I saw the show last year and am going again in May. He had a wonderful video on the screen during Rhythm of my Heart that showed the war and the brave Ukrainian people. He also had some anti Trump shout outs. I love that man.
Even though I'm so sad rn it makes me perk up when I see moral people stand up for what's right and just. We have ALL the ageny but we also need critical mass. So our fight now is to go out and gather support for Ukraine and all forces for freedom and democracy.
Couldn’t agree with you more - in the big scheme of things who gaf what he calls the country? The only thing that matters is his support for the Ukraine, he has a big platform to use for that purpose.
It’s the appropriate way to address the nation of Ukraine. Similar to mispronouncing someone’s name or omitting one’s title (ie. Ka-mahla v. Comma-la) it’s less respectful. Appears misinformed or as if it wasn’t proofread.
The intention is not lost, support for Ukraine is clear regardless.
Let's not forget that RS was born during WWII (in fact conceived in a bomb shelter). He grew up hearing stories of his father working as an Air Raid Precautions volunteer during the war despite being too old to serve. Dangerous work lighting fires in the wood to trick the Germans. He knows.
Right. Where are all the artists performing about the destruction of our country?
More proof that music had it in the 70s & today’s musicians don’t hold a candle to that era. The greatest musicians knew how to write music & protest.
Proud to be a Rod Stewart fan since Every Picture Tells a Story in 1971!
Rod Stewart on aftermath of Trump-Zelenskyy clash: “We must keep supporting the Ukrainians.” He also praised Keir Starmer for welcoming the Ukrainian president to Downing Street
As a kid in the early 80s, I remember being terrified and then furious every time I was under my damned desk with the loudspeaker blaring during the twice yearly test. And my R-phobia has only grown since then. 😎🇺🇦💪
I'm an older Gen X and I remember my parents telling me they grew up with it (they were born during WWII) so prob started in the 50s at the start of the Cold War. It was still around in the early to mid 80s, IIRC.
Yes, I grew up knowing Russia was the bad guys, going through duck and cover at school, figuring out how to turn the basement into a bomb shelter, and wondering if the missiles in Cuba we’re going to get us. Everyone else has amnesia… or prefers the racist lifestyle.
As one of those boomers, I don't get it either. It baffles me to no end. So many folks my age have turned into the same angry, bitter old assholes that used to yell us about our hair and that damned rock & roll.
Don’t trust trump and musk!! They got a plan and I think when it’s done they end up in Russia! They don’t care about American they are going to steal everything! United States siding with Russia?? Come on they are going to steal all of Wall Street! Can’t you feel it ???
Russians what are you waiting for? You need to #end that fucking scumbag, war criminal PUTIN. Do it for yourselves. You need to gut this pos war criminal. Anyone can end this madness and NOW!! Save yourself RUSSIA 🇷🇺
“They hacked into my campaign account, I do believe that all the information released publicly hurt Clinton and didn’t hurt Trump. ... What we should do is not turn on each other but work as one people to push back on Russia.”
Oh right, and that followed on from his heartfelt plea for Israel to stop bombing the bejesus out of Palestinians?
Why do the Brits love Zionista and hate the Russians?
My great grandma also just yells out random thoughts. God bless them.
But, he ain't wrong or did he get Americans and Russians mixed up. Does he know they're the same at the moment. It's just so hard to keep up these days, like being over 100 and still working for the Office of Strategic Services.
Most of Ukraine's mineral wealth is located in the "Ukrainian Shield," spanning territories like Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhya, and Dnipropetrovsk — regions that are largely under Russian control.
which Russians? when Putin started putting up the Stalin posters, I did warn people that he might change. How long ago was that? It was a seamless change for most of the US.
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
they only have the power we give them
they can't take all our breath away
make their money have no meaning
make their pretty world go gray
don't buy their shit
don't give your labor
let them eat cake
they just want to be your slaver
don't buy their shit
don't waver
rediscover low tech
and savor
Not attending the State of the Union to listen Trumb gaslight US is the minimum we expect from Democrats; attending is complying and giving credibility to the incredible.
And it’s starting to sound like Democrats are going to fail US again.
Pass this on if you agree.
Russians have something over Trump's head, I wonder what it is? Is there any evidence of Trump being a spy, perhaps a film in a Moscow hotel, or involved in money laundering? It is one of the three possibilities; with certainty, the correct answer will be revealed in due course.
Rod is a genuinely nice guy by all accounts. My father’s close friend played on his men’s soccer league team in LA and at the end of the season he used to fly the team to the UK for a weekend to stay at his country house and have a friendly with former England national team players.
Listen to your great-great-grandfather of rock 'n' roll. He makes much sense. :) And some of us actually own his vinyl albums. "Wake up Maggie, I think I've got something to say to you..."
Also, he's been singing that song for, what 4 or 5 decades? and he still gives it fun energy. clearly, he loves what he does.
He also likes model trains. It doesn't get much better 😁
years ago to the Vegas show and it was one the best concerts I’d ever been to. He’s amazing still! ❤️
Thank you Rod Stewart from an American that supports Ukraine 💯percent!
Thank you for sharing 🥰
Greetings from the Netherlands 🌷
The intention is not lost, support for Ukraine is clear regardless.
We really need YOU to support these two Florida candidates in special elections… even a tiny bit. This is where YOU can make a stand.
Love him.
Neither do I
More proof that music had it in the 70s & today’s musicians don’t hold a candle to that era. The greatest musicians knew how to write music & protest.
Rod Stewart on aftermath of Trump-Zelenskyy clash: “We must keep supporting the Ukrainians.” He also praised Keir Starmer for welcoming the Ukrainian president to Downing Street
But most of the people still have a heart💙
Now, he’s grandpa randomly yellin’ out “Don’t trust the Russkies!” And I’m lovin’ this so much!!
Who here are old hell-raisers still protesting from long ago? ✌️
- Sen. Lindsey Graham
Dec. 14th, 2016
Why do the Brits love Zionista and hate the Russians?
But, he ain't wrong or did he get Americans and Russians mixed up. Does he know they're the same at the moment. It's just so hard to keep up these days, like being over 100 and still working for the Office of Strategic Services.
You’re sexy when you yell about not trusting the Russians!✌🏾😁
they can't take all our breath away
make their money have no meaning
make their pretty world go gray
don't buy their shit
don't give your labor
let them eat cake
they just want to be your slaver
don't buy their shit
don't waver
rediscover low tech
and savor
Tyranny cannot prevail over people who refuse to succumb to it.
And it’s starting to sound like Democrats are going to fail US again.
Pass this on if you agree.
Are the English any more trustable? The Americans? The Ukrainians?
No. Long, long lists of lies from all the above.
FO Rod.