I'm replaying the Mass Effect series, and I'm just amazed at how well the DLC was for it, it's a shame we'll never get that again, at least not in any quantity
I miss being excited about DLC which added a new story arc and characters to experience. Even a nice map pack for CoD or Halo was nice. I hate how the games industry nickles and dimes their audience.
DLC nowadays is the definition of the most useless content just to justify paying over 60 bucks, and publishers are constantly looking for an excuse to permanently raise the prices.
Call me crazy but DLC should be announced and created AFTER the initial release and reception. Imagine all the time wasted on the dlcs while the main game suffers from optimization and bugs. It is just more greedy behavior in the industry
There are SO MANY games doing SO MANY different things with DLC, there is no more singular “should be” than there is a “what video games are doing with DLC”.
I dunno. Sure, there’s some games selling DLC at a way over-inflated price, but those are usually the typical culprits (EA, Ubisoft, etc). I feel like a lot of other games with DLC are at least acceptable.
There’s no money in that, gotta cut the base game up and sell it piece meal.
Completely unrelated:
There are SO MANY games doing SO MANY different things with DLC, there is no more singular “should be” than there is a “what video games are doing with DLC”.
...except From Software.