That was 2018! Before we USA 4% of the World population had 21% of the Covid Dead! So average 65 in many states! 5-20 years sooner in Red States! Crazy!
I've been struggling with this crappy healthcare system for over 30 yrs. My wife has MS and it's been a financial shit-show for decades. #MedicareForAll
Two things are true from this chart. We have lower life expectancy and much higher health care costs than peer countries. Yet, it doesn’t prove cause and effect. Other significant factors greatly reduce US life expectancy, like firearms and especially obesity.
Very true. In the case of obesity, however, nationalized healthcare increases the government’s self-interest toward protecting the health of its citizens, in order to reduce costs. Private healthcare benefits from obesity because it profits more from providing services and medications.
Take a moment and think about why Americans eat so much fast food… If you’re working 2+ jobs to make ends meet how much time and brain space do you have left to plan and cook healthy meals? Universal healthcare won’t solve everything, but it’s a start to reducing our stress levels.
I think a big factor is how few people in the US get preventative care; health insurance is set up to make getting non-essential care hard, and most people either have no insurance or can't afford the deductible(or medication).
Oh, look at us. Dying much younger than the rest of the world.
So glad folks want to drink unpasteurized milk, skip immunizations, and believe crystals & aroma therapy will cure serious disease. That graph will be moving down.
Yet another in the long line of graphs and data showing how much shit went off the rails from Reagan on. We sure are lucky that every president since him has just been a different flavor of Reagan.
For the for-profit insurance industry executives, there are two possible responses to this guy's assassination: triple down on security and hide yourself inside a cocoon where you'll feel safe or admit you're doing things wrong and reform the system. I bet 99 out of 100 of them are doing the first.
This helps the US manage the population age density issue unlike other first world nations with longer lives that are all starting to run into related problems 😉
Funny that when the government is the primary payer their limited funds keep cost low. When private insurers are the primary payer costs grow as long as they can be passed on to consumers. Big turnover = big bonuses! It's a con.
Maybe Elon musk will finally put it together. 🙄 It’s not that complicated. Every dollar of profit this industry makes is paid by a sick person that can’t access care. The insurance industry is a vampire.
Yes the parking is scandalous- but the free WiFi every UK hospital now has put the crooked TV suppliers out of business- and yes writing this after reading about the horrific stories of the US health system does sound ridiculous 🤣😭🤣
If you need more reasons to keep your medical systems, go to Sometimes I think Americans are so used to being abused by our system that we don't see it.
I live in Canada. Had a few surgeries, medical procedures, and emergency visits over the years. Never saw a single medical bill but OMG, why do we have to pay INSANE parking fee to visit the hospital? Why is parking 25 bucks at the hospital and free at any store, plaza, etc? It pisses me off!
This is one of the most telling and astonishing graphs I've ever seen. We in the U.S. pay double for Healthcare compared to other developed countries, and have worse health outcomes than they do.
1/ This is the data that I point to when told that over the last 15 years the USA well overshot the EU in terms of GDP per capita (thus average and not median). Also on average, the US "capita" hurt a lot. It may be that this quality of life is unsustainable (in France too much bought on credit).
... and France spends enormously on social as opposed to investments (the average, sic, retiree is doing quite well).
... in a time when investments are needed for climate and defense.
My daughter and her husband have a $6000 deductible for three people. They are fortunate to have a physician in the family who treats them for free. It's crazy to pay high health care premiums and you're unable to use it because of high deductibles.
Our healthcare system is bad, especially for those with congenital issues needing expensive treatment.
But the biggest contributor to longevity for most people is engaging in preventative habits like good diet and exercise that has little to do with healthcare expenditure, as the graph indicates
Not to worry, the orange genius has a concept of a plan to fix this that he has been working on for 10 urs now & should be ready in 2 weeks. (Can you say: he don't give a fuck?)
Corporate Greed controls ALL aspects of our lives. We live, eat, breathe, play, and work So that the American Oligarchy can grow fat and old on our subservient existence.
None of those other countries loses lots of its citizens, especially young ones, to gun and other violent deaths. We also have one of highest infant mortality rates in the advanced world. So we kill ourselves young.
