… nothing inspires more than proving someone wrong and shoving it in their face often. Yes, I’m petty.
You kind of have to know the context…. My father said that the word no is smaller than the word yes. He was trying to tell me not to be afraid of trying and failing, that rejection shouldn’t deter me. It hasn’t.
“…and stop feeling sorry for yourself—that never helps.” My Mom told me that one lonely Christmas Eve when I called her in tears. She said that right after she advised “Never drink alone…” which is also very worthy advice.
Your thoughts and emotions are like weather swirling about. Sometimes a storm. But you are the sky that they pass beneath. The vastness and clarity of your true nature is only obscured by the passing weather.
“Lesbians are better motorcycle riders than men.” - said to me by the sergeant who took me on board as the first female motor cop in Austin, Tx. He meant well. I think…🤔
"The Gods are not exactly lazy, but they are self-respecting and refuse to waste good mystery on work that we should do ourselves."
Talbot Mundy January 1926
"You only live once" is bullshit. You only die once, make it worthwhile.
Made it on the Dean's list the next semester.
This was said to me in my teenage room by a parental figure.
It’s not a happy sentence. It took years to heal. But it ultimately sent me on a course that helped me know who and what I want in my life.
Best thing that could happen to me.
It seriously broke my brain in a good way because I had thought I was basically worthless and now my bachelors will be done in under 3 years and I've lost 316lbs.
Mom: I’d be worried about you if you didn’t…it means you care.
I’ll be thinking about it for the next four years…
You are special!
If you never ask, the answer is always “no”
In other words, pay it forward .
Sister Mary Theresa
“Because most people genuinely want to help and immediately, you’ve got someone on your side. You’ll learn a lot when you ask that question.”
My Dad
"Put on your big girl pants."
"Don't compare your insides with someone else's outsides."
This has helped me a lot.
"Never date a guy who wears white pants."
No waiting. That was my advice to my daughters.
After getting past my white hot rage, I could finally see that the responsibility for my healing was squarely in my hands.
Great friend of mine trying to explain how “easy” it is to get out of a poisonous marriage.
“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness.
It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.”
Don’t lie and don’t litter.
Year 1970
Talbot Mundy January 1926