Right now, there’s an important race happening that will shape the Wisconsin Supreme Court for the next 10 years. Judge Susan Crawford is ready to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of all Wisconsinites.
Make a plan to vote early today — don’t wait until April 1st: https://wisdems.org/vote
Make a plan to vote early today — don’t wait until April 1st: https://wisdems.org/vote
Thank you for lifting up this race for us Wisconsinites, Mr. President @barackobama.bsky.social
And agreed: those folks are leading. But they are a handful out of hundreds who are just choosing silence or to perpetuate the status quo. This. Will. Not. Work.
And this ‘Dems are all silent’ thing is bullsht. You not hearing them ≠ silence
No rousing speech by President Obama solves anything. The public needs to grow up and speak truth to power themselves
What about emojis?
We need to do the same. Let's clear the benches and get every available person of good will and any public speaking abilities and let's get out there and speak.
Keep a light on his insanity.
Everybody everyday everybody everyday everybody everyday
Call out your elected officials.
I love America and I stand with Ukraine, Canada and NATO.
God please bless this world, we really need you now more than ever in my lifetime.
Everybody everyday everybody everyday everybody everyday
Call out your elected officials.
I love America and I stand with Ukraine, Canada and NATO.
God please bless this world, we really need you now more than ever in my lifetime.
🚨WI Supreme Court Election🚨
Be a loyal AMERICAN woman and man and do this~
The word "out" ought to have been placed after the accurate descriptor of "fool" instead of where I inaccurately placed it.
Even so, fuck this guy and keep his fithy gopeeing attitudes OUT OF HERE!!
While Judge Crawford has spent her career working for us–Brad Schimel is too busy working for his wealthy donor, Musk.
Vote Judge Crawford for WI Supreme Court!
We are way ahead of you
(NOT April 11TH as some Crawford postcards stated. The opposing candidate's campaign did not respond to reporter's request for comment).
We need to do the same. Let's clear the benches and get every available person of good will and any public speaking abilities and let's get out there and speak.
Keep a light on his insanity.
Brought Us Hope
Crucifying Donald
I Pray’s A Con Job
Odds Are ? 🎲 🎲
He did the same thing in Harris County last year, and we lost all but two Appeals Court judges.
Every election, from nationwide races to the school board.
Thanks for the reminder Pres
Doesn’t matter about some state Supreme Court race .
If they remove the judges, it is game over .
I don’t believe anyone thinks he’s not doing anything. 🙄
Nice to hear from you.
US Citizens
PS: It also didn't help to write "Jill Stein", "RFK Junior" or anyone else on the ballot. That also helped Trump win.
Praying for an overwhelming victory.
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” - Barack Obama
I early voted in person for the Nov election. Looking today, my vote was never counted.
I’m showing up to the polls on April 1. My vote is being counted this time. Fuck the gimmicks. I was disenfranchised last time, and I’m pissed.
In 2020 we placed our early in person voting ballots in the tabulator.
If I had known, I would have waited and voted on Election Day.
I won’t make that mistake again.
Keep reading until you see “I’m voting in person on Election Day”
This has to stop!
American citizens
He's Doing It AGAIN NOW!!
Time For EVERYONE To Do Something. Share This. Give. VOTE.
I'm convinced it's just a kink to complain to and condemn Black people because this makes zero sense.
You can’t possibly believe he is sitting back twiddling his thumbs right now.
His eye is on local races. His voice will not stop or change the fraudsters agenda.
There will be no super heroes in this movie. This has to be a people-powered movement.
What you you actually expect these leaders and former leaders to DO???
Get arrested?? How would that help anyone??
Everyone calling you out on white privilege and racism is 100% correct.
What are YOU doing?? Anything?
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” - Barack Obama
We are all counting on YOU to please vote for Jude Susan Crawford!
Wisconsin vote April 1st
🇺🇸💙 Susan Crawford 💙🇺🇸
This is for the balancing of the Supreme Court AWAY from MAGA.
DonJr Said:
"This presidency can be put to a halt with this vote.”
DonJr Is Right!
Time To,
"Vote Blue For Sue!"
"Vote Away Schlemiel Schimel!"
Refuse All #MUSK Vote Bribery!
🇺🇸 🗽
Next, would you and the rest of the Justice League please speak publicly on the state of our union, Constitutional crises, & whether there is sufficient evidence of domestic terrorism?💌
And while we're at it, where the hell is George Bush? Not talking about the MAGAT takeover, that's for sure.
OBAMA 2028
It's a fair question.
The Zionists made a deal with Hitler in 1933 & helped him to punish the Jewish people who refused to convert to Zionism, hence the Concentration camps. Mainstream Jews are NOT the problem, it's the greedy of the Zionists.
You know the assignment:
Barack Obama
Vote Save Wisconsin Court!
Beat the Billionaire
at the Polls!
#Wisconsin #Obama
e lon is trying to get judges elected who will help him with this…. See my pinned posts and attached videos in the comments.
Here’s the ring leader… yarvin.
Then again, Americans put that felon in the White House on purpose *after* those convictions, so who knows?
I'm cautiously optimistic.
Yes,in Wisconsin.
You can't just treat this as normal
About 90 million people did vote who were eligible to vote. Then you have the others who voted for Stein or whoever else that didn’t listen. 🙄
Yet the #vichydemocrats want US to focus on these races &🖕 "midterms"?
They can RIGHTEOUSLY fuck off😡
Do you not realize what they are up against. Someone is trying to wipe out black history!
But yes it’s like who’s going to lead?? Believe me I’m shouting loudly saying do something already. Complacency sucks