We don’t have healthcare in the USA. We have insurance companies directing what doctors can or cannot do for their patients in order to receive reimbursement.
Insurance companies are terrorist organizations. They terrorize both doctors & patients via “extortion” (pre certification process).
Part of the problem is that Americans (for a host of reasons) suffer from "big dick-itis" which is why working/middle class people constantly vote against their interests. Carter was perceived to be weak. Reagan won because of it.
Well the problem started in the 70's with the stagflation, but then Reagan's policies kept us from ever recovering from that period. Loss of unions, lower taxes on the wealthy, and weakening of antitrust and other regulations all detached real wages from productivity.
We have perfected the prolonging of life as a method of extracting wealth. Other countries look to prolong life as a matter of health. Not such a subtle difference. Surprised more folks still haven't caught on. Hail the Dippity Doo.
And yet, those same ‘pissed’ people refuse to vote for any candidate that even hints at universal payer. The dreaded “Socialism”. 🤦🏻♀️ We coulda had Bernie!
It looks to me like the Danish numbers are wrong. We have 5 weeks of paid vacation - but actually somewhere around 90% have at least 6 weeks of paid vacation. And the number of paid holidays depends on which weekdays some of the days happens to be in a specific year - so probably not an integer
I can't figure out where it gets the figure from.
The UK used to have 24 days before they raised it to 28 in 2008.
The oldest of the graphic I can find is 2013 and that's not the original source either.
maybe it's because we can't afford to die. I mean have you seen how much a funeral costs... we can't afford to live, can't afford to die... what do we survive for?
I've seen posts saying, "You horrible ghouls, how can you celebrate a man's death?"
IMHO they're missing a dangerous point. It's not people stopping to look at a traffic accident. It's people feeling they are finally seeing a retribution for evil.
I can't speak for ER, of course. My own comments are based on my observation of human nature and my understanding of history, not on any philosophy or with any rationalization.
Blue States really should be ashamed of themselves. Seriously, if they were more like Europe or Japan, they would be up there. Instead they're only slightly better than red states.
Time to step up, people in America is not listening, they wanted Trump. Time to show them, do better.
Maybe it also has something to do with the culture of shoving down fast food sitting at a desk during a 15 minute lunch break. Better healthcare isn’t going to fix everything. We have to rebuild our culture around well being - body, mind and soul
It took 5 years after Reagan was voted into office (1980-1988) where the split was created. Bush continued the Republican administration for another 4 years.
All those countries doing well in the chart also managed the global pandemic much better than the US. I loosely tracked all those countries these past 5 years.
A number of things like lousy for profit healthcare, overwork-->stress-->poor diet of fast food due to limited time constraints. Those are all killers.
Yes but small thing is many of those are small countries like our states. And the diversity economically, make up is diverse and complex. I'm not saying there shouldn't be better care for all but it's complicated. Private equity needs to get out and ceos
Put Insurer Profitability on the graph and it becomes abundantly clear.
You don’t need thousands of personal anecdotes of harm.
The numbers speak.
Remember, we COULD have ended this under Obama but the fight was SO vicious from the right - including “Death Panel” propaganda from their leadership.
65+% of Americans are considered obese. Yes, diet is the first key. No need to dicuss the planet-sized amount of stats that prove proper diet and exercise improve your health. Cancer is what it is.
The rep thought, "Once you retire from the producer ranks, and are too old to watch your grandkids while both parents are killing themselves working overtime to make rent, why keep you around?
Instead he said, "We're working on it, just keep voting for us, we'll find a solution that works for all.🧐
American in Spain here. In addition to our excellent and free public system, I have complementary private insurance -- no deductibles, virtually no co-pays -- for about $800 per year. My monthly prescriptions are $1 each. And yes, the private providers still turn a profit.
My income taxes are exactly the same as they were in the U.S. -- about 30%. It's only the highest tax bracket that pays more than in the U.S., around 46%. And yet somehow it's still enough for every single citizen and tax-paying legal resident to access the public system whenever they need.
As another American living in Spain I totally agree. The combination of affordable private health insurance with public healthcare provides fabulous coverage. In Spain all health-related costs are regulated. My asthma medication was $550 a month but here is $45 without insurance.
