I deleted the app around November because things just got too toxic and it got a bit much reading some really stupid shit about the Lions constantly. Mental health immediately got better so that was a nice side effect. Realized recently I didn’t actually deactivate my account so I did that. Its nice
mine is just too crowded, got into entirely too many servers when I first got it and it's overwhelming. I need to clear it out down to just the few I actually care about, but it's still less intuitive than just sending links directly on the site I'm on. I'm pretty simple tbh lol
We have cookies
It’s like unpacking a suitcase you took to Vegas a week after you returned home.
But honestly, the world is better when you do 🙂
so, who are you aiming to impress, Cooterbang?
Starting over weeded out the B.S bots.
Social Media is not real, don't get emotional
I moved a chat to snap and deactivated. It caused some stress early, but the group is still chatting away!
Toxicity gone.