And will those tractors, which will not be used for agricultural work, be using red diesel or rebated biofuels, which is intended for agricultural work, or will they all fill up at their local petrol station, before setting off?
They’re exempt from the Public Order Act as well. Farmers won’t be arrested & put in jail on remand. Equal under the law is total bollocks, demonstrably the 🇬🇧 has political prisoners, such is the erosion of values in politics we jail peaceful protest against our imminent extinction. Justice my arse!
I assume that the usual suspects will be applauding when a fed up bloke in a Range Rover drags a farmer out of the road, like they did with JSO protesters.
First, I don't believe in the preferential tax breaks given to them for IHT, however, I think they would argue that the 3M is land value and so they need to find an extra 20k cash per year until the tax is paid that they didn't have before (unless they sell the land).
I would suspect there might well be other non-land/business assets in the estate that could be sold/encashed. Sales of IHT insurance are going to see a big rise in the wealthy end of farmers
Yes, it's not ONLY about land, but one assumes other assets include things like equipment which they'd need if they're inheriting and running it. Fundamentally, should farmers receive tax breaks that normal people don't? Given that it's often used as a dodge, I understand why this change was made.
The other assets (equipment , seeds, machinery) will get BPR.
I’ve seen quite a few people , in my former professional life, piling cash into agri land specifically to mitigate CGT after a business sale , holdco dividends, or sale of farmland for houses, and to avoid IHT.
I think I'll have a look to see which route they're taking. It would be a shame if I had to change a tyre in the middle of the road and keep them all waiting.
It’s amazing the media coverage this group is getting. Almost as if they’re some sort of special case…compared with say, carers, the Covid bereaved or those with disabilities.
Or a million marching against Brexit.
I’ve never known a protest to have as much supportive pre- publicity.
The Countryside Alliance march shortly after the Labour government came in and a private member’s bill to ban fox-hunting was given Government support. Landowners were hiring coaches for their tenants, and our vicar sent out a letter asking the village to attend. Huge media coverage at the time.
maybe the press tomorrow should ask them exactly how it effects them personally as well ? and query what they say, nah course not because the narrative has been set anyway ... corrupt media
They would not be driving their tractors into London if they were not exempt from ULEZ.
They would bemoan about having to pay another form of tax that they can not afford.
So let me get this straight, they are exempt from the usual fuel duty (red diesel tax is much less) they are exempt from ULEZ charges and they will pay half the inheritance tax that others who inherit businesses do, and still they're demonstrating at what they see as unfair treatment?
The rebated red diesel can only be used for an agricultural purpose. IHT protests are not an agricultural purpose so the tanks should be drained and refilled with white diesel.
Yes, I guess your point is that they still enjoy a lot of easements and they're protesting about the IHT, even though they're still not on a level playing field with non-farmers.
I think there is a lot of anger that they voted as a bloc for Brexit. They can also easily hand their farms onto their children 7 years before they die. And there are lots of reports that this new tax will really only impact billionaires about whom I could not give a single fuck.
I think para 12 of Notice 75 allows some 'agricultural use' on the roads such as taking livestock to market, but generally agree it can't be used on the public highway for non-agricultural use.
Yes generally you’re only supposed to use it for specific agricultural purposes or using a public road to move from one agricultural plot to another things like that but driving into London to protest is clearly outside of the red diesel rules
Neither do they pay road tax for tractors and agricultural vehicles however this is an exemption that carries no constraints. Time to reconsider this I believe given the sheer size of these vehicles and the damage to roads they induce.
Also need to review the age of drivers, as 16 year olds are allowed to drive these beasts which are as powerful as hgvs and constitute a much greater risk on the roads than the original tractors of the 20th century.
Judging by the number of potato trailers travelling from field to store that hardly counts as incidental. Especially as rented fields become further distant from the origin of the farmer. Farming is a business not a vocation and should be taxed as such. Maybe if they are charitably growing food……
Agricultural purposes include taking produce to market or processing (including slaughter), moves to associated storage, delivering agricultural waste from the farm to a waste tip. It would be unrealistic (IMHO) to expect farmers to keep a 2nd tractor on white for those 'incidental' trips.
The farmers are law abiding and not stupid, and will have been reminded of their responsibilities by so I'm willing to bet any tractors on the streets will be running on white diesel.
They clearly feel entitled, or else they wouldn't be protesting. Entitled people can feel the law doesn't apply to them. Btw, I'm sure the NFU has warned them.
To be fair, we don't know the story of each small farmer - there may be a lot of fear about an unknown future and future death duties/property values are unquantifiable.