The thing that bugs me out the most in the U.S. is that the citizens (the majority per capita) who would benefit from it the most are being convinced that it’s a waste of money or not even feasible to consider, that their tax dollars is better off being sent to support another country.
It's funny how the trend really started to skew during the Reagan administration, where taxes were severely cut for the rich. From that point forward, the republicans allowed the greed to flourish to where we are now. They constantly find or create ways to enrich themselves. Trickle down my ass!
But the problem is that the people who are the angriest seem to believe that universal healthcare is socialism and will destroy the quality of our medical system.
It's easy to blame it on "the other party," but it's all American propaganda. If they wanted to fix it, they would have. Look up how much money UHC gave to the candidates and PACS
Caused by billionaires getting wealthier by denying coverages making themselves wealthier in a rigged system benefits only billionaires.
Rest screwed over.
Elon Musk spent $4.5 billion getting Trump elected.
Add up all his costs.
$4.5 billion latest election to keep self out of jail
Sorry to say this, but this is one of a number of similar graphs that all show there is something very rotten at the core of the dream of the USA. The centuries long experiment has failed. Maybe time for a reset? One where greed isn’t in charge?
That kind of all or nothing, throw the baby out with the bathwater talk usually comes from the right. Our experiment needs constant tweaking, as the world changes. We can kinda see where things started going south economically for the middle class and below, since the Reagan administration.
I live in Marin county in California in the United States of America.
Marin’s average life expectancy is high (85.2 years) compared to California (81.0, 2020) and U.S. (76.4, 2021) estimates.
The WHO data does not support this. "As of 2022, the average life expectancy in the United States is 81 years... In Japan, the average life expectancy is 85 years."
Where did you get your US numbers from? They are too low.
Misleading graph. Life expectancy is shorter in the US is because our policies don’t care about the poor and disadvantaged, who can’t afford good or any health care and subsequently die much sooner, skewing the graph. The rich live long lives here. The money goes to the insurance companies.
The graph reflects just what you’re saying, as well as our propensity for violence, our high infant mortality rate, and other factors not as dominant in the rest of the “civilized” world.
Medicare and Medicaid are much more efficient:
So glad folks want to drink unpasteurized milk, skip immunizations, and believe crystals & aroma therapy will cure serious disease. That graph will be moving down.
Are you aware of this Congress? What are you doing about this?
... in a time when investments are needed for climate and defense.
But the biggest contributor to longevity for most people is engaging in preventative habits like good diet and exercise that has little to do with healthcare expenditure, as the graph indicates
Remember “pharma bro” who took relabeled an old drug then started charging expensive prices?
Insurance companies are terrorist organizations. They terrorize both doctors & patients via “extortion” (pre certification process).
—H.L. Mencken
And we all love to see it.
The UK used to have 24 days before they raised it to 28 in 2008.
The oldest of the graphic I can find is 2013 and that's not the original source either.
I've seen posts saying, "You horrible ghouls, how can you celebrate a man's death?"
IMHO they're missing a dangerous point. It's not people stopping to look at a traffic accident. It's people feeling they are finally seeing a retribution for evil.
When you lock the doors and bar the windows, people will break down the walls.
Authoritarians never realize they have pushed people too far until its too late.
And you can't stop a fire storm. It has to burn itself out.
Time to step up, people in America is not listening, they wanted Trump. Time to show them, do better.
If their lives were worth saving, they'd have been born rich.
You don’t need thousands of personal anecdotes of harm.
The numbers speak.
Remember, we COULD have ended this under Obama but the fight was SO vicious from the right - including “Death Panel” propaganda from their leadership.
Where did you find it?
Instead he said, "We're working on it, just keep voting for us, we'll find a solution that works for all.🧐
I hate it here!
Which I have no problem with.
They are brainwashed by the Republican Party.
Rest screwed over.
Elon Musk spent $4.5 billion getting Trump elected.
Add up all his costs.
$4.5 billion latest election to keep self out of jail
Marin’s average life expectancy is high (85.2 years) compared to California (81.0, 2020) and U.S. (76.4, 2021) estimates.
Where did you get your US numbers from? They are too low.
Where is this graph from?