I don't get this. Luigi didn't make any statement or deliver a message to the public, he just (probably) shot a guy who may or may not have deserved it, and ran away. How is a textbook murder TERRORISM?
WE did the terrorism. People online praising Luigi and making a class war folk hero out of him.
Are we sure he didn't mean evoke terror into the CEOs? I mean the desired affect was certainly achieved when all those insurance CEOs took down their About pages.
Watch what government reacts to:
* If they do it quickly and decisively, it's something the wealthy are concerned about.
* If they slow-walk it, dragging it through studies and commitees, it's something the rich don't want.
That’s why this fucking “terrorism theater” is such bullshit. He planned, waited, and executed a guy, it’s captured on video, that’s 1st degree murder, which can get a sentence of life in prison in NYS. You don’t need a terrorism enhancement.
Charge the crime that was committed, not your fantasy!
You are correct. I didn’t realize that in NYS, basically to be 1st degree murder for killing a single person, it has to be a cop/judge/guard/1st responder, or part of another crime, or a murder for hire. Or be in the furtherance of an act of terrorism. Which is whatever. Catch all clause.
putting aside the way the state selectively prosecutes it, it was a textbook example of terrorism. that doesn't change the way i feel about the act, tho.
the definition of terrorism i know is that it is using violence or threat of violence as a means to achieve political, social or ideological goals. if a school shooter has that sort of motive it is terrorism.
the catch-22 for the state is that if they prosecute someone as a terrorist is that they can end up highlighting the ideological aims of their purported terrorist. that's probably part of the justification for not charging dylan roof with it, even though they probably should have.
in this case, showing the rich they'll be protected outweighs that consideration. the state will close ranks with its benefactors and pretend this is terror against the masses when it's just terror against the plutocrats.
It doesn't make anyone but Healthcare CEOs scared, the rest of us don't feel much sympathy because the CEOs terrorize all of us with denying life saving Healthcare.
Apparently I’m an anarchist at heart. But I don’t recommend it for anybody else, nor do I imagine that looking around for other dumb anarchists to plot shenanigans with is a good idea. I’m no lone wolf either. I’m a lone sea otter. Happy holidays! https://biffogram.substack.com/p/anarchy-101
So what they’re saying is, if you don’t like the systems that are in place to keep you down and rebel against them in any way, shape or form, then you’re a terrorist. I don’t profit off of death and destruction of lives, and I personally wasn’t terrified by it in the slightest
Right after the shooting was announced, they were trying so hard to reassure the population at large that there was no threat to the population at large
I don’t recall any part of the People ever being afraid after this shooting.
I think terror is good sometimes. I think those in power should live in fear of the consequences of their actions, rather than be comfortable in the knowledge that there aren't any.
This is the same guy who went after this dumb lady who foolishly gave 10,000 dollars for guns to an entity of Daesh, which is a paltry sum for guns, yet this guy gave her the full hardcore terrorism treatment and got her locked away for years. Pure politics for setting an example, just like now.
they expect me to be afraid of the 26 year old with a pokemon in his Twitter banner? Just cuz he shot a wealthy CEO? That's called the people rising up, baby. the 1% should be very scared, though 🥰
I’d say he evoked plenty of terror - in the ruling class of oligarchs who have grown fat and happy off the blood and sweat of us working class. And you know what? Good.
You see, Luigi’s actions go against what this system is all about— privatizing essential care in order to exploit the most vulnerable members of society to benefit the wealthiest members of society
CEO's should be scared. They should live in constant fear. But instead they feel like they engage in crooked behavior with impunity because of all the financial loopholes, regulatory loopholes, speech they can by with vast sums of money and the ability to stonewall prosecution with wealth.
WE did the terrorism. People online praising Luigi and making a class war folk hero out of him.
but then again, I don't own any mansions built from the bones of poor people
* If they do it quickly and decisively, it's something the wealthy are concerned about.
* If they slow-walk it, dragging it through studies and commitees, it's something the rich don't want.
Fascism isn't something they're scared of, hence slow-walking J6.
They want this shut down now. They dodged a close one with OWS, and this is even riskier.
Charge the crime that was committed, not your fantasy!
Dissecting the Name Letter Cryptographic Algorithm in Recent Assassination Attempts
If Rittenhouse and Penny are free, Luigi should be too...
I don’t recall any part of the People ever being afraid after this shooting.