“The most fragile, sensitive snowflake in history” gets his portrait taken down after throwing an epic hissy fit.
He is clearly deranged and sooner or later the Republicans will see that and take him down - then we get the Nazis care bear - oh shit
I was minded of this painting, which I also quite like
I’ve never had a painting done of myself. Perhaps some people are wanting purely their own idea of themselves portrayed?
Trump should buy a mirror
I'm sure we could find a lovely prominent position, for such a well loved portrait!? Maybe, in the toilets in Victoria station?!
Pretty hilarious
He'd not know a gym if it bit him on the arse & McDonald's is hardly muscle food. It's actually just vanity I guess. That overweening, rock solid belief you're the dog's wotsits in terms of attractiveness despite clear evidence to the contrary.
“one that depicts his contemporary likeness”.
That really is asking for it, isn’t it? There are so many..
And tbh it’s very flattering imo. What does he actually THINK he looks like?
And maybe there are some more important things to deal with? Like national security?
Fair enough:
'You're so vain'....