I was trying to point out that red diesel is sold on both a taxable and non taxable basis at the same time. If I paid a 60/40 split taxed/non taxed then I can use the red diesel vehicle for both uses. I don't have to drain the red diesel and go to the garage and fill with white diesel just to move
Good point, but that is a concession for private pleasure craft. I don't think the 'honesty box' would ever work with vehicles and para 7.2 of Notice 75 bans the use of a dual tank fuel system for vehicles that swap between rebated and unrebated fuel.
I hope that they've drained all of the red diesel out of their fuel tanks and replaced it with white (full tax paid) diesel!
I’d hate to see them all prosecuted.
Does this mean that I’ll be free to drive my van all over the Devon countryside without fear of being held up by one (like I usually am) as they’ll all be in London Town?
I haven't yet seen Adam Brooks back at the old pace fuming about people missing hospital appointments and ambulances being delayed due to the protest...
I guess those things only happen during 'woke' protests.
Can someone explain the farmers in UK thing to me from a UK perspective? I shouldn’t throw stones from my glass house across the pond, but what are they distracting you from that so many are up in arms about farmers? Genuinely curious.
The farming community has been grossly over represented in the Conservative govts, of the last 14 years. Not getting it all their own way they are threatening disruption.
Because farmers receive many tax exemptions, subsidies and privileges not available to the rest of us. In this case they are protesting against a tax change that would benefit a small number of wealthy property owners with no impact on the majority of farms.
I saw a theory somewhere that politicians should never fuck with anyone who is depicted in Richard Scarry books, but IIRC he mainly drew cows and pigs and other farm animals, albeit engaged in human occupations. Don’t farmers feed swanburgers to pigs? Surely they’re at more risk from the Scarry law?
It's one of those things that strikes emotive chords. Think of WW2 rationing and identity. Unfortunately "emotional politics" is often detached from the realities at play. This is ultimately about wealthy ppl not wanting to be taxed when they die.
But those who do will see their commutes to work blocked or severely hampered. Just because a segment of the landowning class doesn’t want to pay a tax the rest of us have to.
Exactly this , those girls in belmarsh for throwing tomato soup on a painting covered in glass
If they stop emergency ambulances they should go to prison
Why are tractors exempt from the congestion charge? No reason for them to be there... Under normal circumstances! 😅
Are they demonstrating about Brexit or inheritance tax?
I'd support the former. Unless they were gullible enough to vote for it. Which certainly wasn't everyone.
If they are treated like Just Stop Oil protesters they should be arrested, charged then given ridiculously long prison sentences. Not sure this will happen 🤔
Correcting my comment earlier.
Many are road tax exempt.
For journeys of 1.5 miles ONLY.
Any further and they are breaking the law.
If they are further than 1.5 from their farm. They will need road tax, insurance and an MOT.
Add in the same punishment the climate protestors got for road blocking
Climate protestors blocking roads? Immediate arrests. Farmers blocking roads? Not a police van in sight. Funny how some protests are ‘disruptive’ while others are ‘understandable.’ Guess it depends on who’s holding the sign.
If they really knew about ‘regulations’ they’d realise that most of them won’t even be affected by Labour’s proposed inheritance tax,again, they did vote for Brexit…
Assume any tractors involved won't be using red diesel. Protesting surely isn't counted as an agricultural purpose.
Well what about the income from that? Or sell the land to the bloomin' tennant!
I’ve seen quite a few people , in my former professional life, piling cash into agri land specifically to mitigate CGT after a business sale , holdco dividends, or sale of farmland for houses, and to avoid IHT.
And all the farmers stoop up and clapped.
Or a million marching against Brexit.
I’ve never known a protest to have as much supportive pre- publicity.
They would bemoan about having to pay another form of tax that they can not afford.
Driving to London to join a procession isn't agriculture.
I’d hate to see them all prosecuted.
I guess those things only happen during 'woke' protests.
If they stop emergency ambulances they should go to prison
No, I didn't think so either.
Are they demonstrating about Brexit or inheritance tax?
I'd support the former. Unless they were gullible enough to vote for it. Which certainly wasn't everyone.
Yaay! One up for the Tory Tractor Porn Club!
Hold on....
Many are road tax exempt.
For journeys of 1.5 miles ONLY.
Any further and they are breaking the law.
If they are further than 1.5 from their farm. They will need road tax, insurance and an MOT.
Add in the same punishment the climate protestors got for road blocking
They maybe breaking insurance, MOT and tax laws by driving further than 4.5 miles from their property.
Be prepared for a lot of fines.
Time they joined the rest of us and paid up.
Climate protestors blocking roads? Immediate arrests. Farmers blocking roads? Not a police van in sight. Funny how some protests are ‘disruptive’ while others are ‘understandable.’ Guess it depends on who’s holding the sign.
This has nothing to do with 'defending farmers' this is all to do with greed. GREED.